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Newcastle United Supporters Club

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Guest Howaythetoon

I think people have been extremely critical so far which is a shame because even if you don't happen to agree with some of the things coming out of NUSC (I'm the same, there are some things I don't agree with) I don't think there is any need to start calling good intentioned people idiots and writing off what could be a great thing for our club this early in what will always be a tough period for the supporters club as they first try to establish themselves and secondly try and sort out some sort of action plan to kick in and take this forward where everyone can get behind it.

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I think people have been extremely critical so far which is a shame because even if you don't happen to agree with some of the things coming out of NUSC (I'm the same, there are some things I don't agree with) I don't think there is any need to start calling good intentioned people idiots and writing off what could be a great thing for our club this early in what will always be a tough period for the supporters club as they first try to establish themselves and secondly try and sort out some sort of action plan to kick in and take this forward where everyone can get behind it.


In a nutshell.


Most people simply just love putting the boot in on anything.

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I think people have been extremely critical so far which is a shame because even if you don't happen to agree with some of the things coming out of NUSC (I'm the same, there are some things I don't agree with) I don't think there is any need to start calling good intentioned people idiots and writing off what could be a great thing for our club this early in what will always be a tough period for the supporters club as they first try to establish themselves and secondly try and sort out some sort of action plan to kick in and take this forward where everyone can get behind it.


In a nutshell.


Most people simply just love putting the boot in on anything.


What's the difference between people having a go at NUFC for the way it's being ran, and people having a go at the NUSC for the way it's being ran?

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Thats great however for you, someone who has absolutely no knowledge of what has gone on to say that we dont take notice of such polls is an assumption thats wrong to make. Im hoping Tom will back me up here when I say, I listen to them, I went to a meeting 3 weeks ago with a pile of printouts from here, TT and emails and said "the fans arent agreeing".


Without wanting to look like Im taking the credit for that because there were others who backed it and provided more evidence on top, that has been a turning point for us. That was the point where the NUSC started to realise that time moves on and fans think differently because of it. Since then we've had no press releases of the sort we'd had before, no going out and organising additional boycotts. We had a members meeting and have started to change things round.


The point Im making is that the likes of you, Ozzie and especially Benwell Lad are more than happy to slag us off because of mistakes we've made in the past (although the likes of BL has been against it from the start and that in my eyes is wrong). We are learning from our mistakes, mistakes that really havent been that big, they've maybe been badly worded or timed statements but overall they've been done with the best of intentions.


The thing is if the likes of you (a Moderator on an NUFC forum) cannot give it time to work then it has no chance because it will always be chasing its tail.


I hope that you and the other lads can take the NUSC forward as we need a supporters club, only time will tell but I hope that it can move on from its starting position.


For all I say, I pretty much agree with Mick's sentiments, the club does need a Supporters Club, and for me, such an organisation needs to put support for the shirt and the players in that shirt at the top of all agendas, and as of so far, NUSC has failed to communicate such an agenda.


I apologise if I make incorrect assumptions of what has taken place at these meetings, but I only get the benefit of vague third hand overviews.


Perhaps NUSC can appreciate that if people are making criticisms relating to things they don't know about it, perhaps NUSC can realise that the same applies for criticisms levelled at Ashley, and Shepherd before him.


NUFC may not be able to explain themselves for privacy and legal reasons, but the same barriers for NUSC do not exist. Tell us what is being said at every meeting by publishing the minutes online.


I would love to attend one of these meetings if I wasn't prevented from getting there, and contrary to what BooBoo says, I would love to voice my opinion if invited to speak, as I simply don't see the point of anyone going to such public meetings if they aren't going to interact.

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I think people have been extremely critical so far which is a shame because even if you don't happen to agree with some of the things coming out of NUSC (I'm the same, there are some things I don't agree with) I don't think there is any need to start calling good intentioned people idiots and writing off what could be a great thing for our club this early in what will always be a tough period for the supporters club as they first try to establish themselves and secondly try and sort out some sort of action plan to kick in and take this forward where everyone can get behind it.


