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Our rivals in 2008/2009


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Do people really think Spurs will do so well? Look at how mediocre they' ve been since winning the Carling. I think that indicates a real lack of character. Plus the fact that they may lose Berbatov which would send them way back.Despite Modric and the other signings they' re likely to make I really think we should look to finish above them next year. I see Villa and Everton as bigger threats.


Ignoring Paul Robinson, they have got Woody and King in defense, Alan Hutton as well,

and they signed Modric who can solved the midfield problem, together with Jenas, Steed and Lennon.

If Berbatov stays they would still have top class attacking options in the front...


To be fair the only weakness I can think of is they still lack a great winger, and some of their players are injury prone. Apart from that Spurs does have the strongest squad among the rivals.

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I think Spurs have the clout, the dough and the manager to attract a better calibre of player than their rivals, tbh.


Even with 3/4 high calibre players, an Everton/Pompey will still be harder to beat/will pick up more points IMO. We shall see.

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I think Spurs have the clout, the dough and the manager to attract a better calibre of player than their rivals, tbh.


Even with 3/4 high calibre players, an Everton/Pompey will still be harder to beat/will pick up more points IMO. We shall see.


Maybe, I'm overrating Ramos, but I'd be surprised if he didn't make them a good unit.

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Spurs have a 2-3 year head start on us and a more reknowned manager and a very good squad, in a better position to attract a better claibre of player than us and i think theteam in the best situation to take advantage of the politics and turmoil in the liverpool boardroom. Benitiez is an excellent manager but is is he good enough to motivate his players through another season of turmoil and still cemenet that 4th place?


Im not sure, they say the top 4 places are cemented but is was something like the 32nd game until it was set in stone.

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5. Villa (if we buy well)

6. Everton

7. Spurs

8. Newcastle

9. Manchester City

10. Portsmouth


I don't think anyone's going to break the top four with any permanency though.


Wasn't too long ago we were talking about how Liverpool were under threat in a dreadful season, but they've easily held onto fourth and will have raked it in from the CL run.


re Spurs, hasn't Steve Bruce got more points for Wigan since taking over than Ramos has for Spurs in the same number of games?

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villa are always a half season team for me, if they sort that out theyll be decent


We're already only two games away from being the most half decent side outside the top four.


Our problem is going to be strengthening the squad enough over the summer, given the players we know are leaving, and the ones we've needed all season but got away with not having this year.





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villa are always a half season team for me, if they sort that out theyll be decent


We're already only two games away from being the most half decent side outside the top four.


Our problem is going to be strengthening the squad enough over the summer, given the players we know are leaving, and the ones we've needed all season but got away with not having this year.






Crouch, Milner, a rightback, a centerback.

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Guest Guinness

I think Spurs would have to add a hell of a lot to break into the top four, and even then there's the time it would take for them to adapt and settle as a team. They've got the makings of a good back line, but need to replace King. He's too injury prone and Dawson, Kaboul etc aren't good enough to replace him when injured. I think a new keeper goes without saying. In midfield they've made a hell of a signing in Modric, but they still need to replace the likes of Jenas if they have top 4 ambitions. They've got a cracking front line, but there's questions about Berbatov's future. They seem to have money and ambition and Ramos will be a huge draw for players, I think they'll certainly be top 5, but breaking the top 4 for any side with the ambition will take sustained team building for at least a couple of years IMO.


As for us, I'm expecting some drastic improvements to be made to the side in the summer. I think we've shown with the current crop that when confidence is high we can be a match for most teams in the league. However how much we progress next season depends on the calibre of player we're able to attract. I've no doubt the likes of Spurs, West Ham, Man City and Villa will spend big and Pompey, Blackburn and Everton will improve on already solid sides. With rumours already flying about it looks like being an interesting summer.

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It's an interesting time to make a prediction like this because so much could change over the summer which would effect the table. I have a feeling that Liverpool will drop the axe on Benny and would not discount the possibility of old red nose retiring from Manure should they win the double. Obviously Sven looks like he’s a goner, Grant is not 100% safe especially if he fails to win either the title or the cup. So you are looking at possibly 3 or 4 big job openings in the summer.


