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If not Sam, who then?

Guest Knightrider

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This club won't be happy till Alan Shearer is appointed manager!! Absolutely now point in employing foreign managers and the rest are just sub-standard! If only Sir Bobby was 20 years younger!!!!!!!!!!!


Lets hope when the time comes, be it tomorrow or in five years time, that Ashley and Mort don't listen to people like you.


A large section of our crowd yesterday were singing for Shearer, not me I'll add.

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This club won't be happy till Alan Shearer is appointed manager!! Absolutely now point in employing foreign managers and the rest are just sub-standard! If only Sir Bobby was 20 years younger!!!!!!!!!!!


Lets hope when the time comes, be it tomorrow or in five years time, that Ashley and Mort don't listen to people like you.


A large section of our crowd yesterday were singing for Shearer, not me I'll add.


think thats what they want or was it just for affect to let Sam know they dont want him any more ?

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May aswell keep SA till atleast the summer, Wait till the Euro's are over because 1 or 2 managers might become available.


Scolari has already announced that hes going to be leaving after Euro 2008. Might be a good replacement if its needed.

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think thats what they want or was it just for affect to let Sam know they dont want him any more ?


I'm not sure, possibly a bit of desperation and a common name for everybody to get behind but it was very loud and it was more than once.


All I can say with some degree of certainty is that he's lost the crowd and I'm not sure it's recoverable.

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I was going to start a new thread for this, but thought it pointless, so i'll do it here. Let's list all the positive changes that sam has made to this club. I'll start:


1. isn't letting shola ameobi near the first team

2. got rid of bramble, babayaro, sibierski moore et al

3. brought in some decent signings given our financial situation and reputation (i.e. cacapa, faye, enrique, geremi, viduka)

4. Released Albert Luque, one of the few players who is ideally suited to the left side of a 433, meaning we could play the natural    born left winger james milner there (if luque never left, we would not have realised milner's true position)

5. tried to convert nobby solano into a holding midfield player, after circa 14 professional years as a right sided midfielder who can fill in at left back

6. bought alan smith, a fighter and a leader who embodies the manager's spirit out on the pitch

7. brought a top class fitness plan, that wowed the fans pre-season with heart rate monitors on the players in austria, and has already proved its success with late wins over birmingham and fulham (ignoring the fact that assist for both late goals came from substitutes)

8. Training emphasis on fitness and stamina, which everyone in the professional world knew needed sorting at newcastle

9. rugby-style microphone technology, so he can control the action from up in the stands in the first half

10. saved costs in ball boys, as they are not needed as much cause the fans up in the stands get to throw the ball back onto the pitch more, due to our scientific percentages tactics

11. made an effort to win the fans over, telling them that he understands their frustration, and that we will understand his forward-thinking genius when his contract is over and we see the club is moving forward (though i'm not sure if that will be due to the fact he is leaving, or the fact that he'll have improved us).


Anybody else care to throw some positives in? This regime is far from dead i tell thee!!


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It's just a rumour as far as I'm aware, I have no idea what length of contract he's on.



It's not a rumour, he only signed a 1 year contract with Bayern and will decide at the end of January what he'll do after that.

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Guest Ridzuan

Big Sam wasnt my first choice.I wanted Ramos or Sven then,but of course now its all too late.I doubt we will get a big name for our next manager.Probably another manager with Big Sam reputation

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I was going to start a new thread for this, but thought it pointless, so i'll do it here. Let's list all the positive changes that sam has made to this club. I'll start:


1. isn't letting shola ameobi near the first team

2. got rid of bramble, babayaro, sibierski moore et al

3. brought in some decent signings given our financial situation and reputation (i.e. cacapa, faye, enrique, geremi, viduka)

4. Released Albert Luque, one of the few players who is ideally suited to the left side of a 433, meaning we could play the natural    born left winger james milner there (if luque never left, we would not have realised milner's true position)

5. tried to convert nobby solano into a holding midfield player, after circa 14 professional years as a right sided midfielder who can fill in at left back

6. bought alan smith, a fighter and a leader who embodies the manager's spirit out on the pitch

7. brought a top class fitness plan, that wowed the fans pre-season with heart rate monitors on the players in austria, and has already proved its success with late wins over birmingham and fulham (ignoring the fact that assist for both late goals came from substitutes)

8. Training emphasis on fitness and stamina, which everyone in the professional world knew needed sorting at newcastle

9. rugby-style microphone technology, so he can control the action from up in the stands in the first half

10. saved costs in ball boys, as they are not needed as much cause the fans up in the stands get to throw the ball back onto the pitch more, due to our scientific percentages tactics

11. made an effort to win the fans over, telling them that he understands their frustration, and that we will understand his forward-thinking genius when his contract is over and we see the club is moving forward (though i'm not sure if that will be due to the fact he is leaving, or the fact that he'll have improved us).


Anybody else care to throw some positives in? This regime is far from dead i tell thee!!



Ha, thought you were being serious until I got down to no.4......

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why would a top manager want to come here?

all good managers want a little bit of time , to put things right

one thing you do not get as a toon manager is time so why would they come?



If a manager is trusted by the fans then he gets time, Keegan and Bobby both had time.  Managers who don't look like delivering don't get time.

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but in some respects, like with souness, itis better not to have a manager at all as the players feel released once the current manager goes. just put someone in there who can pick the team every saturday

i think its fair to say it was more that souness was no longer there than because roeder was, as the reason we finished that season so well.


who takes charge in teh interim i dont know but i am getting a sense it would have a more positive affect on the players


am most interested to know what the general atmosphere is like around the club/training ground. Is it happy go lucky or is there an air of tension around the place

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if sam goes, it'll be shearer, no doubt



I fear that to be true.


If its on a temporay basis then I wouldnt have a problem with that because in the short term, I think that would have a positive effect on the team. Short term, we need to get some points on the board and some feel-good factor around the club

This would also act as a good training period for Alan whilst allowing the club to scour the continent for the best next man for the job. There is no doubt that Alan is one day going to be our full time manager but I hope the "full time" job isnt in the near future.


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I know the type of manager we don't need and that's defensive minded managers. Newcastle fans want to be entertained. Unlike the media bollocks "we'd rather lose 4-3 than win 1-0" we would rather win 4-3 than grind out 1-0 wins. Don't tell me you can't win games with entertaining football. Look at Man U and Arsenal. Ferguson and Wenger's teams play attacking football. We aren't in their league but teams like Reading and Man City have a go at entertaining. In hindsight Sven would have been a good choice for us (although based on his England days you would never have guessed he would play attacking football).


We need a motivator. Someone who can inspire the team to come flying out the blocks at the start of both halves of the game. I can't stand Allardyce's "we must worry about what the opposition can do" attitude. It should be let the opposition worry about us.

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