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Be honest - are you worried?

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Guest mobiius

not worried in the slightest. I never believe any of the scare mongering red top bollocks anyway. My only surprise is that we havent been front page for a while with some gutter shite. That reminds me does anyone know how the Sun's "Ban Joey Barton For Life Campaign" is going.

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Slightly worried about all of the above but hopeful it will all sort itself out in the end.


Just want some good signings and to have a good season next year.

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Thing is with a set up like this - even without the rumours i'd still be worried because i think it'd only take one spark for it to go wrong. The more we lean to conflict the more precarious the situation is.



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Not really worried but every so often I get a strange feeling that something will go wrong. No wonder with everything that's gone on in the past few years and the bad press though. So I reckon it will be sound in the end.

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I'm not worried in the slightlest.  I'm far happier with Shepherd gone, the club is in safer hands than it was 12 months ago.  I'm happy that Allardyce has gone and I'm happy with Keegan here as manager.  There is a better structure at the club and its too early to see the benefits from this, but I'm sure that will come in time.  There are so many rumours going about at the moment that I'm sick to death of reading them.  Very little are based on facts and some of them seem to just get printed every 6 weeks for a laugh (i.e. Ashley selling the club).  By the end of the transfer window we will know what the clubs ambitions are, and it will be then when I decide if I'm happy with how things have gone.


What I'm curious to see is do we keep Owen and Martins.  If we get Owen signed up and Martins stays then I'm confident we can buy players in other areas of the pitch to take us up the league.  If we sell these two (as rumour suggests we want to get wages down) then I'd think we will struggle to replace them with anyone close to the quality they have, given our cirumstances.

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Guest Stephen927

I'm worried about the Owen situation and the possibility of us getting shafted next summer.


The club as a whole, I'm not worried at all. I feel quite positive about the clubs future, especially with the acquisition of so many youth players with fantastic potential.


I don't think we'll be able to necessarily get all of our targets if the top four or five are interested in them too. But I think we'll be able to get our hands on some good players who are an improvement on the current first 11.


I just want to see steady building. If we can challenge for a UEFA Cup place next season, then I'd be absolutely delighted, but I think it's more realistic to lay the foundations next season, ie top ten, then be in a position to push on for top 6.

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I'm worried about the Owen situation and the possibility of us getting shafted next summer.


The club as a whole, I'm not worried at all. I feel quite positive about the clubs future, especially with the acquisition of so many youth players with fantastic potential.


I don't think we'll be able to necessarily get all of our targets if the top four or five are interested in them too. But I think we'll be able to get our hands on some good players who are an improvement on the current first 11.


I just want to see steady building. If we can challenge for a UEFA Cup place next season, then I'd be absolutely delighted, but I think it's more realistic to lay the foundations next season, ie top ten, then be in a position to push on for top 6.


Feel the same.  :thup:

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I'm slightly worried about our transfer policy and whether or not we'll have the funds to be competitive in getting key players. Only slightly, though.


How can you judge our transfer policy until we actually sign players and the window is closed?

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We outbid Spurs for Modric didn't we?


As I seem to say every transfer window, maybe we should wait until the window has closed (or even opened could be an idea) before we start to panic.

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I'm slightly worried about our transfer policy and whether or not we'll have the funds to be competitive in getting key players. Only slightly, though.


How can you judge our transfer policy until we actually sign players and the window is closed?


It'll be a bit late to worry about it when the window is closed tbf.

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I'm slightly worried about our transfer policy and whether or not we'll have the funds to be competitive in getting key players. Only slightly, though.


How can you judge our transfer policy until we actually sign players and the window is closed?


It'll be a bit late to worry about it when the window is closed tbf.


And a bit early before it opens.

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Guest Vigge

Being worried about this stuff in may is like being worried about getting struck by lightning ffs.

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if we hadn't offered a big package (fee and wages) for modric i'd be concerned, the press seem to forget this when they are cliaming we won't spend, kk only has a £20m kitty etc etc

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if we hadn't offered a big package (fee and wages) for modric i'd be concerned, the press seem to forget this when they are cliaming we won't spend, kk only has a £20m kitty etc etc


Smokescreen, season ticket seller etc... O0

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We have to bear in mind a lot of people want to see KK fail. Sad fuckers that they are and mainly from the media. This combined with MA's enemies in the City means our media footprint will continue to be mixed to put it politely. The media and certain elements of the football freternity like to have things in nice neat packages, they can re-sell to the public, KK coming back and taking center stage with his romantic and imo mostly correct observations has thrown the cat amongst the pidgeons.


Stay as you are Keegler.

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if we hadn't offered a big package (fee and wages) for modric i'd be concerned, the press seem to forget this when they are cliaming we won't spend, kk only has a £20m kitty etc etc


Is the concern that a big package won't be offered, there's only a £20m transfer pot or KK/DW/JV won't be able to agree on targets to sign?  I don't see the first two to be an issue at all tbh.

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My worry is that in KK's first spell in charge, people are saying he'd sit players down and ask why they should play for Newcastle. Now though, he has to do more of the convincing, because a player can do the same as Woodgate & Modric and simply say, "Fine, I'll go elsewhere".

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I'm not worried at all. If we think about it we can't seriously get any worse!

We have made progress this year in the restructuring and a sensible business model to ensure that we do not risk going bust, a few signings and some astute signing of youngsters should set us in good stead for the future.

I don't expect us to get near the top four next year or the year after, in fact I will be happy with 6th, 7th or 8th for next season and the se4ason after going for the uefa.

All positive here.

P.S. Do not read: Guardian/Sun/Mirror/Star/ daily Shiyte/ Anal in Chronicle if you don't want to be wound up...

      Do read: Times/ Journal / True faith for realism and no bullshiit

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