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Season ticket sales dwindling?

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Guest BooBoo

This is just off the rumour mill but i hear that the club is slightly concerned about the amount of people who have not renewed their season tickets.


I for one have heard of lots of people who have called it a day and not renewed, yet havent heard of a single person who is buying a season ticket for the first time this season.


I seriously think that without a few excitement generating players incoming, then we'll be struggling to top 50,000 for most of the games this season (some like Man Utd and the Mackems are always going to sell out).


Have people just had enough or is there more to it?

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Guest BooBoo

Some people just can't afford it any more. Especially with the economy at the moment.


Of course that is a big factor but i also think if we were performing on and off the pitch people would still go to the match and make sacrifices elsewhere.

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i know of 2 who haven't renewed but my nephew is getting his first full season ticket and is in with 2 of his mates,both first timers also.


of the two who aren't renewing,one is for economic reasons(new house and child) and the other one just moaned for 3 years so was no surprise.

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I knew of probably three that weren't going to renew but two bottled it when it got close to the deadline.  The one who didn't renew has had enough of football and will go for a drink before and after the match because that's all he enjoyed.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

It all depends on whether we sign Coloccini


When was the last time you posted on these boards without the word "Coloccini" in there somewhere? :lol:


Just before we were interested in COLOCCINI

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I've had 7 season tickets for years, same lads been using them for years, 3 have packed in 3 have renewed and I renewed the other with the intention of shifting it match by match. (for my young 'un really when he's old enough.)


A pity really because they were all a good 75+ on the away points list.

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Guest BooBoo

I knew of probably three that weren't going to renew but two bottled it when it got close to the deadline.  The one who didn't renew has had enough of football and will go for a drink before and after the match because that's all he enjoyed.



Without the pre and post match drinks/ laughs with the lads, i think a lot more would be disinclined to go.

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Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.

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Guest guinness_fiend

Some people just can't afford it any more. Especially with the economy at the moment.


This is the biggest factor by far.  I would imagine that more people than not pay for their season tickets on credit cards or by using overdrafts and, given that we are still feeling the effects of the credit crunch, it is hardly surprising that figures are low.


Furthermore, clubs like Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool (to name a few) will never have this problem, as they have a fair proportion of glory hunting (well off) fans who are used to the expense of schlepping half way across the country (and world, in some cases) every week.

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Guest BooBoo

Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.


Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).

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Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.


So did I actually. :lol:

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Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.


Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).


The ads do say "Limted" availability

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Guest Stephen927

Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.


Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).


Yeah there is, saying hurry before they sell out etc.

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Guest BooBoo

Some people just can't afford it any more. Especially with the economy at the moment.


This is the biggest factor by far.  I would imagine that more people than not pay for their season tickets on credit cards or by using overdrafts and, given that we are still feeling the effects of the credit crunch, it is hardly surprising that figures are low.


Furthermore, clubs like Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool (to name a few) will never have this problem, as they have a fair proportion of glory hunting (well off) fans who are used to the expense of schlepping half way across the country (and world, in some cases) every week.


No offence but thats a big cop out. If Newcastle were performing like they did in the 90s, the ground would be full regardless of the credit crunch. People would make their cost cuts elsewhere. I know a lad who said he was jacking it in as he couldnt afford it and the next week he'd booked up a two week holiday in America

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Guest guinness_fiend

Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.


Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).


The ads do say "Limted" availability


Pfffft.  Don't let silly little things like facts cloud your judgement - we are on the ropes!!!

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I hate the game-by-game adverts on Metro radio for tickets.



Make sure yar at Sint Jamesiz Park on the fourteenth of March te see King Kevin's lads tek on Davey Moyses' resurgent Toffees. Tickets available from the ticcccket office now, or call the ticket office fer ticccckets.


Newcas-il United, SAAY you wa' there.



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Guest guinness_fiend

Some people just can't afford it any more. Especially with the economy at the moment.


This is the biggest factor by far.  I would imagine that more people than not pay for their season tickets on credit cards or by using overdrafts and, given that we are still feeling the effects of the credit crunch, it is hardly surprising that figures are low.


Furthermore, clubs like Chelsea, Manchester United and Liverpool (to name a few) will never have this problem, as they have a fair proportion of glory hunting (well off) fans who are used to the expense of schlepping half way across the country (and world, in some cases) every week.


No offence but thats a big cop out. If Newcastle were performing like they did in the 90s, the ground would be full regardless of the credit crunch. People would make their cost cuts elsewhere. I know a lad who said he was jacking it in as he couldnt afford it and the next week he'd booked up a two week holiday in America


That may be true but in an economic climate where people are struggling to get credit and afford their mortgages, season tickets will be the least of their worries when they can pay a fifth of the sum and watch a fair few matches on Sky/Setanta.


There is a massive amount of social housing in the north east and people in the region are even struggling to get mortgages when they are only planning on buying 25/50% of a house.  The 'credit crunch' is not a myth.


Perhaps we would sell out if we were a top four team: that is the beauty of glory hunters.

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Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).


I heard the advert on Century, adult tickets from £300.

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Limited availability in Sovereign Club, Bar 1892, Black and White Club ha ha ha, ok if you want to spend £990 on a ticket!!  I have plenty of money but, drew the line at those prices and got a move elsewhere in the ground.


I know at least 2 people who have chucked their tickets this year for various reasons but, the main one was that they have not been enjoying the match for the last 2 - 3 years.


Fair enough really but, once the season starts I could not walk around Newcastle on a home Saturday knowing I was not going to the game.  The buzz, even when we are playing like we have in recent seasons, is awesome!!

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Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).


I heard the advert on Century, adult tickets from £300.


That is for an adult in the family area, need to spend £100 per kid on top of that, you can't just get an adult ticket on its own in that area of the ground.

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Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.


Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).


The ads do say "Limted" availability


Pfffft.  Don't let silly little things like facts cloud your judegment - we are on the ropes!!!


"Limted"  I am guessing means about 15'000.  Wasn't it something like  5,000 to 8000 available last year for every game.

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Guest guinness_fiend

Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC,  inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons)  because I am also on the waiting list.  Read into that what you will.


Apparently there's been adverts for NUFC season tickets on Metro Radio/ Century as well, although i've not heard them myself (prefer talkSport).


The ads do say "Limted" availability


Pfffft.  Don't let silly little things like facts cloud your judegment - we are on the ropes!!!


"Limted"  I am guessing means about 15'000.  Wasn't it something like  5,000 to 8000 available last year for every game.


Ouch.  That'll be hurting MA's wallet.  Hopefully things will buck up soon.


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