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Joey Barton: Are we convinced?

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We won`t get anywhere changing all our players every year. We need to add a premiership 11 to our current team of squad standard players. If the owners have got the cash to support a big squad. The top 4 all have a full 11 of squad players better than our first 11. I say keep them all aged below 30 in an ideal world and when they have there purple in form patches bring them in and out of the first team when needed.

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he'll get there imo.


he's been f****** shocking so far, but he'll get there i reckon.


I am absolutely SICK of excuses being made for wasters at Newcastle United - it is a DISGRACE.

We've had the likes of Dyer , Bramble and Barton dragging the club's name through the mud by both their off-field AND on-field activities, many of which have contributed to making the club into a joke for Journalists & fans outside the region.


I am not the TINIEST bit interested in their hard-luck stories - not a bit...they are in a job most decent people would give their right arms for and yet they behave like childish yobs.

Dyer would never have worn the shirt again had I been Chairman and saw what he did with the captain's

armband after being subbed at Boro, or  after hearing he had refused to play RW for SBR, let alone his fiasco with Bowyer for which Dyer was equally to blame.


Likewise with Barton after his nightclub brawl in Liverpool - he had his chance, now he should go..


This club needs to establish a reputation that if players persistently offend, they are OUT - no second chances, or we will continue to end up with the dross of the PL on our books.

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Putting aside all his off-field problems, I was never really convinced he was that good when he came here but I was hoping other people knew better than me as I hadn't really seen much of him. To say he's been a disappointment is putting it mildly. His passing is wayward, his shooting has been poor but I've been shocked how slow he is. There is no way a top side would buy him on playing ability alone. The only reason this prick has got noticed is his mouth and his fists not his feet. A waste of time.



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A real danger to have here, always a massive risk he may be sent off and refs now seem to react to his reputation too there is no benefit of the doubt for him.

He has not shown the form he did at City, no driving runs through midfield, no smashed shots from distance, no neat through balls. Most of us agreed when we got him that he was a better player that Parker but had a suspect temperament, he has not shown to be a good signing and yes in the summer we should sell him if we can but we will lose money on him thats for sure.

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A real danger to have here, always a massive risk he may be sent off and refs now seem to react to his reputation too there is no benefit of the doubt for him.

He has not shown the form he did at City, no driving runs through midfield, no smashed shots from distance, no neat through balls. Most of us agreed when we got him that he was a better player that Parker but had a suspect temperament, he has not shown to be a good signing and yes in the summer we should sell him if we can but we will lose money on him thats for sure.

Would it not be a good idea to ask why he hasn't "shown the form he did at City", why "no driving runs through midfield", why "no smashed shots from distance" and why "no neat through balls" ?  Maybe then he could turn back into the player he was.  Players don't lose these abilities overnight and it happens to far too many players when they come here for it to just be coincidence.

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A real danger to have here, always a massive risk he may be sent off and refs now seem to react to his reputation too there is no benefit of the doubt for him.

He has not shown the form he did at City, no driving runs through midfield, no smashed shots from distance, no neat through balls. Most of us agreed when we got him that he was a better player that Parker but had a suspect temperament, he has not shown to be a good signing and yes in the summer we should sell him if we can but we will lose money on him thats for sure.

Would it not be a good idea to ask why he hasn't "shown the form he did at City", why "no driving runs through midfield", why "no smashed shots from distance" and why "no neat through balls" ?  Maybe then he could turn back into the player he was.  Players don't lose these abilities overnight and it happens to far too many players when they come here for it to just be coincidence.


Yeah we should be looking at making better players out of the ones we have here, its the only way we will stay up but I do not think anything we do with Joey is going to sort out that temper of his..


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What Big TRon said is spot on - his off the field problems don't really concern me, it's that he's also a complete waste of space on the park which makes him even more of a disgrace. Woodgate still played well when he had baggage, even Dyer did. Barton just doesn't seem to offer anything and seems inadequate in every department. How any sane man, let alone the manager in charge of our shambles of a team, can pick him ahead of Emre is madness.

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He's an angry, violent little cunt. He's been here approximately 7 months and in that time he's physical assaulted a Sunderland player, been involved in an off-the-ball incident with a Villa Player and spent time in jail for violent & threatening behaviour and alleged assault. In 7 fucking months! That's more scrapes than most players get into in their whole career. Add to that the cigar stubbing and Dabo bashing at Man City and it all adds up to us having a serial violent offender on our books.


We could probably forgive it if he was actually any good but he isn't. Roy Keane was a nasty piece of work but for the most part he channelled his aggression into his football and was a better player for it. Barton is a lost cause as far as i'm concerned. Get rid in the summer!

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A real danger to have here, always a massive risk he may be sent off and refs now seem to react to his reputation too there is no benefit of the doubt for him.

He has not shown the form he did at City, no driving runs through midfield, no smashed shots from distance, no neat through balls. Most of us agreed when we got him that he was a better player that Parker but had a suspect temperament, he has not shown to be a good signing and yes in the summer we should sell him if we can but we will lose money on him thats for sure.

Would it not be a good idea to ask why he hasn't "shown the form he did at City", why "no driving runs through midfield", why "no smashed shots from distance" and why "no neat through balls" ?  Maybe then he could turn back into the player he was.  Players don't lose these abilities overnight and it happens to far too many players when they come here for it to just be coincidence.


Because he is playing in a different team.


Barton is no world beater, he doesnt have great skills or owt, what he has is an engine. If he wants to have a shot he needs space. At MCFC he got that largely because he was in a team that put 10 men behind the ball and played on the counter.


(And your better off forgetting the neat thru balls, they were rare as rocking horse shit)

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Guest shaun11177

Barton had a few good games for City but was well known among City supporters as a very poor passer of the ball.

He is basically on the level of Bowyer as a player and person. In truth would rather have kept Jenas or Parker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Barton had a few good games for City but was well known among City supporters as a very poor passer of the ball.

He is basically on the level of Bowyer as a player and person. In truth would rather have kept Jenas or Parker.

And I'm sure you said you wanted them to stay at the time too.

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