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Guest Knightrider

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And paragraphs were invented because?


And forums were invented because?




Quite clearly so you could be the voice of the people.


Or perhaps someone who quite likes to post what's on his mind, which is after all, the whole point of a forum no? Anyway, I hear your training for moderatorship is going well. You'll walk it. If not a role in the police beckons, internet of course.


Pardon?  :geordiesathome:

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i understand what HTT is on about but i think he's struggled to get it over well.



i think what he's getting at is whereas if we were in mid-table the football would have taken a back seat by now,but now we all know who reading play next and are doing calculations on scraps of paper about how many points we and the others should get.....it does get you going.it may not be enjoyable but for me the sense of relief on that day in leicester was greater than the joy of winning promotion the following season,barcleona,milan,feyenoord or 2 FA cup semi wins.


don't read this wrong ,i'd prefer to win, but being where we are does get the adrenalin going in a different sort of way.

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Guest Knightrider

i understand what HTT is on about but i think he's struggled to get it over well.



i think what he's getting at is whereas if we were in mid-table the football would have taken a back seat by now,but now we all know who reading play next and are doing calculations on scraps of paper about how many points we and the others should get.....it does get you going.it may not be enjoyable but for me the sense of relief on that day in leicester was greater than the joy of winning promotion the following season,barcleona,milan,feyenoord or 2 FA cup semi wins.


don't read this wrong ,i'd prefer to win, but being where we are does get the adrenalin going in a different sort of way.


Thank you Madras. Aye I have struggled articulating it and my thoughts aren't just based on NUFC but football as a whole. Today for example everyone at work, staff and customers were all talking about the defeat to Blackburn, where that leaves us and so on, I can't remember that kind of reaction in a long time. It's usually "lost again, meh". Now it's "lost again, fuck me, what's going on, how do we get out of this". All day today all I've talked about is Newcastle United and thankfully I didn't detect a "oh no, we're finished". I was actually heartened by the reactions and pretty much to a man it's defiant, "we won't go down" or "we'll come back up, not the end of the world". My kind of attitude.

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I was heartbroken on Saturday, absolutely gutted. Worst I've felt for a long time regarding any match we've been involved in. Because we gave it our all. Under Allardyce it never felt like we did that. But on Saturday we gave it our all and that's what hurt the most.

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With all the bitterness directed to NUFC from the fans of other clubs in the Premier League - that's fucking it as far as I'm concerned.  There won't be any of this "I hate Sunderland, but I don't mind <whoever>" next season, for me.  From now on they're ALL our fucking enemy.  Each and every team I hope we crush, burn, kill them to bits.  No mercy.  I will laugh at Martin Taylor-esque tackles that come at the expense of our opponents.  "Oh, it's a shame for football with <fancy-dan footballer of choice> injured".  Is it?  Does he play for NUFC?  No?  Then good.  Ha fuckety ha.  I hope your star players contract the fucking plague, and that it gets passed onto the fans, who all crawl back to whichever cunts they crawled out of.  Such as Surrey.  I look forward to the day when we can go from ground to ground and the only chanting we hear is made up of Newcastle songs (bit like Arsenal away, then).


Even though it's mathematically impossible, I hope each and every team apart from ours is relegated next season.  Fuck them all.




That is just...brilliant. It's football forum poetry, nothing less  :banana2:

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I was heartbroken on Saturday, absolutely gutted. Worst I've felt for a long time regarding any match we've been involved in. Because we gave it our all. Under Allardyce it never felt like we did that. But on Saturday we gave it our all and that's what hurt the most.


Funnily enough even though we lost, I couldn't help feeling a bit proud at the way the lads got at Blackburn. Yes there was a sense of desperation and no, it wasn't clinical. But for 90 mins they had a damn good go. It reminded me of the old Keegan teams which used to get you on the edge of your seat. A pale shadow but it was there nonetheless.



