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British or Foreign

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Not even god would be given enough time to turn things around here with some of the mongs that call themselves supporters. the next manages simply has to be foreign there simply arent any british coaches Bar saf that could take us where we want to go.

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Nobody want former board favorite Paul Le Guen?


He was just recently appointed manager at PSG so I doubt he'll want to come here so soon after beginning a new job. He's got a lot to prove after the Rangers thing and if he does well at PSG, his reputation will be restored.



he's having a bad time at the moment at PSG. Although most of the players aren't his and they're crap anyway.


but I still rate him......not sure if it's the right time though.

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The only British manager i can think of for sure available is that numpty ginger tosspot shite excuse for an england manager he was, as far as that goes i cudnt touch him with harry potters wand.


So foreign i think, has anyone for about someone who is currently an assistance manager for one of the prem big boys, like the manure assistance, carlos whats his face?

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