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Guest Stephen927

Good move for Wilshere, if true. He'll be able to get on and play football with little to no pressure, then come back here with the experience.

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Good move for Wilshere, if true. He'll be able to get on and play football with little to no pressure, then come back here with the experience.


Yep agree there. Playing abroad can only help to develop his game.


Twente play good football aswell, 4-3-3 in the typical Dutch style which will certainly suit him better than joining us for example. They have some injury problems at the moment so if the deal comes off he could be thrown in at the deep end as early as Sunday.

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Good move for Wilshere, if true. He'll be able to get on and play football with little to no pressure, then come back here with the experience.


I can actually see McClaren come back to England in a couple of years time and having a similar sort of success to Roy Hodgson. Think moving to Twente has been a brilliant experience for him and he's gone way up in my estimation since the Euro 2008 failure.

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I wouldn't want either of them starting in the premiership.


Better than Coloccini was in the Premiership. I'm pissed off we've let him go for a pittance when he was starting to build up a good partnership with Heitinga.

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Stoke away week on Sunday i imagine his first start will be


Fabregash, do you think Traore is going to play more? I like him.

Back to third choice i imagine behind Clichy and Gibbs, unfortunately, defensively he isn't that good compared to the other two. I'd like to see him stuck more to the wing he played very well there last season for Pompey and i think he may go out on loan again in January if Gibbs and Clichy stay on schedule.


I've only just noticed this.


No idea why Village Idiot likes Traore tbh. Last saturday was one of the worst performances I've ever seen by a Premiership full back and I've watched John O'Kane, Mitch Ward, Tony Thomas & Sandro Pistone in person. I don't think Ash will disagree that the lad cannot defend.

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Zaki having a Hull medical.


Used to like him.


Really? good move for them i think.


Most important thing about being in a relegation scrap is team unity and togetherness.


I can see a renowned twat like Zaki ruining any chances of that forming, as decent a player as Zaki is, I can see it being a bigger step towards relegation than away from it.

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