In a nutshell.


Most people simply just love putting the boot in on anything.


What's the difference between people having a go at NUFC for the way it's being ran, and people having a go at the NUSC for the way it's being ran?


The idea that people have written the NUSC off is equally nonsensical. People just aren't agreeing with some of their views and policies, which they're completely entitled to do. Just because they represent one group of fans doesn't mean everyone has to give them their support. I for one will back them when and if I find myself agreeing more with their aims and how they go about things,

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For all I say, I pretty much agree with Mick's sentiments, the club does need a Supporters Club, and for me, such an organisation needs to put support for the shirt and the players in that shirt at the top of all agendas, and as of so far, NUSC has failed to communicate such an agenda.


I apologise if I make incorrect assumptions of what has taken place at these meetings, but I only get the benefit of vague third hand overviews.


Perhaps NUSC can appreciate that if people are making criticisms relating to things they don't know about it, perhaps NUSC can realise that the same applies for criticisms levelled at Ashley, and Shepherd before him.


NUFC may not be able to explain themselves for privacy and legal reasons, but the same barriers for NUSC do not exist. Tell us what is being said at every meeting by publishing the minutes online.


I would love to attend one of these meetings if I wasn't prevented from getting there, and contrary to what BooBoo says, I would love to voice my opinion if invited to speak, as I simply don't see the point of anyone going to such public meetings if they aren't going to interact.


A supporters club should do just that, support.

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This is a group who displayed banners with slogans like "Cockney mafia out" and "Taxi for Ashley" and now send an open letter asking him to meet them.  Not the brightest of people.


So you dont want my money? thats fine, then heres the alternative. You get to go to the next meeting without joining and take part in everything other than votes, yet again though I expect you to put forward your views and again, report back on here about it.


Im willing to be though that you wont take me up on it. Ive called your bluff and you dont have the bottle to turn up and see you're wrong. You also dont have any interest in actually doing anything for NUFC. Im not saying you dont support the club or love it anymore than the next fan but what I am saying is that you are an old man who likes to be an internet warrior. Shouting out about stuff in the relative privacy of the internet while sitting quietly nodding agreement with those in the pub  "Oh aye Ashleys a s**** man aye" when you have a half of stout in your hand while taking the alternative "look at me Im all different" view on here.


My betting is though that once theres something in it for you such as reductions on stuff in shops or getting to go to the talk ins with old players and such then you'll quietly sign up, get your all important membership card yet still slag it off on here. And thats the bit that will sadden me "I'll take what I can get but Im not willing to do anything for it" attitude.


I've put forward all the things that will be in place to allow your voice to be heard and to ensure that the actual views of the fans are registered. Im guessing that you however are scared to take part in those things because deep down you know that when you do your myth about "the majority of fans" will be blown out of the water.


Thanks for telling me what I'm really thinking and what I say. Sadly you're wrong on all counts and I certainly don't drink halves.

Your prejudice and condescending attitude fits well with the so called NUSC's way of going about things.

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Guest Howaythetoon


For all I say, I pretty much agree with Mick's sentiments, the club does need a Supporters Club, and for me, such an organisation needs to put support for the shirt and the players in that shirt at the top of all agendas, and as of so far, NUSC has failed to communicate such an agenda.


I apologise if I make incorrect assumptions of what has taken place at these meetings, but I only get the benefit of vague third hand overviews.


Perhaps NUSC can appreciate that if people are making criticisms relating to things they don't know about it, perhaps NUSC can realise that the same applies for criticisms levelled at Ashley, and Shepherd before him.


NUFC may not be able to explain themselves for privacy and legal reasons, but the same barriers for NUSC do not exist. Tell us what is being said at every meeting by publishing the minutes online.


