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Do you respect any of our players?

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider

Given and Milner are two players and indeed people I respect, the rest though I honestly couldn't give a damn about and that's kind of sad I think and maybe says more about the game as a whole than just our poor displays.


Which players, if any do you respect? Is fans respecting players even important these days?

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Guest toonlass

Given(for his work for McMillan Cancer), Harper(for his loyalty), Butt(for coming back from Birmingham and getting his head down and working hard), Milner(for much the same with the Villa transfer day fiasco and coming back to do a job well) and Habib Beye (for realising that the Geordies appreciate hard work).

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Guest Southern Geordie

I respect Givens lloyalty. I respect N'Zogbias ability, same with Milner to a certain extent. Respect what Butt's done with his career and his battling. I'm struggling to think of any others.

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Given(for his work for McMillan Cancer), Harper(for his loyalty), Butt(for coming back from Birmingham and getting his head down and working hard), Milner(for much the same with the Villa transfer day fiasco and coming back to do a job well) and Habib Beye (for realising that the Geordies appreciate hard work).


Can't argue with this.

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I respect Harper, Milner and Beye. I really dont give a shit about any other club regulars any more.


Aren't you in love with Geremi? Surely you should respect the one you love?


I appreciate his role as a good first teamer, but I think that he is a shit captain. I don't care about the fact that it is him captaining our team.

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Given(for his work for McMillan Cancer), Harper(for his loyalty), Butt(for coming back from Birmingham and getting his head down and working hard), Milner(for much the same with the Villa transfer day fiasco and coming back to do a job well) and Habib Beye (for realising that the Geordies appreciate hard work).


Can't argue with this.


Was going to say the same  :thup:

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Steven Taylor? The only player in the current squad who actually supports the club isn't he?


Steven 'I'm so big and important and deseve to get paid more than better players because I'm a Geordie' Taylor does not have my respect right now.

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I respect Harper, Milner and Beye. I really dont give a shit about any other club regulars any more.


Aren't you in love with Geremi? Surely you should respect the one you love?


I appreciate his role as a good first teamer, but I think that he is a shit captain. I don't care about the fact that it is him captaining our team.


Fair do's. I would say those toonlass said were good choices, maybe a bit early for Beye though.

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Guest toonlass

Steven Taylor? The only player in the current squad who actually supports the club isn't he?


Peter Ramage and David Edgar(even though he is Canadian) are both Toon Supporters apparantly. However the shit with Taylor's dad in the Ronnie Gill has left me feeling strange about Taylor, made him sound like a mercenary.

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Guest Stephen927

Milner for getting his head down last season despite being mucked around in the transfer window.

Butt for his performances post Birmingham, and the way he has kept his head down and grafted hard to win over the fans again.

Shay Given for his loyalty and professional attitude.


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I don't know about respecting players or otherwise, but I wouldn't be inclined to give any of that shower a Xmas break next year. Planks like Barton just end up in jail cells with too much time on their hands.

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