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Shepherd vs. Ashley

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Guest LucaAltieri

After looking around I couldn't find any discussions comparing Shepherd's reign as chairman to life under Mike Ashley, so I thought I'd start a thread on it. I know Ashley isn't the chairman and hasn't been around long, but how do you think he compares so far?

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After looking around I couldn't find any discussions comparing Shepherd's reign as chairman to life under Mike Ashley, so I thought I'd start a thread on it. I know Ashley isn't the chairman and hasn't been around long, but how do you think he compares so far?


Ones a billionaire who'll not spend christmas the other didn't have 2 pennies to rub together but spent 10's of £millions (mainly on shite managers and over-rated players)

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Personally, I prefer a business and profit-making approach which will sustain the club in the long run.

Undeniably, football is after all a business now.

It is too early to judge Ashley's reign. I will say give it 2 to 4 more seasons.

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Guest LucaAltieri

Ok, I'm locking this.


Anyone who didn't see that it was a wind up (read the opening line FFS) be ashamed.

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