I would love to attend one of these meetings if I wasn't prevented from getting there, and contrary to what BooBoo says, I would love to voice my opinion if invited to speak, as I simply don't see the point of anyone going to such public meetings if they aren't going to interact.


A supporters club should do just that, support.


I'm sure the people that make up NUSC very much do that at the match where it matters and really counts so I think the club can count on the support of NUSC and any other fan really, those who want Ashley out and those that don't. Surely it goes without saying?

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Guest Howaythetoon

I think people have been extremely critical so far which is a shame because even if you don't happen to agree with some of the things coming out of NUSC (I'm the same, there are some things I don't agree with) I don't think there is any need to start calling good intentioned people idiots and writing off what could be a great thing for our club this early in what will always be a tough period for the supporters club as they first try to establish themselves and secondly try and sort out some sort of action plan to kick in and take this forward where everyone can get behind it.


In a nutshell.


Most people simply just love putting the boot in on anything.


What's the difference between people having a go at NUFC for the way it's being ran, and people having a go at the NUSC for the way it's being ran?


The idea that people have written the NUSC off is equally nonsensical. People just aren't agreeing with some of their views and policies, which they're completely entitled to do. Just because they represent one group of fans doesn't mean everyone has to give them their support. I for one will back them when and if I find myself agreeing more with their aims and how they go about things,


But people have written them off, with a number saying they will never join such an outfit. Can't disagree with any of your other points mind, spot on.

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My betting is though that once theres something in it for you such as reductions on stuff in shops or getting to go to the talk ins with old players and such then you'll quietly sign up, get your all important membership card yet still slag it off on here. And thats the bit that will sadden me "I'll take what I can get but Im not willing to do anything for it" attitude.


That's the thing though, PP. If it was a Supporters Club doing the things you say, I'd be straight in, as, IMO, that's what a Supporters' Club should be all about.


Not sniping to the media every opportunity and being set-up as an anti-Ashley organisation.


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They need to look up the word "representative".


I think the results of the above poll and the fact that only 50 people bothered to turn up to their big meeting means they are anything but representative of Newcastle fans. 

It's arrogance beyond belief.

God forbid that they would ever be given any real power.


I don't think its looks too good on you either to criticise a group of people who are trying to do something for the greater good that they believe in, when you can't be arsed yourself to do anything, whether going with them or opposing them.



I oppose them.

And I'm offended that a few dozen publicity seekers claim to be "representative" of Newcastle fans, as it seems are the majority of supporters.


Is this the same majority that you say back Ashley?



I've got a deal for you or at least for one of those that oppose the NUSC so strongly and reckon we wont listen to you.


I will pay your membership on condition you turn up at the next meeting and make your voice heard and then more importantly report back on it here.


I'm slightly offended by that offer. I don't need yours or anyone else's money so please don't try and score points with such a condescending offer.  If something is worth subscribing to I will.


I have no desire to be at any meeting held by such a small number of insignificant yet self important publicity seeking people.

Were it a body with any semblance of credibility then irrespective of their agenda they would be worth listening to, however considering Newcastle's fan base runs into hundreds of thousands and only fifty people could be bothered to turn up to support their agenda, then right now the Dinnington Village Women's Institute have as much chance of helping Newcastle United progress as do the so called NUSC.


This is a group who displayed banners with slogans like "Cockney mafia out" and "Taxi for Ashley" and now send an open letter asking him to meet them.  Not the brightest of people.


I don't get this. You say you have your opinion, which differs from the NUSC. Fair enough, you are entitled to this. So why not take up the offer ? I wouldn't have thought anybody would have a go at you for having an opinion - especially in a respectable place like the Irish Centre.


I personally don't think that the cockney mafia banner did anybody any favours but that doesn't really matter, a group of people looking for some change have every right to do this if they want to do it.


I wouldn't say they are a small, insignificant group of people. I don't know how old you are but do you remember Malcolm Dix, who campaigned for years to get the change that was badly needed at the club ? Did you think he was a small insignificant person ? Or were you happy enough to take the much needed change when it eventually happened ?




