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Gazza detained under mental health act

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"Gazza parties with Iron Maiden – Tabloid Hell

Iron Maiden headline the final day at Download Festival 2007 Pic Danny North

Ex-footballer Paul Gascoigne heads out with the hard rockers


Aug 13, 2008


Paul Gascoigne has been partying with Iron Maiden on their current European tour.


According to the Daily Star the former footballer joined the band in Budapest, Hungary, and seemed very unstable as he hung out with the rockers.


According to an anonymous source quoted by the newspaper Gascoigne had trouble standing. "A minder appeared to be supporting him as he walked to the bus," the source was quoted as saying.


"He tried to light up a fag," they continued, "but couldn't get his lighter to his mouth at the same time as his cigarette. One of the crew had to hold his arm for him."


The newspaper reports that Gascoigne had embarked on his trip with Iron Maiden in order to "clear his head" after his recent troubles in the UK. "


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aye - well out of order that one from TGG


It's a great shame - not as if he's ever done any real harm (as opposed to Barton) and yet it looks like he's going to kill himself

It was out of jest but witha  serious connotation.  He needs to realise he will die if he continues this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Paul Gascoigne has sparked fresh concerns over his health after he appeared to hallucinate following a five-day booze binge.


The football legend, currently on holiday in the Algarve, apparently shocked fellow guests by "babbling incoherently" into a mobile phone at 6.30am in his hotel lobby yesterday. Police were called by concerned onlookers when they realised Gazza believed he was speaking to Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's former political associate.


"It was tragic," one guest told The Sun, adding: "He didn't know what he was saying and wasn't making sense."


Another source added: "He has ripped himself to shreds, psychologically. It was the most distressing thing I have ever seen."


Gazza, who was advised to sleep off his condition by police, has refused to return home to the UK after rowing with his partner Sheryl. He was discharged from rehab after receiving treatment for alcoholism at the end of July, but he started drinking again just days later.


Doctor Carol Cooper said: "Hallucinating is a symptom of acute alcohol intoxication and liver failure. I'd suspect he is on the edge of a pretty serious liver disease."




















Nearly dead then, not long now to put this miserable man to rest.  :-[

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not looking good for him at all - the looks very thin and gaunt. How come he gets released so quickly when he's been in rehab?


Perhaps he releases himself?


I'd have thought if he is considered to be a danger to himself, could he not be detained indefinitely or until he has recovered?

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The former England midfielder, who has a long history of off-the-field problems, has been held on suspicion of causing criminal damage.


Northumbria Police confirmed a 41-year-old man was arrested at an address in Ravensworth Road, Dunston, this morning on suspicion of criminal damage.


The spokesperson confirmed enquires are on-going.


Gascoigne was pictured in many of today's national papers trying to access a local pub at 9.45am.


A photographer captured him peering through the window of The Metz in Dunston, Gateshead and attempting to unlock its door with his own set of keys.


The former Newcastle United, Tottenham Hotspur and Lazio star was sectioned under the Mental health Act in February amid a well-publicised emotional downfall.


Arguably the finest English player of his generation, Gazza developed a drinking problem throughout an injury-plagued career


In 2005, he was hospitalised with pneumonia.


Last year, he underwent emergency surgery for a perforated stomach ulcer.




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Paul Gascoigne was refused service at a Tesco checkout as he attempted to purchase alcohol yesterday, according to a report.


The troubled ex-footballer is said to have headed to buy two bottles of wine and four cans of cider just minutes after being formally cautioned by police following an accusation of criminal damage. Gazza allegedly smashed a mobile phone belonging to an autograph hunter at his local pub earlier this week.


A female Tesco worker reportedly declined to serve the 41-year-old after he took the booze to her checkout. The supermarket giant later backed her decision, explaining in a statement: "Alcohol should only be sold to suitable customers."


A fellow patron told the Daily Star: "I couldn't believe it was Gazza. He looked in a shocking state, reeking of booze and hardly able to speak."


Gascoigne vowed to give up on alcohol after being discharged from rehab in July, but he started drinking again just days later.

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