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When the going gets tough - these b******s hide

Guest Phil K

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Butt, Smith, Given, probably even Nzogbia, Taylor, Owen, Milner, Cacapa, and Barton should be mentioned before Duff, I bet his ball retention is up with the highest in our squad. Not saying much I know but still!


That's the point though, he's a winger, he's supposed to be pro-active and be one of the guys who makes things happen. Generally though he runs around with his head down, twists and turns a couple of times and plays a pass back to one of our CM's who end up having to play a hopeful punt forward.


I'd rather he lose the ball more often and actually do something useful once in a while.


I still think thats over exaggerating, he does stick some crosses in, and when he does they are normally better than anyone elses. Dont get me wrong im not saying hes played well, but hes done the simple things and tried to play football and not give the ball away. Theres a good half of the team at least playing worse than him. N'Zogbia hasnt exactly done enough to keep Duff out recently either, he goes missing far too much.

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Butt, Smith, Given, probably even Nzogbia, Taylor, Owen, Milner, Cacapa, and Barton should be mentioned before Duff, I bet his ball retention is up with the highest in our squad. Not saying much I know but still!


That's the point though, he's a winger, he's supposed to be pro-active and be one of the guys who makes things happen. Generally though he runs around with his head down, twists and turns a couple of times and plays a pass back to one of our CM's who end up having to play a hopeful punt forward.


I'd rather he lose the ball more often and actually do something useful once in a while.


I still think thats over exaggerating, he does stick some crosses in, and when he does they are normally better than anyone elses. Dont get me wrong im not saying hes played well, but hes done the simple things and tried to play football and not give the ball away. Theres a good half of the team at least playing worse than him. N'Zogbia hasnt exactly done enough to keep Duff out recently either, he goes missing far too much.


To each his own I suppose, but I'd much rather have N'Zogbia in there at LW right now. Can go missing at times and be frustrating, but at least gives you the chance of making something out of nothing in a team that desperately lacks the quality to open teams up with teamwork.


Same reason I'd have Martins ahead of Owen right now, we're a desperately mundane team in need of guys that worry opposing teams as they're libel to do something great now and then.


And I don't think Damien "0 Goals and 0 Assists" Duff really worries teams at all, quite frankly.

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To think people are fooled by a winger who runs into the corner, squats then gives the ball back to the centre half just because he "keeps the ball". Frightening.


He doesn't keep the ball either, fwiw. Bloke's an absolute disgrace and has been from day one. When I think about the flack Laurent Robert used to get for generally being fucking brilliant compared to the leeway given to this arsehole, who should have been run out of town by now, it makes me want to weep.

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At the end of the day we're shit, end of. We're going down. I'm certainly not surprised at our current situation. We've got defenders who can't defend, midfielders who can't create.


Look at the players we have, we've got a striker on 100k a week who's more bothered about playing for england. We've got players who arn't what they once were because of injuries (Duff, Owen, Smith), we've got players who are here for the money (Viduka,Geremi). These over-paid muppets aint going to keep us up.



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At the end of the day we're shit, end of. We're going down. I'm certainly not surprised at our current situation. We've got defenders who can't defend, midfielders who can't create.


Look at the players we have, we've got a striker on 100k a week who's more bothered about playing for england. We've got players who arn't what they once were because of injuries (Duff, Owen, Smith), we've got players who are here for the money (Viduka,Geremi). These over-paid muppets aint going to keep us up.


I'd give my right arm to have Viduka back fit. I'd be 10 times more confident of staying up too.

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Guest Phil K

To think people are fooled by a winger who runs into the corner, squats then gives the ball back to the centre half just because he "keeps the ball". Frightening.


He doesn't keep the ball either, fwiw. Bloke's an absolute disgrace and has been from day one. When I think about the flack Laurent Robert used to get for generally being f****** brilliant compared to the leeway given to this arsehole, who should have been run out of town by now, it makes me want to weep.


All bang on.

And what makes it even more ridiculous is those who were attacking Robert at the time are the same ones ranting against other fans for saying this bunch are spineless crap ! ! !

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At the end of the day we're s***, end of. We're going down. I'm certainly not surprised at our current situation. We've got defenders who can't defend, midfielders who can't create.


Look at the players we have, we've got a striker on 100k a week who's more bothered about playing for england. We've got players who arn't what they once were because of injuries (Duff, Owen, Smith), we've got players who are here for the money (Viduka,Geremi). These over-paid muppets aint going to keep us up.




Agree entirely.

If we go down we've fuking deserved it - poor performances week in week out, no signings when they were needed  extremely baffling selections and when the going gets tough, the shit fuk off and that's exactly what some our lot have done.

No fight, no guts. At least some of the dross of the league have shown something of a desire to get going.


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At the end of the day we're shit, end of. We're going down. I'm certainly not surprised at our current situation. We've got defenders who can't defend, midfielders who can't create.


Look at the players we have, we've got a striker on 100k a week who's more bothered about playing for england. We've got players who arn't what they once were because of injuries (Duff, Owen, Smith), we've got players who are here for the money (Viduka,Geremi). These over-paid muppets aint going to keep us up.


I'd give my right arm to have Viduka back fit. I'd be 10 times more confident of staying up too.


