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Sir Bobby Robson. *New poll*

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Somebody has had an idea, they think we, as fans, should do something for Sir Bobby and I agree.  They were looking for a mug to get something started and it would appear that I was the first option.


Are you interested?

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Since I'm not Newcastle-based, I can't help with the organising, but I'll definitely donate!


You could help with the organisation, I've already contacted one person for help, I'm not naming who just yet but if this person comes through then we're off to a great start.


This has to be fully inclusive, not just Newcastle-Online.

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Since I'm not Newcastle-based, I can't help with the organising, but I'll definitely donate!


You could help with the organisation, I've already contacted one person for help, I'm not naming who just yet but if this person comes through then we're off to a great start.


This has to be fully inclusive, not just Newcastle-Online.

I'll do what I can blueyes.gif

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We could do with as many people as possible knowing about this, if people use other forums then they could try to do something on those forums.  It would be good if one person co-ordinated on each forum rather than forcing people to come here who may not want to for whatever reason.  That would also help to make it appear that it was everybody doing something, which they would be anyway.


It would also be good it we came up with a list of who to contact then spread it out so people don't get hassled by too many people, we've got to get this right.

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I think it would be nice to have something that acts as a long lasting reminder of his contribution to NUFC and football in general.


Not something as predictable as a Statue.


Maybe a campaign to name a stand after him or something?


Oh, and count me in for both.

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I think it would be nice to have something that acts as a long lasting reminder of his contribution to NUFC and football in general.


Not something as predictable as a Statue.


Maybe a campaign to name a stand after him or something?


Oh, and count me in for both.


The East Stand :thup:

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Like a match involving players Robson has managed at his various clubs/country;


Ronaldo, Luis Figo, Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Alan Shearer, Rivaldo, Paul Gascoigne, Peter Beardsley, Romario, Phillip Cocu and others.


I will drop the names I have put in bold a text tonight or leave a message on there Facebook accounts.


Can someone contact Cocu.

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I think it would be nice to have something that acts as a long lasting reminder of his contribution to NUFC and football in general.


Not something as predictable as a Statue.


Maybe a campaign to name a stand after him or something?


Oh, and count me in for both.


The East Stand :thup:


Yeah - thats what I was thinking TBH but didn't want to offend any 'East Stand Lifers' who may have had season tickets there for years!


I'm not being funny, but after seeing him last night (which was bloody heartbreaking btw), it's clear he hasn't got long left and something like organising a match with many of his previous players may take too long to organise.


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Like a match involving players Robson has managed at his various clubs/country;


Ronaldo, Luis Figo, Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Alan Shearer, Rivaldo, Paul Gascoigne, Peter Beardsley, Romario, Phillip Cocu and others.


I will drop the names I have put in bold a text tonight or leave a message on there Facebook accounts.


Can someone contact Cocu.


Surely he has a MySpace?


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How many stands has Wembley got without names?  We could do something like ask the club and the FA if we can raise a certain amount for charity in Sir Bobby's name would they name a stand after him.

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Do you not think this is all going a little too fast? 35 minutes and so many different discussions points. If your going to contact the club, why not wait and see if we can come up with a decent proposal to put towards the club rather than an e-mail.

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Do you not think this is all going a little too fast? 35 minutes and so many different discussions points. If your going to contact the club, why not wait and see if we can come up with a decent proposal to put towards the club rather than an e-mail.


I think I put the brakes on while you were posting but good point.

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I'm liking the Robson Stand idea. It's got a nice ring to it.


"The Milburn, the Gallowgate, the Leazes and the Robson." :)


It does have a nice ring to it, I also like the charity idea as it would mean we were doing something to get it done, it wouldn't just be from the club.


Maybe the club could say that they'll do it if we raise £xxxx.

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"The Sir Bobby Robson Stand"


Have a game involving the greats he managed to open the new stand  :parky:


Maybe contact the Evening Chronicle, they seemed to handle the Local Hero situation respectably and the club mentioned they would be willing to listen to further enquiries.

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