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Kev: Signings may not be stars


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KEVIN KEEGAN last night insisted he, and he alone, will decide on Newcastle’s summer transfer targets.


But the United manager, while playing down the role of the directorial trio of Dennis Wise, Tony Jimenez and Jeff Vetere in drawing up the club’s close-season spending plans, has warned fans not to expect a glut of all-star signings.


For Keegan does not believe that Newcastle have a realistic chance of competing with the Premier League’s Big Four for elite players.


While Wise identifies talented youngsters and Vetere scouts more senior prospects, Keegan is adamant that he remains in charge of transfers at St James’s Park.


“The final say is 100 per cent mine, absolutely 100 per cent. Not even 99 per cent,” said Keegan.


“All that Dennis and Jeff are saying to me is: ‘We’ve gone to watch this player, we think you should get over to watch him.’ “


But Keegan added: “Very few of the players we’re looking at at the moment with regards to the future won’t be being looked at by other clubs as well.


“If you’ve got good players performing well in other leagues, do you think Man Utd don’t know about them and Liverpool don’t know? We’re all looking in the same areas.


“The good news is we’ve got a pretty good scouting system now and we’re watching a lot of games.


“But it will come down to finance and players’ choice and you’ve got to be realistic.


“If a top-class player elsewhere in the world has a chance to move to Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Juventus . . . they’re going to be the first choices for these players.


“We’ve got to accept that we may not get any of those players – yet – because we can’t offer them things the likes of Chelsea can, either financially or in terms of Champions League experience.”


Newcastle are close to bringing an American youngster spotted by Wise at a youth tournament in Dallas last week to Tyneside.




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that said, we can offer first team football and a shitload of cash that the likes of Everton and Spurs etc cannot


We should be targeting players that can take us back to 5th, we don't need stars to do that, end of. We don't want another Owen.


Robert and Bellamy came for a combined £16m, these are the type of signings Wise and Keegan should be looking at. Not world stars but players with genuine ability, pace and time on their side


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that said, we can offer first team football and a shitload of cash that the likes of Everton and Spurs etc cannot


We should be targeting players that can take us back to 5th, we don't need stars to do that, end of. We don't want another Owen.


Robert and Bellamy came for a combined £16m, these are the type of signings Wise and Keegan should be looking at. Not world stars but players with genuine ability, pace and time on their side


I agree. Another Owen alongside Owen up-front wouldn't work. Far too similar. Happy with the 3 we have.

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Guest jcricthon

Hope we don't get Bullard like. Canny player but not really going to take us to the next level.


Correct. He is just not good enough.

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we need to look outside this leage anol tbh. The premiership has two types of players, overpriced players and shit players


we'd have to pay £7m for Jimmy Bullard. For that price we could get someone with genuine class from spain or italy

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Guest Stephen927

Jimmy Bullard  :lol:


Fair enough, didn't expect, nor want him to come out and say we're going to go after realistic targets, or players on their way down.


For the first time in a while, I'm feeling confident that the players we bring in, will be players with hunger and a point to prove. Sick of seeing players come to this club and not give a toss about the club, and just about their weekly wage packet, partly the fault of the previous board, but thats a discussion I don't think we want to get into again.


Ashleys got money. That doesn't mean to say he has to splash it to get us back into Europe. A few players out the door, a few shrewd signings and maybe one or two experienced players and we'll be quite close.

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There's plenty of good players out there if the scouting system is doing it's job, both Berbatov and Elano were hardly household names before they came to the Premiership, it'll be interesting to see what that Bafetimbi Gomis bloke is like if we're after him.

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There's plenty of good players out there if the scouting system is doing it's job, both Berbatov and Elano were hardly household names before they came to the Premiership, it'll be interesting to see what that Bafetimbi Gomis bloke is like if we're after him.


Agree on gomis. Want to see more of him

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I just want us to sign players that are hungry and want to achieve something. Players that want to prove themselves in the Premiership, as long as they're not called Rozehnal.


Like someoen pointed out, Elano and Berbatov were both eager to prove themselves on this stage, and that's the kind of players we should be looking at.

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I just want us to sign players that are hungry and want to achieve something. Players that want to prove themselves in the Premiership, as long as they're not called Rozehnal.


Like someoen pointed out, Elano and Berbatov were both eager to prove themselves on this stage, and that's the kind of players we should be looking at.


Anyone know how Rozehnal is doing at Lazio?

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I just want us to sign players that are hungry and want to achieve something. Players that want to prove themselves in the Premiership, as long as they're not called Rozehnal.


Like someoen pointed out, Elano and Berbatov were both eager to prove themselves on this stage, and that's the kind of players we should be looking at.


Anyone know how Rozehnal is doing at Lazio?

they're afraid to play him

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Good news on the decision-making. Fully expect the rags to ignore that though, and question every single signing we make.


Can't disagree about the stars thing either. Some fans just expect us to be competing with the top four for signatures for some reason.

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Guest MarkMag

I think we've had a fair share of so called "stars" at this club and it hasn't always been successful (e.g. Smith, Luque to name a couple). When you look at teams like Arsenal in recent years they have signed players that you wouldn't have really heard of much, one of which as just scored for them - Sagna (another example - Fabregas, adebayor), and they have made them stars. And thats exactly what we should recognise as the way forward. Let's face it I'm not sure if major stars would come to us just now anyway (unless they are tempted by the dosh). I divvent care what their name is as long as they can play the game and entertain the fans.

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