I agree. Viduka could've saved our season if he'd stayed fit, imo.

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Guest Phil K

No fight, no guts. At least some of the dross of the league have shown something of a desire to get going.


And bafflingly we still have pillocks attacking those saying such (don't you, "Janitor" ?)

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Duff hasn't been terrible... but he's done nowt to get a place in the team ahead of N'Zogbia. Should be dropped on that basis alone.


Smith needs to go.


Butt had a half-decent first half. He at least showed some fight. It needs to happen more, though.


A winger who does nothing it terrible by default.

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Duff hasn't been terrible... but he's done nowt to get a place in the team ahead of N'Zogbia. Should be dropped on that basis alone.


Smith needs to go.


Butt had a half-decent first half. He at least showed some fight. It needs to happen more, though.


A winger who does nothing it terrible by default.


That post was by LucaAlteri, not me, you crackerjack!

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No fight, no guts. At least some of the dross of the league have shown something of a desire to get going.


And bafflingly we still have pillocks attacking those saying such (don't you, "Janitor" ?)


You've been saying it for years man Phil, it's nowt new, change the record.


You were a moaning bugger when we were doing well for fuck's sake.

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It really is time to stand up and be counted. We've played the Man U's, Arsenal's and Liverpools where we expected little and got less. Next monday brings the first head to head against fellow struggling wankers. This is where the questions will be asked of our squad. This is where capitulation after conceding won't be accepted. On a positive note, we've generally played better against the crap sides since Keegan took over. Let's hope the players can at least show something at this sub-standard level.

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Guest Phil K

You've been saying it for years man Phil, it's nowt new, change the record.


You were a moaning bugger when we were doing well for f***'s sake.

Doing well by todays standards or doing well by a pillocks standards ? (Yours in other words)

Were you one of those walking out after the Wolves game under SBR, and then two years later saying it was a "glorious time" ?

I'd call you a moron, but you'd need a few promotions to get to that level.


It really is time to stand up and be counted. We've played the Man U's, Arsenal's and Liverpools where we expected little and got less. Next monday brings the first head to head against fellow struggling wankers. This is where the questions will be asked of our squad. This is where capitulation after conceding won't be accepted. On a positive note, we've generally played better against the crap sides since Keegan took over. Let's hope the players can at least show something at this sub-standard level.

Ah...now this mentality I can identify with.

Positive while accepting our all-too-obvious limitations.

I hope to God you're right, mate.

I fear the mentality is more of a problem than lack of ability.

Not just lack of confidence, but lack of CARE

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Duff goes up against the fullback, drops his shoulder like he's going to knock it past him and run but doesn't, he just stays there doing fuck all.


N'Zogbia needs to get his act together and start living up to his potential too as I can't remember the last excellent game he had out on the wing.

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Duff goes up against the fullback, drops his shoulder like he's going to knock it past him and run but doesn't, he just stays there doing fuck all.


N'Zogbia needs to get his act together and start living up to his potential too as I can't remember the last excellent game he had out on the wing.


No-one has performed to the level which they are capable of for some time. I'm struggling to think of the last time someone turned in an excellent performance for us.

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You've been saying it for years man Phil, it's nowt new, change the record.


You were a moaning bugger when we were doing well for f***'s sake.

Doing well by todays standards or doing well by a pillocks standards ? (Yours in other words)

Were you one of those walking out after the Wolves game under SBR, and then two years later saying it was a "glorious time" ?

I'd call you a moron, but you'd need a few promotions to get to that level.


It really is time to stand up and be counted. We've played the Man U's, Arsenal's and Liverpools where we expected little and got less. Next monday brings the first head to head against fellow struggling wankers. This is where the questions will be asked of our squad. This is where capitulation after conceding won't be accepted. On a positive note, we've generally played better against the crap sides since Keegan took over. Let's hope the players can at least show something at this sub-standard level.

Ah...now this mentality I can identify with.

Positive while accepting our all-too-obvious limitations.

I hope to God you're right, mate.

I fear the mentality is more of a problem than lack of ability.

Not just lack of confidence, but lack of CARE


Oh dear. Has your brain just engaged now? Almost 2 days after your first reply to my post? You're an embarrassment to yourself mate.


To keep things truthful though, as I can't be having you spreading all sorts of shite around, I stayed after the Wolves game and clapped them off.


If you think coming 4th, 3rd and 5th isn't doing "well" when compared to what we've seen since, then I fear you're beyond help/reason. You were moaning about all sorts long before that Wolves game. You're fickle as fuck, you've got nowt between your ears, and you're exactly the sort of "supporter" that deserves the shite we're getting served up with this season.



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what i wouldn't give for a fit motivated Viduka up front with Oba for the rest of the season with Owen on the bench and Butt/Smith nowhere fucking near


How about an unfit, unmotivated Viduka up front with Oba? Seeing as that's the more likely option.



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what i wouldn't give for a fit motivated Viduka up front with Oba for the rest of the season with Owen on the bench and Butt/Smith nowhere f****** near


How about an unfit, unmotivated Viduka up front with Oba? Seeing as that's the more likely option.




i know it's more likely, which is why i said 'what i wouldn't give....'

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