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One of the reasons why we've been turned down many a time in the past is because

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider

Managers when considering job offers want certain guarantees such as;


1: A transfer kitty

2: Ability to bring in own back-room staff

3: Time


No manager asks for a 12 month contract, they want long-term deals because they know it takes years to build a new team, longer to turn around a struggling outfit.


Dalglish, Gullit, Souness and Roeder all got just over 12 months, Sir Bobby was sacked for finishing 5th and Big Sam is being judged after just 20 games.


Seriously, those who think we'd be able to attract a high calibre manager need to re-evaluate things. Just because we have a billionaire owner, 50,000 plus gates and ply our trade in the Premier League doesn't necessarily mean we could attract a high quality man. Furthermore, we don't even know whether Ashley and Mort could even identify one. For all we know Ashley's idea of what kind of team he wants to see could have been impressed on him by Portsmouth's win at SJP so for all we know Harry Redknapp could be considered a top manager in the eyes of Ashley.


We've all had a snapshot of what the industry itself thinks about the Newcastle job, Sir Alex says it's a poisoned chalice while Wenger et al have all stressed that Big Sam needs time. How would potential new managers view the job? Remember the names that's turned us down the the past, Steve Bruce for example. That was at a time when Shepherd was guaranteed to back managers, something he was praised for and held in high regard within the game for doing.


Under Ashley, no-one knows. If anything having a billionaire in charge could make things even tougher. Managers look for good working conditions, especially your top managers who can pick and choose. I don't see many good working conditions at Newcastle at the moment.


No, if we were to sack Big Sam I don't think we'd be able to even attract the likes of Moyes, why would he leave Everton to join us just to get us to where he's already got Everton? Same applies to Hughes et al. Not that I'd want them as they'd represent a sideways step.


We'd be left looking at Shearer, someone from the lower leagues or some unknown foreigner and if that to me would present a much bigger risk than handing Big Sam the two things he badly needs if he's to turn us around - time and money.

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Guest Knightrider

We have to stick with SA whether we like it or not.


But Sam also needs to look at himself and ask a himself a few questions.


Learning is a two way thing.





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Guest neesy111

no, managers have turned us down in the past because of shepherd FACT


gullit and dalgleish both resigned after knowing they werent up to the job


souness and roeder we're both wrong appointments


ffs when bobby got sacked we had a list of condidates dropping out after when shepherd bought and sold players behind the managers back

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We have to stick with SA whether we like it or not.


But Sam also needs to look at himself and ask a himself a few questions.


Learning is a two way thing.


Nicely summed up. Deep, deep down I think it would be a mistake to get rid of him but he's only brought it on himself so far.

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Guest Knightrider

no, managers have turned us down in the past because of shepherd FACT


gullit and dalgleish both resigned after knowing they werent up to the job


souness and roeder we're both wrong appointments


ffs when bobby got sacked we had a list of condidates dropping out after when shepherd bought and sold players behind the managers back


Yet FS had a good rep in football, always backed his managers, was a fan, indeed Big Sam cited FS's passion and desire to change the club's structure as factors behind him agreeing to jump into this frying pan of a job. I dislike FS as much as the next man and yes he is to blame in many ways as to why managers turned us down, but I don't think he himself was to blame, more that at NUFC time isn't one condition that's looked upon with any certainty.

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Some truth. Still think good managers buy their own time though. Keegan and Robson produced instant improvements (remember where we were when Bobby took over).

Wenger, Mourinho and Benitez all had instant impacts.

Of course they are top managers at top clubs but it doesnt mean we should condone the shit we have seen this season. Think he has made a rod for his own back tbh. Too many changes, blaming the players and dodgy buys tellt their own story. Of course if we get complimentary players like proper wingers and creative midfielders then the others may look an awful lot better.

Can see he has too many players of same type at present but also has fuck all out wide or in creative positions of any use to man or beast. So he is hamstrung by that. On the other hand he had time to get the players in? Maybe. The club had just been taken over so maybe true that they held back cos of the financial restructuring. who knows. Time will!

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For me, up until recently, I was very much a supporter of the "MUST stick with Sam". I would really love for him to succeed a) for us and b) to prove that there can be good English manager's out there.

The only thing that had swayed me in the opposite direction is the recent spate of games against very poor opposition which for me, have suggested the spectre of relegation is very much over our shoulder. None of us can be so confident to say "we wont get relegated"

If we were even 6 points further ahead at this stage I probably wouldnt think twice. 


All I ask from Sam at this stage (or perhaps once we get Arsenal/Man U away) out of the way, is just enough nous to get enough points on the board to be happy that we wont go down.

Once we get there, I will happily sit back and just accept that whatever happens is just part of the re-building programme.


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We did have a couple of ropey seasons under SBR mind.

