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If it's Redknapp?


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Guest thenorthumbrian

Reasons for hope:


Players in the right positions

Excellent in the transfer market

Better quality football


What's the worst that could happen? Mid-table? Season's a write off anyway.


So once again we "settle".

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Reasons for hope:


Players in the right positions

Excellent in the transfer market

Better quality football


What's the worst that could happen? Mid-table? Season's a write off anyway.



i'll try my hardest to contain my excitement

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If its Redknapp




It will be the same shit all over










Whats the bloody difference???




C'mon Ashley, show us that you are smarter than that. Give us a proven Foreign supercoach. We deserve better this this. We've been through Souness, Roeder and Allardyce for fck sake!



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Trying to be positive..I was with my Spanish mate yesterday who used to play in La Liga and he (as an ex-professional footballer) said that 98% of a manager's success is about the quality of the players he has (buys) and 2% max about tactics etc. My only worry about that theory is that that is exactly the mantra that Souness used to preach!

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Fair enough.  Just don't take the ravings of the few as the thoughts of the many, that's the same mental shortcut the papers take.  The negativity is totally a chicken and egg situation.  Look how much positivity there was around the Bobby Robson appointment - why do we never get any credit for 'putting up with' his first season, where he finished below where we are now?  It's because we could see progress.  I'd have Kevin Gallacher all over again instead of Alan Smith.


I often think a lot of people comment on Newcastle's situation when their only window to it is during times like now when the media vultures are whipping people into overly negative or overly positive shitstorms.  Tell me, would you have been happy with Souness?  You're taking your stability for granted, as we took ours under Robson; now it's been a manager every other day, or so it seems, leading to the fans getting pissed off.  Admittedly there's a feedback mechanism of some kind here but ultimately the fans aren't that much to blame as the media-heads would have you believe.


Maybe fans lack patience due to what they have to put up with.  s***, I've heard Arsenal fans getting worked up just as much because they 'still have Gilberto.' - only this isn't made into a news-story.



Not many Reading fans take our stability for granted.  We have a chairman man that has pumped in a decent amount of money over the years to keep us afloat and get us to where we are today.  You'll still here moans and gripes that we don't spend big etc etc but on the whole we're very realistic and grateful for having him in control of our destiny. 


I can understand frustrations at club like Newcastle when things don't go so smoothly, but from the outside it seems a decent proportion of your fans have been against nearly all your managers since Sir Bobby.  Thats not healthy and I think it can only contribute to your short comings, even if the likes of Souness and Roeder were potentially poor appointments.  Given the lack of backing and support they were never going to succeed.


I keep a semi-close eye on goings on st SJP because I've a soft spot for the club and quite a few Geordie exiles as mates down in these parts, so I've got a bit more of a feel for the atmosphere than you might give me credit for, but I'd never go as far as saying I have a great insight.  Reading forums such as this or our own only gives you a glimpse of whats going on because of the nature of the extreme opinions forums generate but I still think the atmosphere and expectations for immediate change which seem to be quite prevailent amongst Geordies is hindering your rebuilding.


An of course, I agree you get that at almost any club, but some clubs it seems more vocal than others.


Great post.





Far too much expectation on the manager, far too much pressure, fans expecting far too much too fast.


Hell fans expecting world class managers.


Midtable Club = Midtable Manager


Simple as that really.

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'Foreign supercoach' is a proper Oliver-style epithet. I like it.

didn't they have hits with "keep on loving you" and "can't fight this feeling" ?


Nah, you're thinking of Man Utd defender, Rio Ferdiwagon.

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Guest The Libertine

Look, at the end of the day, people saying that it won't be an improvement on Allardyce are talking s***, purely because of the style of football that he'll get us playing.


I agree, it's not the most ambitious move, but it always says something when fans from the previous clubs he's managed say we'll be getting a good manager who plays good football.


his record is not great, not at all.


Redknapp - not good enough. End of.


its started already. is he also shite? would you like a cracker, polly?

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Hehe, I so wanted to beleive in Alan Olivers "supercoach claim" . Who could have thought it could be Harry that blew Morts mind.


twisting things aren't you.



"blew his socks off"


:lol: I'm trying to work out how much more amazing it is to have your mind blown than it is to simply have your socks blown off. At least 50% more incredible, I'd have thought.

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Trying to be positive..I was with my Spanish mate yesterday who used to play in La Liga and he (as an ex-professional footballer) said that 98% of a manager's success is about the quality of the players he has (buys) and 2% max about tactics etc. My only worry about that theory is that that is exactly the mantra that Souness used to preach!


I'd disagree with that.  Getting the right players is important but that weighting is far too overstated.  Think about great managers at smaller clubs, e.g. Alex Ferguson at Aberdeen.  Without knowing too much about the situation, I doubt he had a team that were the envy of their peers, it was probably mostly down to tactics, motivation and effective training techniques.

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Guest Geordie Racer

I will be extremely disappointed if Harry Redknapp is named the new manager, and I don't think I'll be alone. He has won nothing and is unproven at the top level. He's not an improvement on Allardyce, Roeder and Souness, and I can see him lasting a season or two at best and leaving us back in this position again.


We need a top manager. It has to be either Hiddink, Hitzfeld or Mourinho. Hitzfeld would be available in the summer after leaving Bayern Munich, Hiddink may come after the European Champs now that Klinsmann is taking the Bayern Munich job, Mourinho is available now. Would be more than happy to write this season off if we could get the right man in the summer.



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Fucking hell I didn't want Shearer to get it but given the choice now I think I'd rather he had.




Harry Redknapps Black and White Army! ???

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Guest criminalz

Why so we keep getting people who are going to jail to come over to newcastle....


btw, if harry actually becomes the manager, can someone be so kind as to remind him every 4 yrs, that the african cup falls on jan.

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Why so we keep getting people who are going to jail to come over to newcastle....


btw, if harry actually becomes the manager, can someone be so kind as to remind him every 4 yrs, that the african cup falls on jan.


African nations is every 2 years tbh.

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Guest saintscoobz

I am going to keep this simple:


Replacing Sam Allardyce with Harry Redknap is NOT progress.


It is NOT a step in the right direction.



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Guest nufcfan76

Another stat to chew on for all the 'Arry fans:


Pompey have failed to score at home since, wait...




Cue rolling sage bush.


If this idiot is coming then MA is having a mighty big laugh.

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I can't buy any of this. Why would you fire Sam to hire Harry? It's a lateral move. Redknapp was given time to build what he has built at Portsmouth.


I have to hold out hope that the termination of Sam was done with some sort of plan in place.

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