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Wenger Takes A Hammering


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Another Aresnal myth they lack experince, the voyeur should of played the Brazilian captain more often then.




Knackered & finished at this level imo.


Maybe it's confidence or a lack of match sharpness but he reminds me of Campbell in his last season at Arsenal. Looks tired and spent.


Wenger needs a bigger squad, and to use them as well. Fabregas is dead on his feet, the team as a whole is unable of winning their last 3/4 matches because they look tired. He should've used Diarra more and kept him. They need another CM.


Arsene needs to play Eboue at rightback or send him our way. He is not a right midfielder at all. Can't cross, terrible decision making, poor final ball, can't shoot.



Needs another top quality CB. Liverpool have Carragher, Agger, Skrtel and Hyppia, Arsenal pale in comparison.


Clichy needs to step it up. His final ball is often poor and he has lapses of concentration.


Adebayour is not Henry. They need RVP and Eduardo consistently fit to challenge or they should buy another striker.



More than anything they need numbers. Defensively Manure are short of numbers but everywhere else, especially wide and in midfield they have real quality in depth. They have 4 central midfielders of a similar standard.

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For me most of Arsenal's "problem" stems from the fact that they lack really world-class individual attacking players. Lots of good players, but not many who can do that something really special to make the difference on a day where things don't quite click, which is libel to happen playing the way Arsenal do.


Fabregas is fantastic, though at his age he's going to struggle to be consistently brilliant every week.


After that though?


Hleb - Fabulous dribbler, shields the ball well ad a clever player. But not enough end product at all, he's still not hit double figures in terms of goals in 3 years at the club. And I rarely see him pick out a killer pass either.


Adebayor - Getting there, but still not a complete forward by any means. Not a natural finisher, and his control of the ball can be horrific at times.


Van Persie - Could have stepped up a level this year had a he stayed injury free, but as it stands he still hasn't established himself as a really top player.


Rosicky - Similiar to Hleb really, very technically sound but not consistently effective enough in the final third.


Walcott - Should be the business eventually, but isn't yet.


Then you've got the likes of Eboue, who's nothing special at all, and Diaby (good holding midfielder in the making) playing and being expected to make stuff happen going forward.


Again, they're good players. But compare them to Man U who have Ronaldo, Rooney, Tevez, Scholes and others and it's not even a comparison quite frankly.


They've overachieved this year in all honesty, and have been found out to some extent. But to be having a go at Wenger because his young team have narrowly lost out in the title race to teams blessed with vastly better players than he is ridiculous, in all honesty.

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I agree with Shak. Had they had a player of Henry's calibre they would've have won either today or on Tuesday.


They dont' have as many match-winners when you compare them to previous sides. Just look at the team that went unbeaten. You had...








Right now after Adebayour & Fab you are looking for Gallas to score.

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the only reason arsenal have been in such a good position to challenge for the two big trophies with a couple of months left of the season is down to Wenger. no other manager could've taken that squad so far.


however, he's really paying for not investing in the side. he had a reported £75m in the summer and spent nothing, actually made a profit iirc. i agree with college dropouts assessment, they need a striker (someone like Benzema), a central midfielder of similar quality to their best two (let's say Carrick or Veloso), a centre-half to challenge Toure and Gallas (should've bought Woodgate in Jan), a versatile winger who provides something different to Hleb and Rosicky (someone like Nani, could be Walcott but he's not mature enough yet) and one or two other additions that might even be at the club already in the reserves. It would be well within their ability to go out and spend the sort of money needed to bring these players in, but i don't think they will. if it costs them again next season wenger has no one to blame but himself.

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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.

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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.


What also is needed is Whinger to teach the players to lose with dignity....................





That was Rooney's shirt btw.

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Guest Milburnthedog

True enough. You can add ManU to that and Chelsea and Liverpool.  All think they're hard done by with the slightest thing.

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Big players at big clubs don't like losing, we should be the exactly the same.