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Guest stjamestoon

With all the bitterness directed to NUFC from the fans of other clubs in the Premier League - that's f****** it as far as I'm concerned.  There won't be any of this "I hate Sunderland, but I don't mind <whoever>" next season, for me.  From now on they're ALL our f****** enemy.  Each and every team I hope we crush, burn, kill them to bits.  No mercy.  I will laugh at Martin Taylor-esque tackles that come at the expense of our opponents.  "Oh, it's a shame for football with <fancy-dan footballer of choice> injured".  Is it?  Does he play for NUFC?  No?  Then good.  Ha fuckety ha.  I hope your star players contract the f****** plague, and that it gets passed onto the fans, who all crawl back to whichever c***s they crawled out of.  Such as Surrey.  I look forward to the day when we can go from ground to ground and the only chanting we hear is made up of Newcastle songs (bit like Arsenal away, then).


Even though it's mathematically impossible, I hope each and every team apart from ours is relegated next season.  f*** them all.




Haha, What an amazing post...like the original post on this topic, it is exciting...all this unknown..i mean iam really looking forward to the birmingham game. It will probably be a real shitty night, but my god we have to win that game, and yes, under keegan we do put alot more effort in, and it is more exciting, because one thing i can guarantee is that if we were still managed by Big Sam, we wouldnt be wondering whether or not we will go down, it would be a dead cert, because we never played with any effort.


I hope we stay up for all of our thousands of fans...but it is going to be a real tough test of character, if we do go down then it will be the hardest thing in the world, and if we stay up the summer needs to be a mass makeover for the new season!

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HTT doesn't even go to the games man.


Hence he has invested fuck all in the (albeit fruitless) pursuit of seeing us win something.


I would have thought that as the club is the biggest representative of the city on the national, european and international stage, those with a passion and pride for the city would want to see the team competing at the top of the game? The club's success makes me proud to be a supporter and proud to be from the city.


Every single club in the championship would swap their position for 4th bottom in the premiership too.



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Nah HTT.


You had me with all the upbeat stuff but expecting us to enjoy a relegation scrap is a step too far. Much prefer meaningless UEFA cup games against some Latvian nobodies.


I agree. 4.55 on Saturday was nearly as low as I have felt following NUFC and that's some list of candidates. Let's not pretend this is something to be embraced. I never want to feel like that again.


have to agree, when that goal went in on sat it brought flashbacks from some of the away games when we blew the tittle, and cantona scoring in there 1-0 win at sjp...bit of a over reaction maybe, but its not something i want to go through many more times this season....nevermind it getting any worse, getting on the brink of relegation and pulling something out the hat and surviving on the last day or something would be a huge buzz but if it went the other way its not worth thinking about.

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I agree with his point it's exciting but i'm shitting it at us going down, would be a huge blow.


Sat just topped what was a s**** week for me, Crashed the Car, My wifes plane got transfered to Manchester, Work! everything was a nightmare!



And to have that happen on Sat was like having my balls hit that hard they popped out of my mouth.


Maybe we need a new ground just to change our luck! As St Jame's seems bloody cursed

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Guest iliketoonarmy

"This is bollocks" should really be the thread title tbh


Agree with you tbh

Being a loser and talking bollocks is always a easier option though.


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With all the bitterness directed to NUFC from the fans of other clubs in the Premier League - that's fucking it as far as I'm concerned.  There won't be any of this "I hate Sunderland, but I don't mind <whoever>" next season, for me.  From now on they're ALL our fucking enemy.  Each and every team I hope we crush, burn, kill them to bits.  No mercy.  I will laugh at Martin Taylor-esque tackles that come at the expense of our opponents.  "Oh, it's a shame for football with <fancy-dan footballer of choice> injured".  Is it?  Does he play for NUFC?  No?  Then good.  Ha fuckety ha.  I hope your star players contract the fucking plague, and that it gets passed onto the fans, who all crawl back to whichever cunts they crawled out of.  Such as Surrey.  I look forward to the day when we can go from ground to ground and the only chanting we hear is made up of Newcastle songs (bit like Arsenal away, then).