Villa have down fantastically with an excellent manager, especially when you consider they’ve not really spent huge amounts. Their squad is extremely thin and low in real quality but they’ll probably try to address that in the summer and try to push on from this season. I have a feeling they will pip Everton to 5th spot so they’ll need a much bigger squad for Europe.


Everton are similar in many respects to Villa, accomplished a lot with not the largest of squad’s and few stand out players. Again they have an excellent manager but unlike Villa they don’t appear to be financed well. They’ll probably make a couple of signings around the 10 million mark but because of the competition I don’t think that’ll be enough push them on to realistically challenge the likes of Liverpool however they’ll still be competing for the ‘best of the rest’ title.


Spurs, I’m not sure things are as rosey in the garden as we are led to believe under Ramos. We are constantly being told that the drop off in their form is down to the fact their season was over the minute they won the League cup and that next season Ramos will be able to bring in his own team and things will improve. I’m not so sure, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them win the UEFA next year or even retain their League cup but I think Ramos will struggle to get results in the PL and they’ll finish in another mid table spot.


Pompey have had an excellent season, should they win the FA cup they’ll have achieve something we have not managed in the last 40 years. Redknapp has down a great job down there, the distraction of a European campaign and trying to match this season’s progress  however could effect their league form.


Man City, if they sack Sven then they have a mutiny on their hands with the players and fans however that’ll soon be forgotten about should they bring in a world class replacement and with their financial backing, I’m sure that’s possible. It could still be a transitional season for them though but on the positive side their new signings have had a year now to adjust to the PL and should be better for it next season.


Blackburn, I think they’ll loose Bentley for sure and possibly Santa Cruz, I also can’t see Friedel having another season as good as this last one. It could be a struggle next year but Hughes is great in the transfer market as long as he’s still in charge they’ll replace what they loose with good quality and comfortably be mid table.


West Ham, their squad has a lot of talent if it can stay fit, there also doesn’t seem to be an end in sight to financial backing they have, they also benefit hugely from being London based, so much more attractive to potential new signings. However a lot of their talent is aging, they have some good young kids but are they ready to make the step up and will the manager resist the temptation to pick on reputation.


The dirty Mackems, begrudgingly you have to say they have had a great season, they survived, something they spectacularly failed at the last two times they came up. Keane has made some shocking signings but somehow it’s worked for him and they’ll be playing PL football again next year. He’ll need to be backed heavily again in the close season and pick more targets like Jones, if they are to progress into the 2nd tier in the premiership.


Ourselves, I have a huge amount of faith in the KK and the transfer market, his record for this club is second to none but I think our success will ride on how successful he is in persuading players to choose NUFC over other clubs. The Modric affair was not a good sign, lets hope we don’t see too many more similar stories throughout the summer. I think it’s fair to say he’s got a lot harder sell than he had in the past.


Well here is my prediction for how the league will end come May 2009:


1. Arsenal

2. Man Utd

3. Chelsea

4. Liverpool

5. Villa

6. Everton

7. Man City


9. Spurs

10. Pompey

11. Blackburn

12. West Ham.

13. West Brom.

14. Mackems

15. Fulham

16. Wigan

17. Bolton.

18. Boro

19. Crystal Palace or Hull

20. Stoke.


Obviously there are so many factors that could change all this such as managerial changes, off field issues and of course transfer activity.


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villa are always a half season team for me, if they sort that out theyll be decent


We're already only two games away from being the most half decent side outside the top four.


Our problem is going to be strengthening the squad enough over the summer, given the players we know are leaving, and the ones we've needed all season but got away with not having this year.






Crouch, Milner, a rightback, a centerback.


Don't forget a keeper.


Villa could offer big bucks early in the window and fill all the positions they need. Or they could struggle to attract the right players and end up panic buying late on.


Pompey don't have the African Nations to contend with this season which could be a big boost.


