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Wenger Takes A Hammering


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Time to start spending some big money.


Its there, they can compete for any player if they wanted too, he just refuses to spend big.


They need a world class ready made striker, and for me a replacement for Ashley Cole.


Glichy seems to get caught out quite a lot.




Clichy is the last of their worries IMO, very good player.


He's fuking lucky.


Rescued constantly by two excellent CB's next to him. He's nowhere near as good as Sagna for me.


Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have Clichy here, but for a side trying to win titles i think he comes up a bit short. Not a player who really gets punished for his mistakes, but invites pressure on himself far too often. He's only a kid though, no doubt it will iron out within the next few years, but that is typical of Arsenal right now, plenty of youth in touching distance of being fully reliable.



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Time to start spending some big money.


Its there, they can compete for any player if they wanted too, he just refuses to spend big.


They need a world class ready made striker, and for me a replacement for Ashley Cole.


Glichy seems to get caught out quite a lot.




Clichy is the last of their worries IMO, very good player.


yep, Clichy is solid


they need to look at the right-side first, i've actually no idea what they're doing with Eboue and Walcott/Rosicky aren't the answer in that position. They also have no genuine physicallity in their defence and dont get me started on their forwards. Not one is fit for a club supposedly one of the biggest in the world.

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To think that the tedium that is Chelsea Football Club is still in with a chance of the title is a travesty against football


Exact opposite to Arsenal in every single way.


Footballing style, history and types of players, even their managers.


Fans are both cocks mind ;)

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Time to start spending some big money.


Its there, they can compete for any player if they wanted too, he just refuses to spend big.


They need a world class ready made striker, and for me a replacement for Ashley Cole.


Glichy seems to get caught out quite a lot.




Clichy is the last of their worries IMO, very good player.


He's fuking lucky.


Rescued constantly by two excellent CB's next to him. He's nowhere near as good as Sagna for me.


Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have Clichy here, but for a side trying to win titles i think he comes up a bit short. Not a player who really gets punished for his mistakes, but invites pressure on himself far too often. He's only a kid though, no doubt it will iron out within the next few years, but that is typical of Arsenal right now, plenty of youth in touching distance of being fully reliable.




I'd agree with this assessment of Clichy. He invites pressure onto himself and seems to fall asleep at random times during a game. But, as you say, he's still very young and has a lot of potential.


Gallas has been quite disappointing lately as well. I know he's quality and all but he's not 'stepping up' in the way that you'd expect a central defender and a captain to. A new CB, GK, striker and just hope for better luck next year with injuries is probably the best Arsene can do. They're certainly up there in their ability to create chances and seem destined to win the title up until Clichy's gaffe against Birmingham.


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Time to start spending some big money.


Its there, they can compete for any player if they wanted too, he just refuses to spend big.


They need a world class ready made striker, and for me a replacement for Ashley Cole.


Glichy seems to get caught out quite a lot.




Clichy is the last of their worries IMO, very good player.


He's fuking lucky.


Rescued constantly by two excellent CB's next to him. He's nowhere near as good as Sagna for me.


Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have Clichy here, but for a side trying to win titles i think he comes up a bit short. Not a player who really gets punished for his mistakes, but invites pressure on himself far too often. He's only a kid though, no doubt it will iron out within the next few years, but that is typical of Arsenal right now, plenty of youth in touching distance of being fully reliable.




I'd agree with this assessment of Clichy. He invites pressure onto himself and seems to fall asleep at random times during a game. But, as you say, he's still very young and has a lot of potential.


Gallas has been quite disappointing lately as well. I know he's quality and all but he's not 'stepping up' in the way that you'd expect a central defender and a captain to. A new CB, GK, striker and just hope for better luck next year with injuries is probably the best Arsene can do. They're certainly up there in their ability to create chances and seem destined to win the title up until Clichy's gaffe against Birmingham.



Has decent pace to pull himself out of a few stickies he creates himself, but no doubt a solid talent in a few years.


Gallas' mind really has wondered, an immense player with great leadership abilities but is suffering bad form for some bizarre reason. Quite possibly a personal fallout (my opinion of course) with someone in the camp, maybe something's been said which had taken his mind off the game. Could also be personal, but i think Wenger is right to stick with him, no point chopping and changing, for one it would ruin Gallas and he'd be so insulted he'd walk, no doubt about it.