Yes I remember Malcolm Dix and of course the Magpie Group. I supported the Magpie group but always found Dix, well a bit of a dick actually, certainly a serial attention seeker.

Regarding age, well I'm old enough to have been a member of the real Supporters club, when it did what it said on the label i.e. a club for supporters and arranged away travel etc, and not a politicised group who use the expression falsely.

This new bunch should just come clean and call themselves the "Anti Ashley Club".


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This is a group who displayed banners with slogans like "Cockney mafia out" and "Taxi for Ashley" and now send an open letter asking him to meet them.  Not the brightest of people.


So you dont want my money? thats fine, then heres the alternative. You get to go to the next meeting without joining and take part in everything other than votes, yet again though I expect you to put forward your views and again, report back on here about it.


Im willing to be though that you wont take me up on it. Ive called your bluff and you dont have the bottle to turn up and see you're wrong. You also dont have any interest in actually doing anything for NUFC. Im not saying you dont support the club or love it anymore than the next fan but what I am saying is that you are an old man who likes to be an internet warrior. Shouting out about stuff in the relative privacy of the internet while sitting quietly nodding agreement with those in the pub  "Oh aye Ashleys a s**** man aye" when you have a half of stout in your hand while taking the alternative "look at me Im all different" view on here.


My betting is though that once theres something in it for you such as reductions on stuff in shops or getting to go to the talk ins with old players and such then you'll quietly sign up, get your all important membership card yet still slag it off on here. And thats the bit that will sadden me "I'll take what I can get but Im not willing to do anything for it" attitude.


I've put forward all the things that will be in place to allow your voice to be heard and to ensure that the actual views of the fans are registered. Im guessing that you however are scared to take part in those things because deep down you know that when you do your myth about "the majority of fans" will be blown out of the water.


Look at the above poll.


No ambiguity there is there?


You need to start proving that you are speaking for the fans rather than mouthing off at people whose views do not suit your agenda.


You know how it is with politcians, they always try to gloss over and ignore unfavourable polls.

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I'm sure the people that make up NUSC very much do that at the match where it matters and really counts so I think the club can count on the support of NUSC and any other fan really, those who want Ashley out and those that don't. Surely it goes without saying?


It's supposed to be a supporters club, at least in name.  It's not acting like any supporters club that I can think of.

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Yes I remember Malcolm Dix and of course the Magpie Group. I supported the Magpie group but always found Dix, well a bit of a dick actually, certainly a serial attention seeker.

Regarding age, well I'm old enough to have been a member of the real Supporters club, when it did what it said on the label i.e. a club for supporters and arranged away travel etc, and not a politicised group who use the expression falsely.

This new bunch should just come clean and call themselves the "Anti Ashley Club".



I was also a member but only so that I could get on the buses to away games if we couldn't fill a van, mini-bus or car.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I think people have been extremely critical so far which is a shame because even if you don't happen to agree with some of the things coming out of NUSC (I'm the same, there are some things I don't agree with) I don't think there is any need to start calling good intentioned people idiots and writing off what could be a great thing for our club this early in what will always be a tough period for the supporters club as they first try to establish themselves and secondly try and sort out some sort of action plan to kick in and take this forward where everyone can get behind it.


In a nutshell.


Most people simply just love putting the boot in on anything.


I think there is a large contingent of our support and indeed society as a whole especially here in England that are never truly satisfied or happy and need something to whinge about whether it be something positive or something bad. We've seen it at SJP - finishing 5th is a good thing yet it never satisfied a few thousand who pissed off home early or stayed to boo. I truly believe if we win a trophy someday a good number would spend their celebrating time in the pub whinging about this or that part of the performance or an individual in the team.


Regarding NUSC - to my mind the people behind it have went out of their way to invite fellow fans to come along directly and have their say on the club and indeed to have an input in its future with members also making themselves available either via a forum (Peasepud & Tom) or directly by placing their contact details on the (much improved) website, meaning those that cannot attend any meetings can still get in touch and not only put forward their opinion but also offer their help with the running of it.


