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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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What are the laws in the UK/EU regarding this?


Over here, the press must make a disclaimer UNLESS the media outlet that they work for paid the expenses.


Oh, and , stupid mackem bint.


our press is uniformly shite, with a handful of exceptions. doubt she'd get into any bother as i imagine they're all up to shite like this and the guardian would've known full well what was going on from the beginning.


at the least a disclaimer really should be put at the start of that article, not hidden in the comments section.

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Guest Geordiesned

Get ready for Dixon telling us that Barton should have been hanged instead of booked for his one footed foul.

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Get ready for Dixon telling us that Barton should have been hanged instead of booked for his one footed foul.

on the other side of the argument many where i was (a pub) were adamant it wasn't a booking (which it was).
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Get ready for Dixon telling us that Barton should have been hanged instead of booked for his one footed foul.

on the other side of the argument many where i was (a pub) were adamant it wasn't a booking (which it was).


that was all it was though. to be fair the angle wasnt a kind one at first glance but once you saw it was clearly one-footed that was it, didnt stop andy gray going on about it though, if that was rooney it wouldnt even get a mention

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It would've got mentioned. But as a committed, full-blooded, traditional British challenge from a British Bulldog, that deserves it's own highlight reel in every possible angle on the front page of Youtube.

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The Barton booking really pissed me off because if it were Gerrard, it would have been a full blooded committed tackle, they would have laughed at old Scholesy.


Most of the ball was taken but it yes it was a bot forceful and un needed at that stage. But he hardly deserves to be hung drawn and quartered for it.

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The Barton booking really pissed me off because if it were Gerrard, it would have been a full blooded committed tackle, they would have laughed at old Scholesy.


Most of the ball was taken but it yes it was a bot forceful and un needed at that stage. But he hardly deserves to be hung drawn and quartered for it.


I've seen it a few times and it didn't look that bad - certainly a booking because he was late and a bit high, but it wasn't a two-footed tackle, which would have warranted a red - Andy Gray, Poll etc are just making a fuss because it is Barton.  Players from the top-4 teams get away with worse, Gerrard, De Jong etc.


It amuses me that Graham Poll is obviously really pissed off that Barton can't be punished retrospectively!

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While not prejudging or targeting players, being aware of a character's modus operandi and acting strongly with players who never really heed warnings might just rid the game of the aggressive nature in certain players which can cause serious injuries.


So basically while not prejudging or targeting certain players, you should prejudge and target certain players? :lol:

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

The booking, or not booking, due to reputation is ridiculous. Giggs not getting booked against Birmingham when he scythed down Bowyer, Bowyer does the exact same tackle and is booked. Essien getting away with 100 fouls a game.

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While not prejudging or targeting players, being aware of a character's modus operandi and acting strongly with players who never really heed warnings might just rid the game of the aggressive nature in certain players which can cause serious injuries.


So basically while not prejudging or targeting certain players, you should prejudge and target certain players? :lol:


Ironically he strongly criticised how referees were prepared for the 2006 world cup (you know, the only massively fucked up in). There was a presentation and referees were told to focus on people like Peter Crouch in particular. Can't remember the exact quote but apparently the person that ran it was saying 'look at how this player has his arms everywhere when he jumps and uses his height badly' or something.


He's telling referees to focus on players' either physical or mental approach to the game when it comes to discipline, and I agree that it certainly isn't a black & white approach but you can't have an uneven approach like that.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

I'd agree with the Crouch thing though, surprised at the lack of free kicks given against him when the balls in the air. His technique is terrible, you can tell he's always been the tallest kid playing football and no one ever tried to win a header against him before he turned pro. It looks like a horse mounting another horse when he jumps with another defender to win the ball.

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