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The Magedia Thread - Sunderland suck trollolololol


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Its amazing how Spurs get snubbed lots of times by players yet its rarely mentioned in the paper but when we get sunbbed its crisis time on Tyneside.


I don't know about you, but I plan to boo and leave early in disgust at the next game.

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News of the World - the rag that started the rape claims, and the infamous Hall/Shepherd crap - funny how they didnt target Man U when their players invited prostitutes to their party around Christmas time isnt it ?

Strange they don't dwell on that.


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And Martin Samuel joints the parade of t***s.


Don't get me wrong, Martin Samuel has proved himself to be a t*** of the highest order for a long time now, but I don't see what is so controversial about the above article.


He's basically saying that everyone thinks they're special, and he's right.

EVERY supporter of EVERY club think they're "special" - most of the bilge on this against Newcastle fans come from the critics themselves.

The worst mirror-kissers there are are the red scousers (blue scousers not much less so) and Celtic/Rangers unholy duo - with the gloryhunters not far behind - compared with this bunch we have a serious case of self-loathing.

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Almost made me sick reading this from today's People







27 January 2008

Somebody is going to have to explain the concept of Chas 'n' Dave to Juande Ramos now that the Spaniard has had the temerity to lead Spurs to a Wembley final.


"You see, Senor, there's these two old geezers with beards, one on guitar, the other on the old Joanna, they sing songs about sideboards and rabbits and think it's a right laugh that Spanish-speaking people say 'Tottingham'... nah, actually, forget it."


Doesn't Ramos understand that Tottenham Hotspur Football Club is a branch of light entertainment? Sometimes thrilling, often farcical but basically just something we're supposed to have a good old giggle at?


In the space of just three months, Ramos is in severe danger of turning Spurs into a serious proposition.


As he has yet to speak English publicly, we do not yet know whether the Spaniard pronounces his club's name as 'Tottingham' like Ossie Ardiles did.


But his team no longer surrender leads like the chain-smoking Argentinian used to toss away fag butts. A team full of pace, purpose and a remarkable level of fitness. A team which can not only beat Arsenal but roundly humiliate their north London rivals.




You certainly cannot imagine Ramos's knees going all trembly at the thought of tackling Chelsea in the Carling Cup Final either - whether or not Spurs record a Cup Final anthem.



The major question now is whether Ramos can take Tottenham's gifted crop of young English players with him for the ride.



One of Martin Jol's greatest achievements at Spurs was leaving a long-term legacy of quality homegrown youngsters - a policy driven by chairman Daniel Levy and sporting director Damien Comolli.



It is said that, despite the respective public images of the granite-faced Ramos and jolly old Jol, the club's younger players find their new manager more approachable and inclusive than his Dutch predecessor.



They have certainly benefited from the Ramos regime's hard line on fitness - the tempo of training sessions and strict diets which have seen toast and jacket spuds ditched from the canteen of their Chigwell training base.



Some intrigued Premier League managers are asking questions about the impressive weight loss of men like Michael Dawson, Tom Huddlestone and even Paul Robinson.



But you get the impression that the Spaniard would not have been amused to read about four of his English players out night-clubbing this week.



One of those charging around the West End like a bull in Chinawhite's was Jermaine Jenas.



Word is that Ramos is so impressed with Jenas that he believes he can build a team around the England midfielder.



Yet Jenas, undoubtedly talented and one of the brighter modern footballers, is getting to the stage in his career when he must decide how much he truly wants it.



Jenas is well aware that his pal Jermain Defoe has had to buckle down and toe the line to have a future at White Hart Lane - proof that Ramos is certainly not afraid of playing hardball with big names.



Likewise, the axeing of England keeper Robinson for the Carling Cup semi-final first leg was as ruthless as it was correct.



Apparently the shocked Spurs players read the team list before that match and gasped, "I can't believe it's not butterfingers."



The hope is that the athletic, enterprising young Spurs side which Ramos is building, will continue to be dominated by Englishmen. That Ramos will not end up like Arsene Wenger, distrusting the attitude of young natives.



Today brings the start of a seven-day period which will tell much about whether Spurs can build on their frenzied 5-1 spanking of Arsenal.



Two matches against Manchester United either side of a trip to Everton will provide Ramos with the perfect yardstick.



A trophy at Wembley next month would be Tottenham's first in nine years and would cement their twotime UEFA Cup-winning manager's reputation as a knockout specialist.



As Jol was idolised by the Tottenham faithful, and his sacking was handled so shabbily by Levy and Comolli, it took a while for Spurs fans to warm to Ramos.



Yet just recently, an amusing little ritual has been played out down at the Lane. The fans sing "Ramos, Ramos, gissa wave", the manager fails to understand and his No.2 Gus Poyet translates the chant so that the Spaniard can respond.



Now Gus will have to teach his boss the words to "Spurs Are On Their Way to Wembley" at the very least.


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bloody hell do you think that journo was having a wank over Ramos at the time he wrote that as well! I have completely and utterly given up reading any of the stories these tabloids write. I think we just have to laugh and get on with it.