Even though it's mathematically impossible, I hope each and every team apart from ours is relegated next season.  Fuck them all.



Why hasn't anyone "Spot On"-ed this post yet?

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The one not so negative thing about going down this season is that we've got absolutely no players we would be devastated about losing. The only one that we would be unhappy to lose really is Zoggy, and even then it really wouldn't be that big a deal.


If we went down I can honestly say I would be happy about the fact that it would mean the certain sale of the likes of Barton, butt, Smith, Owen, duff and Viduka, as there will always be clubs in the premiership after these louts.


It would honestly excite me to see us introduce a fresh new team mostly made up of youngsters I would imagine, with the likes of Carroll playing a much bigger role at the club.


It would suck if we were in the championship next year but I have no doubt I would enjoy watching and supporting the team we would have, more than watching and supporting the team we have had this season in the premiership.


Whatever will be, will be.


I am confident MA would do all he could to bring us back up and so would Keegan.

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Guest JamesD

f*** that. Us foreign supporters wouldn't be able to see any games.

Every cloud, eh? ;)

Haha. You know you'll miss the TV revenues.

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f*** that. Us foreign supporters wouldn't be able to see any games.

Every cloud, eh? ;)

Haha. You know you'll miss the TV revenues.

I meant you won't have to watch the dross that's been served up this season btw :thup:

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The one not so negative thing about going down this season is that we've got absolutely no players we would be devastated about losing. The only one that we would be unhappy to lose really is Zoggy, and even then it really wouldn't be that big a deal.


If we went down I can honestly say I would be happy about the fact that it would mean the certain sale of the likes of Barton, butt, Smith, Owen, duff and Viduka, as there will always be clubs in the premiership after these louts.


It would honestly excite me to see us introduce a fresh new team mostly made up of youngsters I would imagine, with the likes of Carroll playing a much bigger role at the club.


It would suck if we were in the championship next year but I have no doubt I would enjoy watching and supporting the team we would have, more than watching and supporting the team we have had this season in the premiership.


Whatever will be, will be.


I am confident MA would do all he could to bring us back up and so would Keegan.


You and HTT will be loving it even more as we plunge towards League 1 next season then.

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The one not so negative thing about going down this season is that we've got absolutely no players we would be devastated about losing. The only one that we would be unhappy to lose really is Zoggy, and even then it really wouldn't be that big a deal.


If we went down I can honestly say I would be happy about the fact that it would mean the certain sale of the likes of Barton, butt, Smith, Owen, duff and Viduka, as there will always be clubs in the premiership after these louts.


It would honestly excite me to see us introduce a fresh new team mostly made up of youngsters I would imagine, with the likes of Carroll playing a much bigger role at the club.


It would suck if we were in the championship next year but I have no doubt I would enjoy watching and supporting the team we would have, more than watching and supporting the team we have had this season in the premiership.


Whatever will be, will be.


I am confident MA would do all he could to bring us back up and so would Keegan.




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Guest float one in

I can see where HTT is coming from, cos one of the happiest football related feelings I can remember is Leicester 92, but thats only cos we survived!!!! A relegation fight is not something to enjoy - its ridiculous to suggest it is. The feeling if/when you do survive is absolutely immense, but the fact we are in this situation is a disgrace and leaves you feeling absolutely wretched about the whole thing. Lets just hope KK keeps us up and then start looking forward to bigger and better things - we shouldn't be in the this position (by that I don't mean we don't deserve it - of course we do, the table always tells the truth).

The way to putting all the Dyer, Bowyer,Barton, Sheperd etc etc rubbish behind us and giving the newspapers nothing to write about isn't by getting involved in relegation battles or even going down, its by having a decent manager with a team of good players winning more matches than not. By this time next season I reckon we'll have all 3 of those things.


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