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Arsenal 3 - 0 Newcastle United - 30/08/08 - post match reaction from page 28


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Not much he can change really, except getting the lump of lard off the pitch.


Ameobi shouldn't even be there for a start


Give gangsta Nile a run out instead of that fucking poor excuse for a footballer


And Guthrie I would have dropped and stuck Bassong there


Guthrie has done well, imo. If Owen wasn't helping out, he'd be on his own.

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Guest Micktoon

Complete and utter shite, as for Ameobi so far out of his depth. It's not the lads fault he simply is not good enough and shouldn't even be on the park.

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I'm sick of all these bloody injuries. It's about time some serious questions were asked of how we keep our players fit (or rather, how we don't).


What are you on about?


Hamstrings, groins and these sort of injuries often happen because something is not right with an athletes biomechanics. Eg. A wonky pelvis or lower back can increase strain on the hamstring and lead to tears. This sort of thing should be picked up at an EPL club and fixed before a player is cleared to play. I think the most disappointing aspect of FSA was that his much-heralded 'sports science' seems to have delivered nothing but less fit players. We really need to have a look at our physio department I think. Our injury rate seems horrendous.

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Arsenal are playing like champions. We're... not.


To be fair, this is the best I've seen Arsenal play in a long, long while.


4 points from our first three games isn't the worst of returns I suppose.


I'm not bothered about the result as much as I am about Enrique limping off, yet another first team injury for us. Change the owner, change the manager, change the players, but I guess you just can't change good 'ol rotten Newcastle luck.


Oh, and you doom-mongers starting to crawl out of the woodwork? Do me a favor and gag yourself for 36 hours. We'll talk then.

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Arsenal are dominating as usual but the commentators are kissing arsenals backside something cronic.


The commentators makes me want to puke.  Every opportunity is taken to espouse the virtues of Arsenal's magic football, while describing how lucky Newcastle are lucky to not be 5 down.  It's like watching the Arsenal show, guest starring Rob Styles.

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Guest elbee909

We played Arsenal twice away in the space of a week under Keegan last season, 3-0 to them each time - at the moment not much has changed in terms of personnel so I don't know why people seem so downbeat that we might - shock - lose a game to one of the top four teams, away from home.  Even losing this we're still a point better off than I expected after three games.

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Jonas looks even more theatening on the right. That's about the only positive i could find.


Arsenal are dominating as usual but the commentators are kissing arsenals backside something cronic.


Who's the main commentator? he's a right fucking arsehole


Stiring the shit before the match started, and dwelling on our apparent negatives instead of the good 1st 2 games



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Not much he can change really, except getting the lump of lard off the pitch.


Ameobi shouldn't even be there for a start


Give gangsta Nile a run out instead of that fucking poor excuse for a footballer


And Guthrie I would have dropped and stuck Bassong there


I'd sooner have Shola over Smith, still.


Is it just me, or does Shola look more mobile than usual?

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Guest sittingontheball

For all the pressure, we were only 5 mins off going in 1-0 at half time, but never mind.


Shola off (and sold).  Barton on to pack the midfield. Its Arsenal, and they don't like it up em. Close them down more and then see what happens.


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Jonas looks even more theatening on the right. That's about the only positive i could find.


Arsenal are dominating as usual but the commentators are kissing arsenals backside something cronic.


Who's the main commentator? he's a right fucking arsehole


Stiring the shit before the match started, and dwelling on our apparent negatives instead of the good 1st 2 games




John Champion. Aye, knew from the offset it was going to be an arsenal wankfest.

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Arsenal are dominating as usual but the commentators are kissing arsenals backside something cronic.


They are hardly going to be talking about positively about our players showing world class ability watching the ball ping around them are they.



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Not much he can change really, except getting the lump of lard off the pitch.


Ameobi shouldn't even be there for a start


Give gangsta Nile a run out instead of that f***ing poor excuse for a footballer


And Guthrie I would have dropped and stuck Bassong there


I'd sooner have Shola over Smith, still.


Is it just me, or does Shola look more mobile than usual?


Aside from blocking Owen's shot, Shola is actually doing better than I expected. Some nice flick-ons there.


Still shit though.

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Guthrie - Jonas - Owen all making contributions. Zoggy not geling with the team. Butt horrendus.


Coloccini actually defending fairly well, all things considered.


We didn't agree on Tuesday, but you've read my mind today.

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Shola off, Barton on is what I'd do. Shola's been invisible and fucking up our attacks when the ball somehow gets to him. At least if we have Barton in there, Butt can just roam around and protect the area in front of the back four whilst Barton can help Guthrie in the center. We should also be able to retain more possession which is a must.

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Taylor has been a liability.


Arsenal might be passing through us like we don't exist, but it doesn't help when one of your CB's is diving in and missing tackles in the opponents fucking half.

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Not exactly an indeal situation to go against Arsenal away from home with 10 men...I mean Shola's just such a waste of space there. He looks so lazy out there(maybe juts because he's doing nothing...) with the worst first touch I've ever seen!



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Butt, Taylor and Ameobi needs to be removed from the pitch once we get a couple of new faces in. Ameobi is so bad even my mum is telling Keegan of just for playing him.. and she knows fuck all.


Taylor not done much wrong. Agree with the other 2 though.

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Go in like a bunch of chickens you get plucked like a bunch of chickens. Only one way to play this lot is to go kamikazi. Sod trying to hold them. Up and at them lads. Course we need to get hold of that effing ball first which ah er hang on....just realised the flaw in my argument.  :frantic:

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Shola off, Barton on is what I'd do. Shola's been invisible and fucking up our attacks when the ball somehow gets to him. At least if we have Barton in there, Butt can just roam around and protect the area in front of the back four whilst Barton can help Guthrie in the center. We should also be able to retain more possession which is a must.


I'd agree with this. Put Barton on the right perhaps and let Jonas have a free roam behind Owen.

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