Blackburn could suffer from Bentley leaving or Hughes could buy a few gems with the proceeds and make them a stronger team.


Man City could throw money at their problems to win over the fans and do well out of it or they could go into total meltdown with that nutter Shinawatra pulling the strings. If they give Scolari his first ever European club job how will that go?


Newcastle could do well in the market with Ashley's money and the new set up with Wise/Jiminez or they could continue with the retarded  policy of a big name signing instead of addressing the less glamorous problems with the team.


We could suffer from a lack of funds or Moyes could continue to find relative bargains.


It's all up in the air at the minute.

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3rd Aston Villa

4th Newcastle

5th Arsenal

6th Liverpool

7th Everton

8th Portsmouth

9th Spurs

10th Sunderland

11th Middlesbrough

12th Blackburn

13th West Ham

14th Manchester City

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3rd Aston Villa

4th Newcastle

5th Arsenal

6th Liverpool

7th Everton

8th Portsmouth

9th Spurs

10th Sunderland

11th Middlesbrough

12th Blackburn

13th West Ham

14th Manchester City



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3rd Aston Villa

4th Newcastle

5th Arsenal

6th Liverpool

7th Everton

8th Portsmouth

9th Spurs

10th Sunderland

11th Middlesbrough

12th Blackburn

13th West Ham

14th Manchester City




Just... wrong.

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3rd Aston Villa

4th Newcastle

5th Arsenal

6th Liverpool

7th Everton

8th Portsmouth

9th Spurs

10th Sunderland

11th Middlesbrough

12th Blackburn

13th West Ham

14th Manchester City




Beat me to it..

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5. Villa

6. Spurs

7. Everton

8. Newcastle

9. Pompey

10. Man City


Although you normally find a surprise team sneaking in there (like Wigan a couple of years back), I dont see it happening next year. The Premiership is just a series of mini-leagues now

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5. Aston Villa

6. Everton

7. Tottenham Hotspur

8. Portsmouth

9. Newcastle United

10. Blackburn


Very much depends on what goes in the summer window but that's how I see it.


Villa are very much on the up and will have 1 or 2 changes to the perceived 1st team, not wholesale changes.  Quality manger will push them forward.

Everton - similar to Villa, settled team and proven credentials.  Just don't rate Moyes as high as MON.

Spurs - Money to spend, good manager, but there will be a lot of changes to build the team as Ramos wants it. Transitional season, better the season after.  Absolutely staggered that so many people here think Spurs are 4th or 5th place material.  At the present time I don't see that at all, nor do most Spurs fans.

Pompey - the development work has been completed, very astute manager.  I think 8th, but could easily go above Spurs.

Newcastle - Money to spend but starting from a lower base, probably 2 years behind Villa Everton and Pompey.  Season for stability to set in.

Blackburn - could be a lot higher but lack of ambition on the Board's part, poor crowds etc hold them back.


Discounted City.  SGE is certain to go, Big Phil to come in, I foresee a lot of turmoil up there.  Also, a rock solid ITK has said today the Board have agreed the proposed new stadium will be built adjacent to WHL, turned around 90 degrees, no need to move out of WHL.  Capacity 50k styled to take an easy conversion to 60k.  That has been mooted before, but not by anyone with a track record of getting information correct.  Announcement sometime between June and September.

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5. Aston Villa

6. Everton

7. Tottenham Hotspur

8. Portsmouth

9. Newcastle United

10. Blackburn


Very much depends on what goes in the summer window but that's how I see it.


Villa are very much on the up and will have 1 or 2 changes to the perceived 1st team, not wholesale changes.  Quality manger will push them forward.

Everton - similar to Villa, settled team and proven credentials.  Just don't rate Moyes as high as MON.

Spurs - Money to spend, good manager, but there will be a lot of changes to build the team as Ramos wants it. Transitional season, better the season after.  Absolutely staggered that so many people here think Spurs are 4th or 5th place material.  At the present time I don't see that at all, nor do most Spurs fans.

