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A message from the international supporters.

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If you enjoy watching a particular league and you do so consistently you will end up supporting a team, for whatever reason.


Gloryhunting, one of your countries players moving to that team, one of your favourite players going there, a certain manager etc.


Why people are trying to make this any more complicated is beyond me. Just trying too hard to be clever that's all.


The mere fact people on here have actually gone to the trouble to find a message board to regularly talk about issues regarding the team is a good indicator of their dedication, not that this even has to be proven.

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If you enjoy watching a particular league and you do so consistently you will end up supporting a team, for whatever reason.


Gloryhunting, one of your countries players moving to that team, one of your favourite players going there, a certain manager etc.


Why people are trying to make this any more complicated is beyond me. Just trying too hard to be clever that's all.


The mere fact people on here have actually gone to the trouble to find a message board to regularly talk about issues regarding the team is a good indicator of their dedication, not that this even has to be proven.

no. i went through years of watching as much euro footbasll as i could without developing any favourites.


lets see if you follow this...internationally i support england (not very passionatly but i support them none the less) because i am from england. i have little doubt you support your nationality. it is the same for me on a local level. i support newcastle because i am from newcastle.i can understand others having very valid resons for supporting clubs that aren't their local ones but many just think "i'm gonna support a big team cos my local team aren't very good" that is what pisses people off. not the foreigners but the truly plastic from our own shores.

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If the locals don't want "the others" supportin gtheir precious team then write to the FA and tell them to stop showing the matches all over the world and selling their merchandise all over the world too, which incidentally makes these clubs a hell of a lot of money.


No more Sky or nada. Play the games in the stadiums and let that be it. That way only the thoroughbred fans can watch the games right? Sell off all the international players cuz you won't be able to afford them anymore and play real hardcore Geordies in the team only right? Why stop at just the supporters?


Anyone who invests their time and money has the right to support who the hell they want quite frankly. End of.

no-one is saying it should be stopped or whatever.


does it not sit uneasy with you when you are talking to someone born and bred in brighton,no ties to manchester at all but tells you they are a man utd fan..do you not think "palstic fucker" or "glory hunter"


I was coming from the angle of the international supporters which is more what this thread addresses.


I can't for the life of me see why people would be surprised that their clubs have international supporters.


These people want their clubs to be amon the richest in the world and are all too happy to have the money that comes from supporters abroad and also want their clubs to sign players from these countries, but they don't think the fans have a right to support the team?!





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If you enjoy watching a particular league and you do so consistently you will end up supporting a team, for whatever reason.


Gloryhunting, one of your countries players moving to that team, one of your favourite players going there, a certain manager etc.


Why people are trying to make this any more complicated is beyond me. Just trying too hard to be clever that's all.


The mere fact people on here have actually gone to the trouble to find a message board to regularly talk about issues regarding the team is a good indicator of their dedication, not that this even has to be proven.

no. i went through years of watching as much euro footbasll as i could without developing any favourites.


lets see if you follow this...internationally i support england (not very passionatly but i support them none the less) because i am from england. i have little doubt you support your nationality. it is the same for me on a local level. i support newcastle because i am from newcastle.i can understand others having very valid resons for supporting clubs that aren't their local ones but many just think "i'm gonna support a big team cos my local team aren't very good" that is what pisses people off. not the foreigners but the truly plastic from our own shores.

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missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.

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missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.


If HTT called anyone a drama queen it would be just a tad ironic too. 

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missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.

thats the paranoia bit as the dismissive attitude was never aimed at you lot.


(bloody foreigners,what they like eh ?)

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missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.

thats the paranoia bit as the dismissive attitude was never aimed at you lot.


(bloody foreigners,what they like eh ?)


I think the bits that caused offense were pretty unambiguously aimed at us, among other people.


As for you Madras, your argument (which I disagree with for completely different reasons than this) was mainly about England and applies less to those of us who have the option of supporting both our local club and NUFC, I don't think you need to feel a need to defend yourself. This wasn't really adressed at you.

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Guest Knightrider

missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.


I think you're overreacting myself, although it's an interesting debate and if you feel that strongly about it all, rant away as that's what the forum is here for. Myself, I wouldn't be bothered about it all, no foreign fan of NUFC has to justify their support.

