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Oba Martins Thick As Mince.

Crumpy Gunt

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Alan Smith has his best game without doubt and comanded the airial encounters winning more than his fair share of flick ons - Martins, the thick twat never even tried to position himself once to recieve the flick on. One glaring example was the throw in that went straight across the 6 yard box brilliantly won by Smith and thick boy nowhere near getting onto it.


Hope he's been told the error of his ways for tomorrow

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good dummy for taylor's goal.


for the record smith's knock-ons were pretty haphazard, no real direction or finesse to them. he had a good game but it was a battling one full of effort, he wasn't getting the ball down and playing amazing through balls to anyone nor constantly delivering perfect flick-ons into space. he was forcing arsenal players into mistakes and ensuring the ball would spill loose for 50:50s. the chance mentioned in the OP was one of the few moments were he actually combined his physical presence with some direction. martins didn't make the kind of run a goalpoacher would for smith's flick on across the box, that's not his natural game tho he does it far better than smith. how many goalscoring positions did smith get into btw? not knocking smith, just saying as i did during the match that as a pairing neither will get into the good shooting positions viduka or owen will and that even when we create good openings there won't be anyone at the end of them as both smith and martins do their best work outside the box, smith harrassing and unsettling defenders, martins stretching them with his pace and movement. which is why i still think the best combos at the club are smith-owen or viduka-martins. at the moment the former duo looks the best as viduka's lack of movement is a bit of a liability, but if he can improve his fitness i think him and martins would make the best strike partnership.

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Alan Smith has his best game without doubt and comanded the airial encounters winning more than his fair share of flick ons - Martins, the thick t*** never even tried to position himself once to recieve the flick on. One glaring example was the throw in that went straight across the 6 yard box brilliantly won by Smith and thick boy nowhere near getting onto it.


Hope he's been told the error of his ways for tomorrow


regarding that incident, it was glaringly obvious that someone should have been there, we take every single throw in that way, trying to achieve exactly that, and the one time it happens, against ARSENAL! no-one was there!

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Produced one nice bit of play when he got it deep, drilled it into Viduka's feet and then ran on beyond him taking a defender away, he can do good things but lacks concentration and ball watches quite a bit as well. His overall play is improving though.


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Couldn't this have been mentioned the match thread?


Not going to get half the reaction in there though is he?


I think its a valid point.


I think its a typically negative point.


His was a typically negative performance. He was without a doubt the odd man out on Wednesday as he was the only Toon player not to raise his game.

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Produced one nice bit of play when he got it deep, drilled it into Viduka's feet and then ran on beyond him taking a defender away, he can do good things but lacks concentration and ball watches quite a bit as well. His overall play is improving though.


Like having a Bramble up front you mean?

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He tried a bit too hard to do it all himself. Will get better though imo.


We always have the "Wouldn't get into a top 4 team" shite but 1) We are FAR from a top 4 team and 2) If Kuyt, Adebayor, Kuyt, Saha, Crouch etc.. were here last year how many would have performed to a level where we would be saying "yeah xxxxxxx would definitely get into a top 4 team" ?

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Couldn't this have been mentioned the match thread?


Not going to get half the reaction in there though is he?


I think its a valid point.


I think its a typically negative point.


His was a typically negative performance. He was without a doubt the odd man out on Wednesday as he was the only Toon player not to raise his game.


Aye Rozenhal was immense, why hasn't he performed like that before!?

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Produced one nice bit of play when he got it deep, drilled it into Viduka's feet and then ran on beyond him taking a defender away, he can do good things but lacks concentration and ball watches quite a bit as well. His overall play is improving though.


Like having a Bramble up front you mean?


Do you know what i thought that exact thing as I wrote it. Apart from Martins has genuine potential whereas in Bramble's case it was always a case of hoping he 'might' one day eradicate all the mistakes from his game imo. Then again you get away with it up front.

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The problem with Smith and Martins as a partnership is that they aren't really a partnership.  Considering the amount of time that Smith's played in midfield this year, I imagine they've had very little time together to work on their strike partnership.  If they play together or Smith is played more regularly as a striker, I think we'll start to see some more understanding.

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Couldn't this have been mentioned the match thread?


Not going to get half the reaction in there though is he?


I think its a valid point.


I think its a typically negative point.


His was a typically negative performance. He was without a doubt the odd man out on Wednesday as he was the only Toon player not to raise his game.



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Couldn't this have been mentioned the match thread?


Not going to get half the reaction in there though is he?


I think its a valid point.


I think its a typically negative point.


His was a typically negative performance. He was without a doubt the odd man out on Wednesday as he was the only Toon player not to raise his game.




Ok, I'll settle for the draw.


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