Not really. He took us from bottom to 11th in his first season. Plus a semi final we should have won. The second season he got hit by injuries but he consolidated our position. From then on in it was top 5. The point is that the improvement was obvious. It doesnt appear that way at present.
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We did have a couple of ropey seasons under SBR mind.

Not really. He took us from bottom to 11th in his first season. Plus a semi final we should have won. The second season he got hit by injuries but he consolidated our position. From then on in it was top 5. The point is that the improvement was obvious. It doesnt appear that way at present.


I agree...


Although I remember losing 2-0 away at Charlton (maybe Nov/Dec time ?) and they were fucking awful. It was the next game after the players had been "treated" to a break away in Spain or somewhere like that. I remember being furious at what was going on.


But truthfully, on the whole yes, improvement was evident.


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We did have a couple of ropey seasons under SBR mind.

Not really. He took us from bottom to 11th in his first season. Plus a semi final we should have won. The second season he got hit by injuries but he consolidated our position. From then on in it was top 5. The point is that the improvement was obvious. It doesnt appear that way at present.


Exactly why Sam Allardyce should be given at least a season. Next season with his methods fully implemented and understood by the players as well as a greater understanding between the players we might see that imporvement. I think Robson took over a decent side and just got them playing whereas Sam had to get rid of the waste and build his side, certaintly a new defence.

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We did have a couple of ropey seasons under SBR mind.

Not really. He took us from bottom to 11th in his first season. Plus a semi final we should have won. The second season he got hit by injuries but he consolidated our position. From then on in it was top 5. The point is that the improvement was obvious. It doesnt appear that way at present.


Exactly why Sam Allardyce should be given at least a season. Next season with his methods fully implemented and understood by the players as well as a greater understanding between the players we might see that imporvement. I think Robson took over a decent side and just got them playing whereas Sam had to get rid of the waste and build his side, certaintly a new defence.

Bobby certainly had better players. However, Sam still has some average stuff to knock down the pecking order and some dross to remove. Think the hardest thing is the lack of belief of any tangible improvement so far and the fact that we have never looked fluent even when we have won.
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Guest assyriantoon

Bobby Robson wasn't sacked for coming 5th, he was sacked for the poor start to the season after coming 5th. If it were up to me, I would have sacked him wen he did come 5th purely for the reason that he was never going to be with us in the long term. I think had we have sacked him that summer after he had steered us to relative success and stabilty, we could have attracted a top class coach to take us to the next level. Unfortunately we missed the boat and ended up sacking him at the wrong time and appointing a man who single handedly dismantled 5 years of work.

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No manager asks for a 12 month contract, they want long-term deals because they know it takes years to build a new team, longer to turn around a struggling outfit.


Dalglish, Gullit, Souness and Roeder all got just over 12 months


No manager asks for 12 month contract because it means easier sacking and lower payment in case of this. Big Sam has a 5 year deal so we have to pay his remaining 4 and a half years salary to get him out or something near that amount(typical solution I guess). Managers can be bad but they or theyir agents aren't stupid.


Significant improvements can be done in a short time period. Just look at Svennis Eriksson and what he has done at City but we haven't improved at all IMO. Just the same mediocre boring defensive football which obviously doesn't work with us as with Roeder, Souness and Dalglish. Sudden improvements requires money and Sam has had that to waste and he's doing it literally. There's no one single tactics and playing style which works with every team and Sam hasn't got that at all...You need to adapt your playing style according to the players available and not the other way round!

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Guest neesy111

well the improvement under bobby was winning 8-0 v sheff wed  and beating man utd 3-0 at home and some entertaining football with bobby in his first season


have we seen any significant scorelines or performances this season, actually we are playing worse than we did last season

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Guest iliketoonarmy


No manager asks for a 12 month contract, they want long-term deals because they know it takes years to build a new team, longer to turn around a struggling outfit.


Dalglish, Gullit, Souness and Roeder all got just over 12 months


No manager asks for 12 month contract because it means easier sacking and lower payment in case of this. Big Sam has a 5 year deal so we have to pay his remaining 4 and a half years salary to get him out or something near that amount(typical solution I guess). Managers can be bad but they or theyir agents aren't stupid.


Significant improvements can be done in a short time period. Just look at Svennis Eriksson and what he has done at City but we haven't improved at all IMO. Just the same mediocre boring defensive football which obviously doesn't work with us as with Roeder, Souness and Dalglish. Sudden improvements requires money and Sam has had that to waste and he's doing it literally. There's no one single tactics and playing style which works with every team and Sam hasn't got that at all...You need to adapt your playing style according to the players available and not the other way round!


spot on.

you don't have to look at Sven though,another obvious example would be Ramos.

Look at where Spurs was when Jol was sacked and where are they now?

And ya...when he went to Spurs the transfer window was CLOSE.


it is again proven that time is not the factor,but record is.

Ramos and Sven both have fucking good record,that's the only reason why Newcastle should look at candidates like them.

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