Pompey - the development work has been completed, very astute manager.  I think 8th, but could easily go above Spurs.

Newcastle - Money to spend but starting from a lower base, probably 2 years behind Villa Everton and Pompey.  Season for stability to set in.

Blackburn - could be a lot higher but lack of ambition on the Board's part, poor crowds etc hold them back.


Discounted City.  SGE is certain to go, Big Phil to come in, I foresee a lot of turmoil up there.  Also, a rock solid ITK has said today the Board have agreed the proposed new stadium will be built adjacent to WHL, turned around 90 degrees, no need to move out of WHL.  Capacity 50k styled to take an easy conversion to 60k.  That has been mooted before, but not by anyone with a track record of getting information correct.  Announcement sometime between June and September.




Kevin Keegan did not come back here for 9th place in the league.


He came for something hes never had, champions league football.


Mark my words, that is what we will be in and around next season

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5. Aston Villa

6. Everton

7. Tottenham Hotspur

8. Portsmouth

9. Newcastle United

10. Blackburn


Very much depends on what goes in the summer window but that's how I see it.


Villa are very much on the up and will have 1 or 2 changes to the perceived 1st team, not wholesale changes.  Quality manger will push them forward.

Everton - similar to Villa, settled team and proven credentials.  Just don't rate Moyes as high as MON.

Spurs - Money to spend, good manager, but there will be a lot of changes to build the team as Ramos wants it. Transitional season, better the season after.  Absolutely staggered that so many people here think Spurs are 4th or 5th place material.  At the present time I don't see that at all, nor do most Spurs fans.

Pompey - the development work has been completed, very astute manager.  I think 8th, but could easily go above Spurs.

Newcastle - Money to spend but starting from a lower base, probably 2 years behind Villa Everton and Pompey.  Season for stability to set in.

Blackburn - could be a lot higher but lack of ambition on the Board's part, poor crowds etc hold them back.


Discounted City.  SGE is certain to go, Big Phil to come in, I foresee a lot of turmoil up there.  Also, a rock solid ITK has said today the Board have agreed the proposed new stadium will be built adjacent to WHL, turned around 90 degrees, no need to move out of WHL.  Capacity 50k styled to take an easy conversion to 60k.  That has been mooted before, but not by anyone with a track record of getting information correct.  Announcement sometime between June and September.




Kevin Keegan did not come back here for 9th place in the league.


He came for something hes never had, champions league football.


Mark my words, that is what we will be in and around next season







We never finished lower than 6th in any season we started with keegan as manager, he dose NOT do mid table...

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As much as I would love to agree Keegan is no fool and he knows the side has to walk before it can run. I can only predict what I hoped for last season a 8-10 place finish. Depending on the signings that may go up to a uefa place but it all depends on how much stronger the teams around us get.

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As much as I would love to agree Keegan is no fool and he knows the side has to walk before it can run. I can only predict what I hoped for last season a 8-10 place finish. Depending on the signings that may go up to a uefa place but it all depends on how much stronger the teams around us get.


Agree with that. :nods:

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As much as I would love to agree Keegan is no fool and he knows the side has to walk before it can run. I can only predict what I hoped for last season a 8-10 place finish. Depending on the signings that may go up to a uefa place but it all depends on how much stronger the teams around us get.



You are simply wrong, 91-92, we were dreadful, avoided relegation to third on last day... (keegan wasnt there at start)

92-93... 11 wins at start....Champions

93-94.... 1st season in prem...3rd

94-95....Team rebuilding....6th

95-96....Eric Cantona robbed us the Tiltle.....2nd

96-97.... played over half a season under KK....2nd


thatl be, 1st, 3rd, 6th , 2nd 2nd, seasons began with KK as manager, And it was F-king great, i was there home and away.



anybody thinks we are finishing half way down the league next season, is wrong.

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Guest Edd

It's always good to see some people setting themselves up to be hugely disappointed next season before this one has even finished.


There's a fine line between realistic optimism and unrealistic expectation.

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