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Newcastle United 2-1 Valencia - 09/08/08 - Post Match Reaction from Page 22


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Pretty Good game only just got home.


Player Ratings


Given- 6 Didn't have much to do.

Beye- 6 Linked up well with Milner, still looks a little short of fitness

Cacapa- 6 Shaky at times, but overall solid

Taylor- 7 Good solid game

N'Zogbia- 6 Played well down the left with Gutierrez, clearly not a left back but did well enough

Milner-8 Played very well down the wing actually got some decent delievery in and showed up the full backs from time to time, but missed a sitter in the first half. Took his goal well.

Butt- 5 Should have buried the header in the first half, apart from that average

Guthrie- 6 Solid enough, bit sloppy with his passing today

Gutierrez- 8 Gets all over the park, great cross for the header which rebounded to Milner for the win has great upper body strength, ball control and can run all day

Duff- 7 Actually beat his man for once could have had more than one goal

Martins- 6 Good Shift, may not be up to fitness quite yet, still caused Valencia problems.






Smith- 6 (Actually held the ball up once, and had an attempt on target.


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Guest Heneage

I tell you who was shit, the fans, I got told "People have to sit where their ticket dictates" the amount of stupid plebby little kids who argued the toss I had stand up row with one idiot who claimed he knew "Ground Regulations" I didn't. Made my job so much harder, to those who were polite I thank greatly. I think people forget we dont make the rules we just follow them, I'm more than willing to help, as I did with the 2 Dads who had tickets apart from their kids. But all in all I hate these friendlies asit just brings in the pricks.




Got some quality autographs, Valencia lads were good with fans, Villa Joaquin Vicente Miguel signed my programme and Edu signed my Brazil top.

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Spotted Viduka in the stand as well at Half-Time, looked pretty trim compared to last season.


Sure it wasnt his brother or cousin?


Haha, nah. His son was with him (or at least that's who I assume he was), had an Australia strip with "Viduka 9" on the back.

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Spotted Viduka in the stand as well at Half-Time, looked pretty trim compared to last season.


Sure it wasnt his brother or cousin?


Haha, nah. His son was with him (or at least that's who I assume he was), had an Australia strip with "Viduka 9" on the back.


Was he black with dreadlocks?

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Really enjoyable game with a very decent atmosphere it has to be said. There were some very good performances from one or two, namely Beye i thought and N'Zogbia was good too. Duff had a decent game and i wasn't surprised to hear him named as man of the match; but it was all about Jonas for me today. I couldn't understand why they were insisting on using the right-hand side for large parts of the game, when Jonas and Zoggy were in a lot of space and linking up well. Jonas seems like a bit of an ox n'all, and can charge through players with pace - could be a real steal if this performance is anything to go by.


Given - 6. Shrug, rarely needed but there were one or two decent punches and a few good kick-outs, which was very refreshing and a nice change from him.


Beye - 6. Looks a bit rusty still but put in some crunching tackles and held the line well. Steady going forward.

Taylor - 6. He was alright, i didn't think him and Caçapa linked together that well or played the ball out of defense nearly as well enough. Was like watching a tennis game with them two passing it about at the back. Nice contribution for the winner, though.

Caçapa - 6. See above, really.

N'Zogbia - 7. Defensively suspect but i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt cos he simply isn't a defender. He did well at what he's good at - linking with forwards, running at players, getting in the box. Dangerous, i though.


Milner - 7. Decent, but as i keep on seeing when i go to the live games, painfully slow. Some decent ventures into the box but he needs to learn to pull the trigger quickly, be it with crosses or attempts on goal.

Guthrie - 6. I was a tad disappointed after quite a bit of hype, actually, didn't see much evidence of him being a serial ball-retainer (what a title) and i'd hoped he'd push on a bit better. I forgive him though cos of his naff CM partner...

Butt - 5. Thought he was fairly poor for large parts of the game tbh. Lost the ball so cheaply, but to his credit made one or two good recovering tackles. He shouldn't have to make them in the first place though if he could find his man. Same old.

Gutierrez - 8. My man of the match, personally - really did look very quick, very strong, and very positive when he was on the ball. Criminally underused for large segments of the game and was a pivotal figure in both goals. Looking good.


Duff - 7. Looked a different player to last season, and i can relate to those who say he could fill in with that roaming, busy role that Martins occupied at the end of last season. Put himself about well and did well for the goal.


Martins - 6. Not much to say, really. He wasn't in it. The chorus of groans when he got replaced for Smith were quite funny though.


Sub: Smith - 4. Was literally aghast when he tried to do that bicycle kick in the middle of the park. And that shot... i mean... there are no words.

Sub: Edgar - 6. I thought he looked pretty decent when he came on, actually.

Sub: Bassong - 6. Shrug.


Was an enjoyable day from start to finish really. :)


EDIT: One minor grumble; the club shop weren't selling that new magazine with Mike Ashley's exclusive in. Which i thought was piss poor. Oh, and the noisy little cunts i was amongst, chanting and balling on the train home. Bellends.

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Really enjoyed the match today, excellent for a pre season game as you never know what your going to get and plenty of positives to take into the season, must say i was very impressed with Valencia, at times we were chasing shadows and couldn't get near them, never mind get the ball, some real class in that side with the likes of Silva, Villa, Vicente, Baraja, Joaquin etc, there won't be many teams better than them come to SJP this season.


Only Bad point was the ridiculous booing of Alan Smith, some "fans" leave me speachless some times, yes Smith may not be the best player in the world and there is no denying he is struggling at the moment with both form and confidence but he is still going out, not hiding and trying his best and giving it a 100% effort.  Bottom line is we are supporters of NEWCASTLE UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB, we go to SJP to SUPPORT the team, Smith is part of the team so he gets supported, simple really, you may not like him, you may think he's a waste of space(i do) but while i may slate him in the pub or on here while he's on the pitch i'm with him 100%.


I'm dreading the return of Barton cos i'm dreading the reaction, the media will already be sharpening their knives in anticipation of Joey getting some abuse when he makes his return, they will love it if he returns to booing and will go to town on it and give them another excuse to rip into the club and try and cause a split in the camp.

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Really enjoyed the match today, excellent for a pre season game as you never know what your going to get and plenty of positives to take into the season, must say i was very impressed with Valencia, at times we were chasing shadows and couldn't get near them, never mind get the ball, some real class in that side with the likes of Silva, Villa, Vicente, Baraja, Joaquin etc, there won't be many teams better than them come to SJP this season.


Only Bad point was the ridiculous booing of Alan Smith, some "fans" leave me speachless some times, yes Smith may not be the best player in the world and there is no denying he is struggling at the moment with both form and confidence but he is still going out, not hiding and trying his best and giving it a 100% effort.  Bottom line is we are supporters of NEWCASTLE UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB, we go to SJP to SUPPORT the team, Smith is part of the team so he gets supported, simple really, you may not like him, you may think he's a waste of space(i do) but while i may slate him in the pub or on here while he's on the pitch i'm with him 100%.


I'm dreading the return of Barton cos i'm dreading the reaction, the media will already be sharpening their knives in anticipation of Joey getting some abuse when he makes his return, they will love it if he returns to booing and will go to town on it and give them another excuse to rip into the club and try and cause a split in the camp.


Well said Binnsy - no true Newcastle fan would boo anyone in a B&W shirt.

Criticise them down the pub by all means - but never at the match.

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