Their mid for me is puzzling, quite a lot of similar players and Wenger's pissing about on the right has hampered them for me. I'd just blood Walcott, he's becoming dangerous, well its pretty obvious he is after the 'Pool game.




New keeper wouldn't go a miss either.


You stole that from my head while I was typing, didn't you? :razz:


I'm still shaking by a few other things i saw in there!  O0

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Wenger could do himself a favour and pick a new Captain


There is more to being a captain than staying behind after the game and clapping the fans.


Yeah but if he isnt doing the obvious things, like acknowledging his own fans at the end of the game, then it doesnt bear well for what else he is doing.


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Wenger could do himself a favour and pick a new Captain


There is more to being a captain than staying behind after the game and clapping the fans.


When Alan Smith was captain of us he used to clap the fans it made me feel special & appreciated. All them people who leave early never witnessed Alan clapping all parts of the ground, it was Churchill esq leadership as far I am concerned.

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Another Aresnal myth they lack experince, the voyeur should of played the Brazilian captain more often then.




Knackered & finished at this level imo.


Still playing regularly for Brazil. He was okay last season iirc & haven't seen enough of him this season to say he is finished.


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Another Aresnal myth they lack experince, the voyeur should of played the Brazilian captain more often then.




Knackered & finished at this level imo.


Still playing regularly for Brazil. He was okay last season iirc & haven't seen enough of him this season to say he is finished.



His legs have gone pretty quickly in the last year or so.


He needs to get to Spain and see out his final years there, i'm certain he's still having good games for Brazil, he had and still has an immense talent, just no legs to implement it in this league anymore.


Arsenal could really do with the Gilberto of even just a year ago.

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Keegan would have got crucified for throwing away a 5 point lead and capitulating in key games after taking the lead, so on that basis, I can only brand Arsenal a bunch of bottle-dropping losers.

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Thought Song looked good today btw. Another talent there. He reminds me of early-days Toure in that he's a bit unsure and seems dodgy but is able to clean up his own mess with good positioning/anticipation, but obviously this is only off this one match so small sample size issues apply here.

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Why are none of your players good enough in the prem?

Good enough to what? Win it? We don't have enough match-winners to grab us points we don't deserve.


Looks like you've out spent everyone except Chelsea so i'm not sure who these other teams (apart from Chelsea) whose squads are worth twice yours. Sounds like bollox tbh.

Rafa's done very very well in Yurope, yet to look remotely like title challengers though.

The Liverpool figures are way off, and include £16m or more of Houllier's spending. 8 or 9 of Fergie's squad pre-date Rafa's arrival at Anfield, 5 of ours do. Fergie's been able to pay a higher average price to get the players he wants.

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Guest kingdawson

I was looking up stats for the Arsenal forwards and it seems Fergie feels Arsenals problems are due to injuries as I do.





So you HONESTLY believe they lost the champions league game and the premiership because of injuries and nothing else?


Ok lets take a look at it,


Diaby = Wouldnt have been in the first 11

Denilson = Wouldnt have been in the first 11

Eduardo = Wouldnt have been in the first 11

Rosicky = First 11

Van Persie = First 11


So they lost an Attacking midfielder/lm and a 2nd choice striker from their usual starting 11.  Near enough every other premiership team can complain about the exact same thing tbh


Spoken like a true neutral


Nothing ive said is untrue though, is it?? (well except the bit on your sign).

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Why are none of your players good enough in the prem?

Good enough to what? Win it? We don't have enough match-winners to grab us points we don't deserve.


Looks like you've out spent everyone except Chelsea so i'm not sure who these other teams (apart from Chelsea) whose squads are worth twice yours. Sounds like bollox tbh.

Rafa's done very very well in Yurope, yet to look remotely like title challengers though.

The Liverpool figures are way off, and include £16m or more of Houllier's spending. 8 or 9 of Fergie's squad pre-date Rafa's arrival at Anfield, 5 of ours do. Fergie's been able to pay a higher average price to get the players he wants.


The prices are relative and mean nothing. Liverpool have some of the best or if not as good players in the top 4.


Liv have struggled scoring in some away games cause the Benny system is too conservative (all the arm waving aside).

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