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England vs Trinidad - Training Session Special


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Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/internationals/7429342.stm

David Beckham has been named England captain for Sunday's friendly against Trinidad & Tobago.


It is a remarkable turnaround for the 33-year-old who stepped down as skipper after the 2006 World Cup and was then dropped by former boss Steve McClaren.


The midfielder did regain his place under McClaren but was then made to wait for his 100th cap when current manager Fabio Capello took charge.


Rio Ferdinand, Steven Gerrard and John Terry were Capello's previous skippers.


The Italian is rotating the captaincy among his players before he makes a permanent decision.


Capello said: "When I took over as manager I decided to choose a different captain for each game, and David was on one of the four players I thought of.


"David will be the last captain - but only for this game.


"He played very well against USA in the first half and he starts as captain in the next game. But it is impossible to know what will happen in the future."


Beckham will lead the team out for the 59th time on Sunday and is likely to take charge of an inexperienced England team.


Some of the younger squad members may be given the chance to impress as seven players involved in the Champions League final between Chelsea and Manchester United - including Terry and Wayne Rooney - have stayed behind.



I have a few more wrinkles now but I still feel I can do what I did 10 years ago


David Beckham


Capello has had concerns over Beckham's fitness and the fact that he now plays his football in the USA with LA Galaxy.


Asked if he had changed his mind about Beckham, Capello replied: "No, I know David very well because I had him with me at Real Madrid.


"We had some problems there at the start but he was very important for me there at the end of our time."


However, Beckham's recent performances will have no doubt put him back in Capello's thoughts for England's World Cup qualifying campaign next season.


Particularly when he set up the opener in the recent 2-0 win against the USA, delivering a precise free-kick for Terry to head in.


Beckham said: "People will always question whether I can still play at this level but I want to carry on. I am not ready to stop playing for my country.


"I have a few more wrinkles now but I still feel I can do what I did 10 years ago.


"I was happy with my performance against France in March, my first game under Fabio Capello, and it was the same against the United States the other night.


"I was happy to set up the opening goal. I can bring a lot more to the team than set pieces but it is one of my strongest things that I can do in the game.


"There is always a chance if I get a set piece that I'll put it in the right place for someone to score."


Ferdinand had been thought to be in pole position to take the captain's armband on a permanent basis after his efforts for Manchester United in their double-winning campaign.


But the defender, who led England against France in March, remains cautious.


"It's down to the manager, he has said he will make his decision next season so we will all be waiting to hear what he has to say," he said.


"Who wouldn't want to be captain of their country? There are four or five of us vying to become that.


"Whoever gets the responsibility of being captain, it will be a proud moment for him and his family and all the lads will get behind it."


Maybe, just maybe, there's a place for Beckham in the team(and only if you add a lot more drive to the midfield, ie leave out Lampard, put Young or Cole on the left, and Gerrard as AMC), but surely Capello's just turning into McClaren all over again, can't make a tough decision.  This must now be the third time he's gone back on an anti-Beckham stance?

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Legend, chuffed to bits for him


Steve Mclaren really is a shit manager of the highest order

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Think he's the clear choice for this match, as he's a great leader and was a very good captain. But he isn't good enough to have a permanent place in the team any more, so for that reason, not permanent captain. However I'm happy for him to captain this game, he deserves it.

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Deserves it? Meh... dunno about that. Still happy for him though, but i hope it's the last of him now in terms of the international set up. It's a shame that the sentimental side-effects that come with Beckham have crept into the third successive England manager. I think Capello might be a bit more ruthless, though. Time to be realistic now; he's past it and it's time to move on.


Just to reiterate, as i've done before, i do like Beckham - he's one of my favourite non-Newcastle players (probably my favourite, tbh). Very, very good technical player and a good man, too. 'Great leader' and 'very good Captain' though? Unsure about that given the amount of times England have just crumbled whenever the temperature simmers a tad, during his captaincy.

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Aye, i don't really see where all this 'deserves it' business has come from? ???  The other obvious captains haven't exactly 'done' anything yet; but no one's really had a run. What's Beckham done differently, in this amazing comeback? Got fit? I'm not surprised; he's got three olympic gyms in his cellar. Congrats.

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Aye, i don't really see where all this 'deserves it' business has come from? ??? The other obvious captains haven't exactly 'done' anything yet; but no one's really had a run. What's Beckham done differently, in this amazing comeback? Got fit? I'm not surprised; he's got three olympic gyms in his cellar. Congrats.


He'd have 'deserved' it, had he gone to another top class team and tried to apply himself to another league, show he can adapt once again. Instead, he went for a wee power trip to America to get even more famous. The guy has an outstanding freekick on him, that's both from an assist point-of-view and a shooting basis, this is why he's still getting involved in the goals etc.


If we'd have gotten to the Euros this year, he'd have stuck out like a sore thumb against the top class midfields that are there. I know this will be debated, and I also know we'll never know if this is true, but it does usually go that way. He was never such a gifted footballer that he could fuck off to some non-entity of a league and still retain some magical talent that kept him up there with the best.

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He does have 100 caps for his country and got us out of the shit quite a few times. Fair play to him.


That's not really enough of a reason to be captaining your country, right now, imo. It's just proof of the sentiment.

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Not exactly an important game is it?


That's exactly it, that is exactly why he's captain.  Not sure why there's such a fuss regarding it either.  I wouldn't mind him being captain until, as the Indy article says, one of Terry, Gerrard and Rio prove themselves worthy.  We've not got any important games, so it really doesn't matter.

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Legend, chuffed to bits for him


Steve Mclaren really is a shit manager of the highest order


Hindsight tastic on this issue tbh. Yes McClaren is a moron, but Beckham was right to step down and he certainly didn't derserve to be in the starting eleven anymore after 2006.

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Not exactly an important game is it?


Well no... i don't really know why i'm that bothered tbh. But it's more the symbol.


The main point for me isn't really surrounding this game, just that he shouldn't have come back at all (McClaren); and we could have been morphing one of Bentley, SWP or someone else as the permanent replacement, long before this point. Instead, we're still bizarrely clinging onto this apparant sentiment, for whatever reason.

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I see your point but I still think he deserves it. Was always very passionate about this country (more than a hell of a lot of others out there seem to be) and was an important player.


Its definitely a token gesture but we have a bit of time to give others a chance now thanks to the ginger Baldwin.

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Not exactly an important game is it?


Well no... i don't really know why i'm that bothered tbh. But it's more the symbol.


The main point for me isn't really surrounding this game, just that he shouldn't have come back at all (McClaren); and we could have been morphing one of Bentley, SWP or someone else as the permanent replacement, long before this point. Instead, we're still bizarrely clinging onto this apparant sentiment, for whatever reason.

So true.  First of all, there's nobody that's even had a chance to prove themselves on the RW because Beckham and Gerrard (who should be in the middle) have been there.  Second, there's still no real indication of who the next RW is going to be.  Bentley, Lennon, SWP, Dyer, and Cole have all been played there, but nobody has any clue about who can really be effective on the right.  I still think Beckham could potentially be a first-teamer, but you'd have to set the team up to make up for his weaknesses.  Probably not worth it in the end, time for Capello to call it a day with Beckham.

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