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I just heard Patrick Kinghorn on Talksport say "I fear for whats goinig to happen up there. The initial euphoria has died down very quickly"

What exactly does he expect us to do ? Dance in the streets for 24 hours for the rest of our lives.

Just looking for an angle to criticise.. Twat

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Patrick Kinghorn is a wanker above all Talksport wankers -and that's saying something. He's always trying to stir the shit so that people phone in. Talksport is going downhill big style anyway, and since Gabriel Marcotti left that programme they struggle to say anything that sounds remotely intelligent. :angry:

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Patrick Kinghorn is a wanker above all Talksport wankers -and that's saying something. He's always trying to stir the shit so that people phone in. Talksport is going downhill big style anyway, and since Gabriel Marcotti left that programme they struggle to say anything that sounds remotely intelligent. :angry:


He also said that at the after match press conference Keegan looked on the verge of saying "Thats it. I have tried and I cant sort it out. Goodbye".


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Guest thenorthumbrian

What the London media is showing themselves up as being is utter hypocrites, the same cunts who slagged Newastle off for not giving the managers long enough are now slagging Keegan and Newcastle  after two games in charge !!

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What the London media is showing themselves up as being is utter hypocrites, the same cunts who slagged Newastle off for not giving the managers long enough are now slagging Keegan and Newcastle  after two games in charge !!


Its frightnening to think how much influence these people have on the thinking of the countries population.

Abue...Power... I think so

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Guest 3-1 NYD

Please Please Purleease don't believe anything broadcast by that sinking ship, talksport.

Look whos'e on the station and ask yourself would they find employment anywhere else.

The answer is a resounding NO!

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Please Please Purleease don't believe anything broadcast by that sinking ship, talksport.

Look whos'e on the station and ask yourself would they find employment anywhere else.

The answer is a resounding NO!


I would love to think that employees are a sign of a sinking ship. The BBC ask for expert opinions from Carlton fucking Palmer and Mark Bright

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Did anyone even know that Crooks had played for Stoke (or had the BBC or Crooks ever brought that fact up), before they reeled him out in the studio for us whilst he bigged up his "former clubs" chances of an upset against us?

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But his team no longer surrender leads like the chain-smoking Argentinian used to toss away fag butts. A team full of pace, purpose and a remarkable level of fitness. A team which can not only beat Arsenal but roundly humiliate their north London rivals. 

from that spuds wankfest in The People .must have spoke too soon considering they blew that lead today ,and while we are on about it Talksport is turning into a tank of sillage as every day passes with that fookin cricketer Ronnie "i know everything about football" Irani sputtering utter s**** about the Arsenal  players fighting on the pitch with each other and saying it was Gallas and he was corrected by the guy who does the phone in which is not football related . :angry: :frantic: :tickedoff: :knuppel2:

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I'm, beginning to wonder if the journos have a bet on as to how long Keegan lasts, and I wouldn't put it past them to make his life very difficult just to play these kind of games.


As for today's Man U v Spurs game they must have had a difficult time picking which team to wank over. Berbatov was garbage, gave the ball away at least 4 times, but oh no, he's the new Cantona FFS!


You could almost hear them crying when Ronaldo scored his pen. Whether it was because they were so excited it was him or so disappointed Spurs lost I can't be sure.


Let's draw up the bridges and forget them all, don't call phone in programmes for one, it just perpetuates the shite.

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But his team no longer surrender leads like the chain-smoking Argentinian used to toss away fag butts. A team full of pace, purpose and a remarkable level of fitness. A team which can not only beat Arsenal but roundly humiliate their north London rivals. 

from that spuds wankfest in The People .must have spoke too soon considering they blew that lead today ,and while we are on about it Talksport is turning into a tank of sillage as every day passes with that fookin cricketer Ronnie "i know everything about football" Irani sputtering utter s**** about the Arsenal  players fighting on the pitch with each other and saying it was Gallas and he was corrected by the guy who does the phone in which is not football related . :angry: :frantic: :tickedoff: :knuppel2:


Ronnie Irani is fucking useless. How the hell he got that gig I will never know.


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I love how the rags are now banging the "Keegan's not working" drum because he couldn't beat Arsenal at the Emirates (btw God/Ramos's Sevilla got turned over 3-0 there too, they won't fucking mention that will they?), yet a week ago they were telling us that we were the deluded ones for "thinking everything would be alright with Keegan back".


Newsflash lads, we expected to get beat there. If you didn't think we would, then you're the deluded cretins, not us.

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I love how the rags are now banging the "Keegan's not working" drum because he couldn't beat Arsenal at the Emirates (btw God/Ramos's Sevilla got turned over 3-0 there too, they won't fucking mention that will they?), yet a week ago they were telling us that we were the deluded ones for "thinking everything would be alright with Keegan back".


Newsflash lads, we expected to get beat there. If you didn't think we would, then you're the deluded cretins, not us.


And of course if we say get a point on Tuesday then beat Boro on Saturday they will all be telling us that they knew KK would get it right in the end.

Its quite embarassingly pathetic.

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