A good number have done just that but an equal number if not more prefer to piss and moan on here and other forums calling the people behind this idiots and generally showing a negative attitude towards the club itself which is fair enough, such is the medium of message boards, but the people behind NUSC are actively trying to do something positive and are also actively seeking dialogue with fella fans in the hope of coming together to form a club that can best serve its very big fanbase and indeed the club itself, and the least people can do is listen and put their opinions forward in the correct manner which isn't writing "fucking idiots" on here but actually getting your arse in gear and attend one of the meetings or if unable to write in to them.


I'm sure despite some of the assumptions on here that these people are egotistical self serving fans they would be delighted to be put right on some issues or happy to listen to what people are saying.


It pisses me off immensely when those who can't be arsed or don't really care (the idle mob) pour scorn on what others are doing. I say at least people are doing something and that's better than nothing in my eyes. There is an awful lot I don't agree with regarding NUSC myself but I wouldn't dream of rubbishing their efforts even if I think they are wrong, misguided or not in the same train of thought where my own opinions and thinking on matters NUFC are concerned. More fucking power to them and any set of fans who have had enough of being taking for a ride by the game and those at our clubs.

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I think people have been extremely critical so far which is a shame because even if you don't happen to agree with some of the things coming out of NUSC (I'm the same, there are some things I don't agree with) I don't think there is any need to start calling good intentioned people idiots and writing off what could be a great thing for our club this early in what will always be a tough period for the supporters club as they first try to establish themselves and secondly try and sort out some sort of action plan to kick in and take this forward where everyone can get behind it.


In a nutshell.


Most people simply just love putting the boot in on anything.


What's the difference between people having a go at NUFC for the way it's being ran, and people having a go at the NUSC for the way it's being ran?


The idea that people have written the NUSC off is equally nonsensical. People just aren't agreeing with some of their views and policies, which they're completely entitled to do. Just because they represent one group of fans doesn't mean everyone has to give them their support. I for one will back them when and if I find myself agreeing more with their aims and how they go about things,


But people have written them off, with a number saying they will never join such an outfit. Can't disagree with any of your other points mind, spot on.


and with very good reason

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They need to look up the word "representative".


I think the results of the above poll and the fact that only 50 people bothered to turn up to their big meeting means they are anything but representative of Newcastle fans. 

It's arrogance beyond belief.

God forbid that they would ever be given any real power.


I don't think its looks too good on you either to criticise a group of people who are trying to do something for the greater good that they believe in, when you can't be arsed yourself to do anything, whether going with them or opposing them.



I oppose them.

And I'm offended that a few dozen publicity seekers claim to be "representative" of Newcastle fans, as it seems are the majority of supporters.


Is this the same majority that you say back Ashley?



I've got a deal for you or at least for one of those that oppose the NUSC so strongly and reckon we wont listen to you.


I will pay your membership on condition you turn up at the next meeting and make your voice heard and then more importantly report back on it here.


I'm slightly offended by that offer. I don't need yours or anyone else's money so please don't try and score points with such a condescending offer.  If something is worth subscribing to I will.


I have no desire to be at any meeting held by such a small number of insignificant yet self important publicity seeking people.

Were it a body with any semblance of credibility then irrespective of their agenda they would be worth listening to, however considering Newcastle's fan base runs into hundreds of thousands and only fifty people could be bothered to turn up to support their agenda, then right now the Dinnington Village Women's Institute have as much chance of helping Newcastle United progress as do the so called NUSC.


This is a group who displayed banners with slogans like "Cockney mafia out" and "Taxi for Ashley" and now send an open letter asking him to meet them.  Not the brightest of people.


I don't get this. You say you have your opinion, which differs from the NUSC. Fair enough, you are entitled to this. So why not take up the offer ? I wouldn't have thought anybody would have a go at you for having an opinion - especially in a respectable place like the Irish Centre.


