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Nile Ranger


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As soon as he gets his first goal that will start the ball rolling and hopefully he'll push on from there. The longer he goes without a goal we'll see a marked decline in his confidence.


True he does need a goal BUT we need what  he brings to the team, he works dam hard, has a great 1st touch, good strength and can pass. Just makes a massive difference to us.

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Guest Stephen927

As soon as he gets his first goal that will start the ball rolling and hopefully he'll push on from there. The longer he goes without a goal we'll see a marked decline in his confidence.


True he does need a goal BUT we need what  he brings to the team, he works dam hard, has a great 1st touch, good strength and can pass. Just makes a massive difference to us.


My worry is if the goal doesn't come soon, his first touch will become heavy, his passes will be off the mark, etc.

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He's starting to win me over now.


I never thought he should be a starter, but I think he should be now.


He offers something upfront that Lovenkrands and Harewood can't alongside Carroll. The spell on the bench did him good.


It's  Carroll   Ranger   for me


which means we're relying on Nolan to score yet again  :rolleyes:

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As soon as he gets his first goal that will start the ball rolling and hopefully he'll push on from there. The longer he goes without a goal we'll see a marked decline in his confidence.


True he does need a goal BUT we need what  he brings to the team, he works dam hard, has a great 1st touch, good strength and can pass. Just makes a massive difference to us.


My worry is if the goal doesn't come soon, his first touch will become heavy, his passes will be off the mark, etc.


I think he is just happy to play and is happy to be a team player, has a chance to dig but tries to look for a more certian chance for others. Yes strikers need to be selfish but as long as Hughton does not pile pressure on him to score then he will carry on to have a positive effect on the team.

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Ranger will score alongside Carroll, he came very close a few times against Ipswich and other than that, I can't remember them playing together other than the closing stages of the last 2 home games, and the Plymouth one.





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If Ranger and Carroll play together (and I hope they don't) there needs to be an element of clairity over who's going to do the donkey work and who's going to sit and wait for the break forward. Against QPR in particular the pair of them looked clueless as to who should be doing what and as a result they tbh just scrapped for every ball, giving us as much cutting edge as a wet sponge.

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If Ranger and Carroll play together (and I hope they don't) there needs to be an element of clairity over who's going to do the donkey work and who's going to sit and wait for the break forward. Against QPR in particular the pair of them looked clueless as to who should be doing what and as a result they tbh just scrapped for every ball, giving us as much cutting edge as a wet sponge.


You mean the game where we would have been 1-0 up at ht had guthrie not missed against a side who's scored 12 in the last 3 games.

I think them both scrapping for the ball is specifically what makes us more of a threat when they play together.


What strikeforce would be better than Carroll/Ranger at this point?

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If Ranger and Carroll play together (and I hope they don't) there needs to be an element of clairity over who's going to do the donkey work and who's going to sit and wait for the break forward. Against QPR in particular the pair of them looked clueless as to who should be doing what and as a result they tbh just scrapped for every ball, giving us as much cutting edge as a wet sponge.


You mean the game where we would have been 1-0 up at ht had guthrie not missed against a side who's scored 12 in the last 3 games.


What strikeforce would be better than Carroll/Ranger at this point?


it would have been 1-1


I'm sick and tired of playing long ball football, it kills us, puts us on the back foot against teams we could easily outplay. Time for Lovenkrands to get a go in a footballing side imo.

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Well the deflected goal was hardly down to them either.


Makes more sense to play in a style that is getting us results before experimenting with different styles of play/lineups in the hope that we'll become even better. If we want to try other things we should only do it when we're already in a comfortable position, the last few games has shown that massively.

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We've been playing longball all season & conceded the least in the league. Only stopped scoring when we broke up our usual lineup, the one that you dont want to play  :lol:


If we're gonna pass it the players have to show more for the ball, the defenders have to be confident enough to not boot it long under pressure & we have to have better movement in midfield in general. Most of that comes with confidence that we clearly dont have seeing as we havent been playing that way. Apart from that you're relying on Smith a defensive midfielder & Nolan a guy who is slower and stays further fowards to be making lots of space for eachother. Unless you drop one of them and put Guthrie in the middle. Its just not worth starting with all the nonsense that involves.

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Only when we're playing players who cant deal with them, like lovenkrands.


Anyway im not disagreeing that itd be better if we were passing it instead, i just dont think its realistic to think we can just switch to that in an instant by playing a different foward up front. In the mean time, its better to be efficient at what we're doing which means starting Carroll/Ranger upfront.


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Guest Stephen927

Never did I think when I first joined the Ranger bandwagon that I would be sat here with the thread sitting on 100 pages.


Everyone involved, please, take a bow on my behalf.

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