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John Burridge speaks: Kevin Keegan a great guy, but a bad coach

Guest exilim

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IMO tactics are vastly over rated, It helps dont get me wrong but it aint the most important thing. What good are tactics if the players dont wanna play for you? Tactics do help when it comes to the big games but Manu dont win so many games because fergie is a tactical genius, its mainly because he got the best players.

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IMO tactics are vastly over rated, It helps dont get me wrong but it aint the most important thing. What good are tactics if the players dont wanna play for you? Tactics do help when it comes to the big games but Manu dont win so many games because fergie is a tactical genius, its mainly because he got the best players.


      What I really think off and when we be in that postion again pushing for the title we will worry about having another coach on board. I don't like tactics and most tactical mangers are usually boring.

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IMO tactics are vastly over rated, It helps dont get me wrong but it aint the most important thing. What good are tactics if the players dont wanna play for you? Tactics do help when it comes to the big games but Manu dont win so many games because fergie is a tactical genius, its mainly because he got the best players.


You need all of it in todays game.


Fergy and Wenger are massive examples.


Fergy on the one hand uses a combination of huge potential signings and a pretty simple but massively effective 442 system. His main priority is having quality players that are highley motivated and this shows on the pitch.


Wenger is different. He motivates players, sure but there motivation comes from the fact that most of their players know they are playing for an experianced manager who has won almost everything in a beautiful way. Mainly uses tactics and style of player, i.e signing players that can pass and run and then incoporates that into his football.


Both can be very successful but a lack of either will get most managers caught out. On the one hand you can have an Allardyce on the other dare i say you could have a Keegan.

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IMO tactics are vastly over rated, It helps dont get me wrong but it aint the most important thing. What good are tactics if the players dont wanna play for you? Tactics do help when it comes to the big games but Manu dont win so many games because fergie is a tactical genius, its mainly because he got the best players.


Indeed, I very much doubt Ferguson is using a wildly different method to the one that outdid KK at the last post.


This "Newcastle are living in the past", "Keegan's method is no good now", "football's changed" attitude that has been embraced by the media is the biggest example yet of the out-and-out bumming of the top four, like they're somehow on another footballing level altogether that the plebs amongst us can't understand. Keegan of course being one of us now unlike the hailed Benitez and Mourinho and their MASSIVE brains (don't mention Avram Grant doing just as well though, for it is written that Mourinho is THE SPECIAL ONE). All hail Grand-Super-Slam-Bowl Sunday!


They're right, football has changed. Over the last five years, it's been dull as fucking dishwater.

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To be honest we all know Keegan isn't the greatest tactician but he is one of the best motivators in the country, you just have to look at the lift around the town when he was announced to return as boss, and then the game at stoke.


When he was first in charge, Faz was the main man when it came down to tactics, so Keegan may well bring him back to work with Terry Mac (Jokes), Arthur Cox and himself.

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IMO tactics are vastly over rated, It helps dont get me wrong but it aint the most important thing. What good are tactics if the players dont wanna play for you? Tactics do help when it comes to the big games but Manu dont win so many games because fergie is a tactical genius, its mainly because he got the best players.


Indeed, I very much doubt Ferguson is using a wildly different method to the one that outdid KK at the last post.


This "Newcastle are living in the past", "Keegan's method is no good now", "football's changed" attitude that has been embraced by the media is the biggest example yet of the out-and-out bumming of the top four, like they're somehow on another footballing level altogether that the plebs amongst us can't understand. Keegan of course being one of us now unlike the hailed Benitez and Mourinho and their MASSIVE brains (don't mention Avram Grant doing just as well though, for it is written that Mourinho is THE SPECIAL ONE). All hail Grand-Super-Slam-Bowl Sunday!


They're right, football has changed. Over the last five years, it's been dull as fucking dishwater.


Yea i agree, Fergie plays the same tactics he did 10 years ago and tbf he doesnt need to change them because they havent let him down yet.


Look at Rafa, he seems to chop and change but cant seem to get it right in the league. You get a squad of talent players who want to play for you then imo tactics dont really matter as much. Tactics seems to be a new word in football that managers must have to be a good manager, Spurs under Jol who was poor tactically finished 5th twice and came so close to finishing 4th.