I personally don't think that the cockney mafia banner did anybody any favours but that doesn't really matter, a group of people looking for some change have every right to do this if they want to do it.


I wouldn't say they are a small, insignificant group of people. I don't know how old you are but do you remember Malcolm Dix, who campaigned for years to get the change that was badly needed at the club ? Did you think he was a small insignificant person ? Or were you happy enough to take the much needed change when it eventually happened ?




Yes I remember Malcolm Dix and of course the Magpie Group. I supported the Magpie group but always found Dix, well a bit of a dick actually, certainly a serial attention seeker.

Regarding age, well I'm old enough to have been a member of the real Supporters club, when it did what it said on the label i.e. a club for supporters and arranged away travel etc, and not a politicised group who use the expression falsely.

This new bunch should just come clean and call themselves the "Anti Ashley Club".



Times have changed. You can't organise travel to away games and pay at the gate anymore, its got to be done through the club.


This may change if we are relegated and the new level of apathy increases. Think about it.



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I'm sure the people that make up NUSC very much do that at the match where it matters and really counts so I think the club can count on the support of NUSC and any other fan really, those who want Ashley out and those that don't. Surely it goes without saying?


It's supposed to be a supporters club, at least in name.  It's not acting like any supporters club that I can think of.

This is the point I keep trying to get over though Mick,


it is trying to be all those things and more but at the end of the day this Supporters Club was set up first and foremost to try and give a voice to the fans in the troubled times we were having. The way that was done and with the ferocity we did it was all down to the fact that 250+ total strangers turned up to a hastily arranged meeting. These were 250 fans, not all mates of each other but normal fans from all age groups and all walks of life just like you, Benwell Lad, NE5, HTT etc from 18 to 80. Every one and I mean all of them voted for this to take place.


We were always looking to do the other things, arrange the benefit nights, fight for other rights of fans, discuss problems etc but at that point in time the protests took precedence because that was what was asked for. The fact that opinions changed in the two weeks after was not foreseen and not gauged until too late. A fault of ours yes but not something that we should be lined up and shot for. Again, though if people emailed in and told us they had changed their views then we may have had a chance, out of 30 or 40 emails at the time Id say 3 were even slightly questioning the stance.


All Im asking is that people give it a chance to move forward, dont join if you dont want to but at the same time dont sit there moaning and belittling those of us that are trying to do something.


*That last bit wasnt aimed at you directly Mick

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This is the point I keep trying to get over though Mick,


it is trying to be all those things and more but at the end of the day this Supporters Club was set up first and foremost to try and give a voice to the fans in the troubled times we were having. The way that was done and with the ferocity we did it was all down to the fact that 250+ total strangers turned up to a hastily arranged meeting. These were 250 fans, not all mates of each other but normal fans from all age groups and all walks of life just like you, Benwell Lad, NE5, HTT etc from 18 to 80. Every one and I mean all of them voted for this to take place.


We were always looking to do the other things, arrange the benefit nights, fight for other rights of fans, discuss problems etc but at that point in time the protests took precedence because that was what was asked for. The fact that opinions changed in the two weeks after was not foreseen and not gauged until too late. A fault of ours yes but not something that we should be lined up and shot for. Again, though if people emailed in and told us they had changed their views then we may have had a chance, out of 30 or 40 emails at the time Id say 3 were even slightly questioning the stance.


All Im asking is that people give it a chance to move forward, dont join if you dont want to but at the same time dont sit there moaning and belittling those of us that are trying to do something.


*That last bit wasnt aimed at you directly Mick


I think NUSC has learned as you've gone on, you've got to keep doing that.  I understand where your starting position comes from and why it was formed, I really do hope you evolve because like I said earlier, we need a supporters club but it's got to be inclusive.  I don't think you have managed that yet but you're much closer than when it was first started.

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