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Nile Ranger


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You guys are amateur stalkers. It's not just about adding that person on Facebook. It's about paying attention to everything that happens to that person, be it facebook wall conversations with others or other interactions. Hence you need to add the people he/she talks to as well, so you can pay attention to what they talk about from both sides of the conversation.




His facebook life seems so much more interesting than my real life.

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Used to work with and know quite well the lass in the middle photo.


must suck to see how far she has come in life, shes rolling with the best man!


Pretty random to look in this thread (first time i've post in here i think) and see someone you know. Small world.

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Guest Stephen927

Tamas Kadar joined the group, "I bet I can find 50,000 people who think Andy Carroll is better than Shola Ameobi".



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Guest diddimz

I've just realised Nile has his name tattooed on his hand. He's so cool, I'm now gonna go get his name tattooed to my hand as well. :smitten:

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Guest toonlass

Tamas Kadar joined the group, "I bet I can find 50,000 people who think Andy Carroll is better than Shola Ameobi".




hehehe  :aww:


Has Sammi joined yet?

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Guest toonlass

Nile Ranger is sayin ....... A MAN CNT FIZZY ME !!


Even I can't work this one out.


He's saying that no man can fizzy him, god.



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surely 90% of this shit is just made up?


Not really, you need to have your definition accepted by the site before it gets up. And most of the time when I've looked up words they've been pretty spot on, you can tell what's just random piss by the "up" and "down" reviews on them as well.


so people actually speak like this then?  fuckin hell, i've only been gone 4 years, what happened?

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