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The Allardyce Legacy

Guest BooBoo

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Simply enough the best and worst of that 24 game "era".


Best Game- The Arsenal home game was the closest we got to realising Sams vision. A cracking atmosphere


Best signing- Er.....I'll say Faye as he looks like forming a good partnership with Taylor.


Worst Game- The Liverpool game was one of the worst SJP experiences in many a year. Hardly anyone on or off the field that day can be proud of themselves.


Worst Signing- Joey Barton. A gamble that backfired in the worst yet most predictable fashion imagineable.


Parting Thoughts- Never had enough time, but what we saw was poor fare indeed. A sad failure, but he's in good company. Crap signings too, on the whole.

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Bolton 1-3 Newcastle. We were fucking immense in the 1st half. That game got me so excited for this season, looks like he peaked too early.



Habib Beye - Oh how we needed a decent fullback and he brought a damn good one in. Has barely faulted so far.



I could go for 1-4 against Pompey or 0-3 against Liverpool but I won't. I'll say Derby 1-0 Newcastle. Quite possibly one of the most pathetic ways I've seen us play. Everyone was giving it to Derby, we couldn't even score.



Joey Barton - Waste of £6m, should never have put the trust into him to change.



- Not enough time

- Not enough money

- Not brilliant tactics

- Sad to see him go but I have faith MA knows what he's doing

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Best Game- The Bolton game first game in charge lively encounter and showed what the side could do.

Best signing- Beye has been solid when asked to come in.

Worst Game- Wigan?Derby x 2? possibly the portsmouth game as a few seasons ago we would have been expected to win that sorta game.

Worst Signing- Geremi? showed so much promise pre-season and has been a shadow of that most of this season.


Parting Thoughts- Really should have turned us down for the 2/3rd time and took that break he talked about has obviously needed. We were playing the way we hated it and like any manager he thought he knew best and we will never know if what he was laying foundation wise would have paid off.

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  Best Game: Bolton

  Best Signing: Beye the best full back God know when.

  Worst Signing: Alan Smith, I never give him credit and involve in every game to put us in more misery

  Parting Thougths: Honest and likable guy but he couldn't quite cut it to the level we want to be.

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Best game: That first half hour at Bolton. I can even remember where I was when I checked my phone to learn it was 3-0 and thought "this is it, we're going places."


Best signing: Faye or Beye at the moment.


Worst game: Portsmouth probably. Shown up by a side that were supposed to be on our level.


Worst signing: Can't look much further than Barton really. Smith's been abysmal but at least he's only got himself multiple suspensions rather than a cell.


Parting thoughts: I was for giving him to the end of the season but I don't think he was the man to really take us places anymore. It was just too consistently poor and, more importantly, totally ineffective. At the moment, the timing looks daft but we'd probably have to have done it eventually.

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Simply enough the best and worst of that 24 game "era".


Best Game- The Arsenal home game was the closest we got to realising Sams vision. A cracking atmosphere


Best signing- Er.....I'll say Faye as he looks like forming a good partnership with Taylor.


Worst Game- The Liverpool game was one of the worst SJP experiences in many a year. Hardly anyone on or off the field that day can be proud of themselves.


Worst Signing- Joey Barton. A gamble that backfired in the worst yet most predictable fashion imagineable.


Parting Thoughts- Never had enough time, but what we saw was poor fare indeed. A sad failure, but he's in good company. Crap signings too, on the whole.


Wouldn't change a word of that. :thup:

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Best Game: Beating Bolton 3-1 on the opening day of the season.  Everyone was buzzing and starting thinking top 6 could be a possibility.  Unfortunately it was pretty much all downhill from there.


Best Signing:  Habib Beye.  Didn't know much about him at all and was a bit wary when he signed, 29 years old and only had the 12 caps for Senegal.  However, he has been pure class and our player of the season so far.


Worst Game: Losing 1-0 away to Derby.  Disgusting performance, disgusting tactics against arguably the worst team to ever play in the Premiership.  Added to the fact it cost me about £420!


Worst Signing:  Barton - Took him less than 6 months to get arrested, never going to change by the looks of things.  Smith - A total waste of 6m.  We don't need him upfront and we certainly don't need him in midfield.


Parting thoughts: The negative approach to matches, the bad tactics, the baffling substitutions, playing players out of position on a regular basis.  No one to blame but himself really.  Playing for draws against the dross of the league was unacceptable and the fans were never going to have it.  Thanks for bringing Faye with you, though.  The best CB we've had since Woodgate.

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From what I've seen of you, his one big legacy is that he got shot of the Keystone Cops defence of old and started to get you a proper one sorted out.


Faye, Beye and Enrique look like solid signings.


Smith and Barton look like awful ones, but surely the goodness of the first three outweighs the badness of the last two.

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Best Game: Beating Bolton 3-1 on the opening day of the season. It gave me so much hope for what was comming.


Best Signing:  Habib Beye and Faye atm. Great signings like many of you allready said. Enrique is a player i think will become great.


Worst Game: Losing 1-0 away to Derby.  I was gonna bet money on Derby not winning a game this season, and they tok 4/6 points against us this season  :yikes:


Worst Signing: Barton is the worst signing. I hoped he was gonna be our Gerrard, but he is gonna be more like Mean Machine


Parting thoughts: It was time for him to quit,he wasnt up to the job. If he had taken it 1-3 years ago I think he would have been the man to get us in to top 4. But it seems like he has lost his motivation for the game, and wasnt the authority he needed to be. He wasnt so "big" afterall.

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Guest Knightrider

We'll not know for a while of course and I'm assuming these things won't now go out of the window with the manager, but showing the club another way behind the scenes which I hope they continue to look at and carry out these much needed things even with the man who introduced them to us now gone.

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Best Game: Arsenal at Home


Best Signing:  Habib Beye.


Worst Game: Wigan 1-0  Reading 2-1 Pompey 4-1 Liverpool 3-0 Derby 1-0 ( wasnt there but watched it )


Worst Signing:  Geremi


Parting thoughts: Not the right club for Sam. Played too many players out of position and didn't play the type of football the fans want. Thanks anyway Sam. ( For Beye and Faye  O0 )

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