Exactly. Many times this season our players seemed despondent and even accepted their fate. Contrast that with Arsenal, who knew that they had to score 2 to win on Saturday to have any chance at a title, yet they never gave up. Developing that mentality will be key for us in the long run.

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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.


Fair enough you know your team better than us, but looking from the outside, your lack of punch in the box is obvious. A player like Torres would do wonders for you



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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.


Fair enough you know your team better than us, but looking from the outside, your lack of punch in the box is obvious. A player like Torres would do wonders for you



They need a better back up than Senderos too. They also seem strangely low on wingers, having to make do with Eboue on the right and Rosicky or Diabe on the left.

Still a bloody good team though, wish we had their troubles tbh.

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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.


Fair enough you know your team better than us, but looking from the outside, your lack of punch in the box is obvious. A player like Torres would do wonders for you




A player like Torres would do wonders for any team in the world. An absolute machine that lad.

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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.



Mate was it you saying Van Persie would be top scorer this year?

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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.


Fair enough you know your team better than us, but looking from the outside, your lack of punch in the box is obvious. A player like Torres would do wonders for you




A player like Torres would do wonders for any team in the world. An absolute machine that lad.


of course, but this is the quality of footballer you need to win titles, or make the jump from 3rd to 1st





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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.



Mate was it you saying Van Persie would be top scorer this year?


He was injured for most of it. Unlucky really.


8 in 18. Not sure how much he has played in those games injured or on the left wing.

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ANybody that critisise's Wenger, is wrong.


What is needed is


A winger, imagine the 35 games that Eboue has played, a quality RWer (Quaresma?).

Another Centre Half(No chance)

I dont agree with needing a striker. Eduardo, Adebayor, RvP, Bendtner, Walcott, Vela are enough for me.


Fair enough you know your team better than us, but looking from the outside, your lack of punch in the box is obvious. A player like Torres would do wonders for you




A player like Torres would do wonders for any team in the world. An absolute machine that lad.


of course, but this is the quality of footballer you need to win titles, or make the jump from 3rd to 1st



Shame we're not in a position to sign players like that really. I know people will mention Owen, but it's a completely different situation.


However, I was surprised Arsenal, Chelsea and Man United all decided (after watching Torres on numerous occasions) not to take a chance on him. Doesn't even take hindsight to see it was a mistake.

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I think Eduardo's injury effectively put Arsenal out of the title race. Not because it was a massive psychological blow to the players, which everybody seems to keep saying, but because he was just starting to settle down and score for fun. So when Adebayor's form did drop, which was to be expected, they were left relying on Bendtner who evidently isn't good enough at this level yet.


Probably agree with Ash re: their strikeforce. If van Persie - who i think has the potential to be as good as anybody, Adebayor and Eduardo are all fit for most of the season they will get more than enough goals. It's definitely the midfield that needs work.

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I think RvP could have been topscorer if he wasnt so unlucky with injuries yes.


I agree too. It's just a shame he has had such a nightmare.


The midfield is the problem for me, as highlighted already, especially the wings where natural width and ability is lacking. Quaresma or someone of that type of player would do wonders for Arsenal.

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I think RvP could have been topscorer if he wasnt so unlucky with injuries yes.


I agree too. It's just a shame he has had such a nightmare.


The midfield is the problem for me, as highlighted already, especially the wings where natural width and ability is lacking. Quaresma or someone of that type of player would do wonders for Arsenal.

Definately, and i am 95% sure we will see a new winger brought to the club in the summer of a high calibre

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I think RvP could have been topscorer if he wasnt so unlucky with injuries yes.


I agree too. It's just a shame he has had such a nightmare.


The midfield is the problem for me, as highlighted already, especially the wings where natural width and ability is lacking. Quaresma or someone of that type of player would do wonders for Arsenal.

Definately, and i am 95% sure we will see a new winger brought to the club in the summer of a high calibre


Fingers crossed. The faster Eboue fucks off the better.


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