Our game against Arsenal at SJP, IMO we were better than them and should of won but that wasnt down to SA getting his tactics right but the whole team being up for it and the fans playing their part.


MON is doing a good job not because he is tactically great because he aint but because his teams are fit, well drilled and motivated.

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IMO tactics are vastly over rated, It helps dont get me wrong but it aint the most important thing. What good are tactics if the players dont wanna play for you? Tactics do help when it comes to the big games but Manu dont win so many games because fergie is a tactical genius, its mainly because he got the best players.


You need all of it in todays game.


Fergy and Wenger are massive examples.


Fergy on the one hand uses a combination of huge potential signings and a pretty simple but massively effective 442 system. His main priority is having quality players that are highley motivated and this shows on the pitch.


Wenger is different. He motivates players, sure but there motivation comes from the fact that most of their players know they are playing for an experianced manager who has won almost everything in a beautiful way. Mainly uses tactics and style of player, i.e signing players that can pass and run and then incoporates that into his football.


Both can be very successful but a lack of either will get most managers caught out. On the one hand you can have an Allardyce on the other dare i say you could have a Keegan.



Man U haven't regularly played 4-4-2 since they had Cole and Yorke up front. They play a sort of 4-3-3 which allows the front three lots of freedom to roam. Which I agree only works because of the quality of players he has.



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Lets not take the piss though tactics are still canny important. More in ste pieces and setting up defences more than anything.


I just think people over rate tactics.


Set-pieces, defending or otherwise, aren't tactics except in as much as zonal or man marking. They're set-pieces which are trained or drilled.


Tactics are things a team does to fit in with a strategy when defending or attacking in open play.


The tactic that we don't give the ball away by hopefully booting it upfield as opposed to keeping possession until we can create a scoring opportunity fits in with the strategy of attacking football a la Keegan, pretty much as it does a la Wenger.


Incidentally, what Wenger the genius does in defence is pick two sublimely gifted centre-backs and gives them responsibility for what they do, nothing more. Wenger isn't a tactical genius, he is a genius at grasping what someone is capable of and playing them accordingly.

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Lets not take the piss though tactics are still canny important. More in ste pieces and setting up defences more than anything.


I just think people over rate tactics.


Set-pieces, defending or otherwise, aren't tactics except in as much as zonal or man marking. They're set-pieces which are trained or drilled.


Tactics are things a team does to fit in with a strategy when defending or attacking in open play.


The tactic that we don't give the ball away by hopefully booting it upfield as opposed to keeping possession until we can create a scoring opportunity fits in with the strategy of attacking football a la Keegan, pretty much as it does a la Wenger.


Incidentally, what Wenger the genius does in defence is pick two sublimely gifted centre-backs and gives them responsibility for what they do, nothing more. Wenger isn't a tactical genius, he is a genius at grasping what someone is capable of and playing them accordingly.


Aye but surely attacking is then "a tactic" which makes Fergy a tactical genious, if that makes sense. It's a strange one but id do agree with what your saying. Tactics can be over used and in actually fact confusing to everyone in football.

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unfortunatly the cockney joournos aren't shitting themselves. they'll know they can backflip whenever it's needed and hardly anyone will notice no matter how much we point out their hyppocracy.


i was thinking more along the lines of they'll be shitting themselves incase we start beating their teams again

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Hope he's learnt a few things since then. Nobody plays all-out attack any more.


I have concerns that's what he was good at, and anything he has learnt and tried to accomodate since then does not work for him so well.


The first time Newcastle came up under Keegan we surprised the hell out of the opposition who didn't know what to do with us. When he brought City up in a similar fashion they were not so much of a threat in the top division as we had been. Can't see anyone being surprised anymore and I don't see what tricks he'll have up his sleeve. He might get us in the top six, next season, but I don't expect anymore than that. Whilst he can roll over the basement clubs and pinch games agains mid-table opposition he's never going to scratch the top four other than with the odd win in four.


John Burridge may be full of shit, I wouldn't know, but it doesn't take much observation to conclude Keegan is emotionally unstable and is not suited to top pressure.

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Hope he's learnt a few things since then. Nobody plays all-out attack any more.