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missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.


I think you're overreacting myself, although it's an interesting debate and if you feel that strongly about it all, rant away as that's what the forum is here for. Myself, I wouldn't be bothered about it all, no foreign fan of NUFC has to justify their support.


It's not a matter of us trying to justify our support (like I've just said, that's silly. Why should anyone have to do that?) It's a matter of us trying to convince those who would think less of us to think differently.


Granted, that's probably a lot cause, but as you've said, ranting is what this forum is for.

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So what do people have a problem with? Foriegn fans or fans from around england who support teams outsidethere region? I dont see the harm in any person wanting to be part of a group of fans that they understand, or empathise with, its all forthe greater good, do there same people have problems with "bloody foreigners stealing our jobs as well?" Not wanting to diverge too much, but i imiagine the same people who have problems with "non local" supporters are the same ones who complain about the "job stealing foriegners"....right?


In the end, if there is something about this club, which has really drawn you in, (could be one of many things), then you have every right to want to be part of something that you percive as being unique and special.


To be drawn into something because they win all the time is reminicent of a hanger on, trying to leech of someone elses success, its undignified at an abhorrent praqctise. Something which i dont empaphise with at all.

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Guest Knightrider

missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.


I think you're overreacting myself, although it's an interesting debate and if you feel that strongly about it all, rant away as that's what the forum is here for. Myself, I wouldn't be bothered about it all, no foreign fan of NUFC has to justify their support.


It's not a matter of us trying to justify our support (like I've just said, that's silly. Why should anyone have to do that?) It's a matter of us trying to convince those who would think less of us to think differently.


Granted, that's probably a lot cause, but as you've said, ranting is what this forum is for.


But who thinks less of you? In my eyes, I'm astounded we have so many foreign fans and even more so at the lengths a good number of you go to to follow Newcastle, often putting local fans to shame. For me we have fantastic foreign fans who support the club for all the right reasons. It's all about the club and not what we've won, what we have a chance of winning or the kind of football we play. That means you follow the club for the same reasons as I do outside of being born here which you can't help (where you're born). Now I am of the same opinion as NM that people should support their local clubs, but that doesn't mean I think anyone is less of a fan. Same as I don't think if you're not a Geordie, you are less of a fan. That's just complete shite and I don't even think that's the argument NM is getting at. You have to remember, it's a mentality bread into people here in the UK, especially in places like Newcastle, that you look out for your own and you support your own and to do otherwise is akin to being a traitor or a sell-out. My mother for example classes the club as "we" or "us" yet she isn't a supporter like you or I am. I know Geordies who don't like football but who have relations who 'support' Man Utd for example and think "how can you support them, you should support the Toon, they are wor team". By "wor" that means they are Newcastle's team, the City's which should come first in any aspect, whether it be football or living in a different City or country. "Why would you wanna live there, what's wrang with Newcastle, wor home Toon". Perhaps if people came to understand this mentality then they may see where the likes of NM are coming from and not get so defensive. We are an island remember and an island race and this type of mentality is in our genes almost. More so in remote areas like Newcastle who at one point or another, may as well have been a different country to the rest of the nation. Indeed many people today rightly or wrongly consider themselves as Geordies first and Englishmen second. Some don't even think of themselves as Englishmen and couldn't care less. This isn't even a football thing for many people and pre-dates the game.



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missing the point a bit are we? I was never arguing for the "right" to support NUFC. That's a silly thing to argue, anyone can support whatever club they want.


I was just pointing out that the dismissive attitude that's been proliferating in certain circles around here has been causing many of us varying degrees of discomfort/anger, and judging by the other international supporters who've replied to this thread I don't think I was alone in that assessment.


Call me a drama queen if you want, but someobdy had to say this.


I think you're overreacting myself, although it's an interesting debate and if you feel that strongly about it all, rant away as that's what the forum is here for. Myself, I wouldn't be bothered about it all, no foreign fan of NUFC has to justify their support.


It's not a matter of us trying to justify our support (like I've just said, that's silly. Why should anyone have to do that?) It's a matter of us trying to convince those who would think less of us to think differently.


