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£15m is good business from Arsenal considering he's been relatively poor for the past year.


Now let's see if Wenger can go out and sign good, proven players with all this money they now have.

Year to 18 months infact.

Just need Senderos gone now and we are sorted.

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Guest Roger Kint

£15m is good business from Arsenal considering he's been relatively poor for the past year.


Now let's see if Wenger can go out and sign good, proven players with all this money they now have.


Top class partner for Fabregas must surely be on his radar. He has almost ruled out defensive additions, will be hard to get an affordable quality striker as well though.

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I agree with these comments, if Arsenal fail to sign anyone else.


Getting rid of those two players for that kind of money is AMAZING business, but it all counts for nothing if they don't replace them.


I would really like them to sign Huntelaar.


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Silvestre. Shit

Senderos. Shit.

Song. Midfielder.

So im thinking we need another centre back by my reckoning

Need get rid of Silvestre and Senderos.

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Arsenal have got 8 centre backs anyway, according to wenger.


Must have double vision or he's counting the under 18's, mind you never know with Wenger.

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Sagna Gallas Vermaelen Clichy


          Fabregas Nasri

Arshavin                       Rosicky

                V. Persie


Even if Arsenal didn't sign anyone they'd still finish comfortably fourth.

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Sagna Gallas Vermaelen Clichy


          Fabregas Nasri

Arshavin                       Rosicky

                V. Persie


Even if Arsenal didn't sign anyone they'd still finish comfortably fourth.


Good first team, thin squad. Injuries to two of Fab, VP and Arshavin and it suddenly looks a hell of a lot weaker.

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Sagna Gallas Vermaelen Clichy


Fabregas Nasri

Arshavin Rosicky

V. Persie


Even if Arsenal didn't sign anyone they'd still finish comfortably fourth.






RvP Eduardo Arshavin



Eboue - Djourou-New Guy-Traore/Gibbs

Diaby-New Guy


Nasri/Walcott- Bendtner - Rosicky/Vela


I'm very excited for the new season, and would expect to see a new midfielder and centre back (minimum) coming in.

Centre back as 3rd choice, centre mid as an automatic starter!

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Midfield looking very weak imo. Need a proper holding midfielder at the very least (although Song looks good). Massive reliance on the full backs with that system, injuries to Sagna and Clichy would be a disaster.

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Midfield looking very weak imo. Need a proper holding midfielder at the very least (although Song looks good). Massive reliance on the full backs with that system, injuries to Sagna and Clichy would be a disaster.


Eboue and Traore.

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Midfield looking very weak imo. Need a proper holding midfielder at the very least (although Song looks good). Massive reliance on the full backs with that system, injuries to Sagna and Clichy would be a disaster.


Eboue and Traore.


Not in the same class. Nowhere near.

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tbf mate, Eboue has always been absolute quality when he's played fullback. and traore i think is very good also.

I think we couldnt ask for much better cover in our situation without having like Cole/Bridge like Chelsea did.

Better fullback options than Livepool/United/Chelsea imo

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Toure has declined but Arsenal have not been getting good fees for their players. Adebayor should have gone for £35 mill at lest to city, Toure should be about 25 mill. Arshavin would be close to 100 million to go to city.

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Guest geordienorway

One of our former targets, Bafetimbi Gomis, has joined Lyon for around £11m.

Gomis was incredibly bad last season. Amazed he went for 11 million.


St Ettienne was utter shite last year though. I agree Gomis was dreadful, but I think he will do well in a better side.

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