I have concerns that's what he was good at, and anything he has learnt and tried to accomodate since then does not work for him so well.


The first time Newcastle came up under Keegan we surprised the hell out of the opposition who didn't know what to do with us. When he brought City up in a similar fashion they were not so much of a threat in the top division as we had been...


Was he able to compete for the top players when he was at City?



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Guest Ridzuan

Sometimes I love him but sometimes I just hate him.He is a regular football pundit on a cable football show which can only be seen in my country and most of the times,he is anti -Newcastle.But sometimes he talks sense,last week on the show he talk about how Keegan will be able to turn the club around and all the good things and it was great to hear that.He always has some issues with the presenter of the show,Joe Morrison,I dont know if you have heard him before,but he used to work for 'Newcastle World' and obviously he is a Newcastle fan as well.But anyway,Burridge is a funny guy and its always great to hear what he had to say.

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Guest sittingontheball

Apologies for stating the obvious, but with ManYoo, Fergie is not scripting what Rooney, Ronaldo and Tevez do. Locking them into a rigid system is probably the worst thing he could do. That kind of talent costs serious money and pulling power though.


The more one-dimensional your players, the more you need tactics. You have to set the team up to make the most of what they can do.

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Hope he's learnt a few things since then. Nobody plays all-out attack any more.


Spot on Dave - we cannot play exactly the same way as before ; we NEED to be able to defend Free-kicks/corners etc., AND learn how best to profit from them when they are given to US..

Burridge is a bit of a strange lad, but decent with it, and what he says about the Maiden Castle training sessions is essentially true - I have heard to before from a person who was there regularly, involved with the players, and whose word I would trust implicitly.

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Guest Hodgson09

Keegan makes me happy.


Cannot wait until next season.


We need some bloody good players though. Creative ones. We played some great football back then, lets hope lightening will strike again.



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Guest nufc_geordie

Nobody ever talks about the lack of Brazillian football tactics do they? What makes a good team, like Arsenal now is a fluidity about the players in the team. If a full-back flies past the winger, the winger sits and covers his space, if a midfielder bombs on, the other sits. That is how we used to play, that is how Arsenal play now, rotating players around different positions plugging gaps as they are created with passing and moving. A joy to watch when it works. Keegan bought players that would fit into this role of playing, the way wenger has done it now. Only problem is we had Albert, they have Toure, we had Peacock, they have Gallas. OK we got caught out a few times but it is damn good to watch.

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Where's that from?

Fucking hell, shows how much they're trying to create stories out of fuck all when they grant an interview to that nutter. Talk about zero credibility.

Re: nufc_geordie's point about Brazil - when they've done well in the past - notably '58, '62, '70 and 2002 - they were not only tactically astute but also innovative (and in some cases ahead of the rest of the world) in terms of formations, tactics, etc. Even in '94 they were very hard to break down and played a rigid 4-4-2. Their supposed tactical naivety is spoken about by people who don't really study how they play. Of course they are technically superb individuals too.

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Nobody ever talks about the lack of Brazillian football tactics do they? What makes a good team, like Arsenal now is a fluidity about the players in the team. If a full-back flies past the winger, the winger sits and covers his space, if a midfielder bombs on, the other sits. That is how we used to play, that is how Arsenal play now, rotating players around different positions plugging gaps as they are created with passing and moving. A joy to watch when it works. Keegan bought players that would fit into this role of playing, the way wenger has done it now. Only problem is we had Albert, they have Toure, we had Peacock, they have Gallas. OK we got caught out a few times but it is damn good to watch.


Not true - people DO go on about Brazilian tactics..Brazil have arguably the biggest pool of potential stars to pick from in World football with their population of around 170,000,000, most of whom are mad about the game, but they went 24 years without winning the WC, despite having teams in 1982 and 1986 who were streets ahead of others, man for man , AND played great attacking football..


It wasn't until 1994 when Carlos Alberto Perreira made them a tougher team to play against(and beat) that they won the trophy again.. he was constantly criticized in Brazil for his more considered approach, but it paid off - the same happened in 2002, so be under no illusion - even the masters have to compromise sometimes and i want us to do the same if it means bringing silverware..

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