Granted, that's probably a lot cause, but as you've said, ranting is what this forum is for.


But who thinks less of you? In my eyes, I'm astounded we have so many foreign fans and even more so at the lengths a good number of you go to to follow Newcastle, often putting local fans to shame. For me we have fantastic foreign fans who support the club for all the right reasons. It's all about the club and not what we've won, what we have a chance of winning or the kind of football we play. That means you follow the club for the same reasons as I do outside of being born here which you can't help (where you're born). Now I am of the same opinion as NM that people should support their local clubs, but that doesn't mean I think anyone is less of a fan. Same as I don't think if you're not a Geordie, you are less of a fan. That's just complete s**** and I don't even think that's the argument NM is getting at. You have to remember, it's a mentality bread into people here in the UK, especially in places like Newcastle, that you look out for your own and you support your own and to do otherwise is akin to being a traitor or a sell-out. My mother for example classes the club as "we" or "us" yet she isn't a supporter like you or I am. I know Geordies who don't like football but who have relations who 'support' Man Utd for example and think "how can you support them, you should support the Toon, they are wor team". By "wor" that means they are Newcastle's team, the City's which should come first in any aspect, whether it be football or living in a different City or country. "Why would you wanna live there, what's wrang with Newcastle, wor home Toon". Perhaps if people came to understand this mentality then they may see where the likes of NM are coming from and not get so defensive. We are an island remember and an island race and this type of mentality is in our genes almost. More so in remote areas like Newcastle who at one point or another, may as well have been a different country to the rest of the nation. Indeed many people today rightly or wrongly consider themselves as Geordies first and Englishmen second. Some don't even think of themselves as Englishmen and couldn't care less. This isn't even a football thing for many people and pre-dates the game.



it's posts like that ,that start wars of independence.
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Guest Nufc4Life

Well lets put it this way, if no people outside of Newcastle in England supported Newcastle, theres no chance we'd be a Premiership side.

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Guest Nufc4Life

Well lets put it this way, if no people outside of Newcastle in England supported Newcastle, theres no chance we'd be a Premiership side.




Well, before money came into play, it's all the fans who were the lifeblood of the club, the merchandise etc. If it was ONLY people in Newcastle who supported the side, I very much doubt we'd get 52,000, I very much doubt we'd be at the level we are now.


All clubs need fans, obviously. Fans put a lot of money into the club. Money is what keeps the club going. If it was only Geordies supporting us and going to the games, there wouldnt be half as many fans as there is now, and all that sort of thing.


A club without fans, and lots of them is nothing.

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Well lets put it this way, if no people outside of Newcastle in England supported Newcastle, theres no chance we'd be a Premiership side.




Well, before money came into play, it's all the fans who were the lifeblood of the club, the merchandise etc. If it was ONLY people in Newcastle who supported the side, I very much doubt we'd get 52,000, I very much doubt we'd be at the level we are now.


All clubs need fans, obviously. Fans put a lot of money into the club. Money is what keeps the club going. If it was only Geordies supporting us and going to the games, there wouldnt be half as many fans as there is now, and all that sort of thing.


A club without fans, and lots of them is nothing.

but shouldn't that count for all clubs,only mancs to citeh or united,only scosers to pool or toffees. on that scale i reckon we'd be quite near the top of the prem.
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Guest Knightrider

Well lets put it this way, if no people outside of Newcastle in England supported Newcastle, theres no chance we'd be a Premiership side.


That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read, sorry.


There are so many things wrong with that statement I wouldn't know where to start.


Basically attendances have fuck all to do with Premiership status. Newcastle could be a top-flight club with 20,000 fans. Likewise we could be a Championship side with 53,000 fans.


Btw I think the vast majority who attend SJP are local based/born anyway, we have a absolute small minority of daytrippers attending our matches if you ask me.

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Guest Peter.Sthlm

Some people should just accept the fact that not everyone will welcome their support.


If someone doesn't see me as a proper fan/supporter because I'm not a Georide then that's fine with me. It's his/hers way of seeing things and I doubt their opinion will change. I'll just accept that and move on. If I ever met them in person we probably wouldn't get along anyway.

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