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The Newcastle United Transfer Thread: D-Day [Spoiler: Not Much Happens]


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Joe Kinnear insists he is "proud" of his record at Newcastle - and claims the club can still have a "respectable" season.


The Toon boss is under pressure to deliver after owner Mike Ashley set him a target of finishing in the European qualifying places, saying: "What price a flutter on us reaching the top six?"


And sources in Spain claim that Newcastle are keeping their options open over Kinnear's future beyond this season, with Benfica boss Quique Sanchez Flores sounded out about the job.


The Newcastle boss has been in charge for three months, claiming four wins out of 14 games, and is desperate for an FA Cup run to lift the spirits.


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The Geordies are two points above the drop zone and need January signings to relieve an injury crisis which has seen 10 first teamers struck down ahead of tomorrow's trip to Hull.


But the ex-Wimbledon manager said: "I'm proud of what we have achieved so far and I feel we can build on it.


"I am only looking ahead and only looking upwards, and I think we can get a respectable finish because this division is just so close."


Kinnear is considering a move for young Marseille full-back Taiye Taiwo and Blackburn defender Chris Samba, 24. But he also faces a battle with transfer chief Dennis Wise who will have to be persuaded to go for established players like Papa Bouba Diop on large fees.




So he's proud of having us teetering 2 points off the relegation zone by New Year, with a squad boasting genuine quality like Michael Owen, Martins, Beye, Given, Nicky Butt, Jonas. The guy's a f***ing clown. How anyone can't be thoroughly f***ing sick of this utter muppet taking our team forward is beyond me. Makes me vom, the idea that this is the guy who is our current pioneer. He's a knob. And i know there's no one better and he's better than Hughton, blah blah blah, but i mean someone on here summed it up earlier on. "I think he's done a better job than any of us could." Oh right, that's alright then, thank f*** we didn't appoint a total amateur from an internet message board with no footballing experience whatsoever. We'd really be in the s*** then.


Funny thing is Keegan had a similar record at the end of last season and most seen it as being great.


Spot on baggio.


Can't see why everyone is being so f***ing ungrateful.




So who else would have come to save us? f***ing superman? f*** no.


Fact is kinnear had the bollocks to go for the job, where as many, many c***s turned it down. He was what, 17th choice? What else do you f***ing expect?


So, why exactly should we be grateful?


Because it could have been much worse. A bit of Denis Wise? I'm sure you'd all love that :lol:


'You'd all' refers to who exactly? No, I wouldn't have loved that, for the same reason that I don't love Kinnear. They're both s*** managers.


I'm still not entirely sure how 'it could have been worse' can be seen as a reason to be grateful to a man that has done very little.


Bit like keegan in his second spell then.




Difference is that Keegan brought us into the premiership and kept us up. He also saved us from falling into the 3rd tier of football in his first season. He may not have set many fires in his second spell but for what he's done I'll always respect Keegan much more than Joe Kinnear who will never achieve the kind of league finishes that Keegan did.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasnt that 16 years ago? I respect what Keegan did many years ago, but as a realist i think his achievments for this club are a tad outdated.


16 years ago!


Like it or not, that is the reason why people were more willing to give Keegan time, and happily pin their hopes on him.


Some completely ungrateful people on here, who in some way or another wouldn't even support the club if it wasn't for Kevin Keegan.


You mean Halls and Shepherd, right?


No I don't.


Pretty ungrateful.


Aye you're completely right. I'm so ungrateful that they brought us to the level that we all know the club should be at. I don't appreciate this at all.




I genuinely cant think of what to put - not heard such blinkered rambling since the NE5 vs World thread.


Do you know what the ironic thing in all this is? The reason he left in the first place....


I know why Keegan left in the first place. I also know that the time was up for the Halls & Shepherd and we needed a change. As no matter how good it was at times under them, this doesn't excuse everything since sacking SBR, which started the current mess we're in. Shame we ended up with Ashley though.


Then that makes 2 of us. What do you think of his decision to leave then?


All Im saying is that his major football manangement achievment was 16 years ago, what more perspective do you need?


No other big club would be as sentimental in the exact same situation, certainly wouldnt protest to the extent they did.


I don't blame him for leaving then as well, as things changed completely due to the PLC. Imagine how you would have felt if some no-mark in football came along and told you that you had to sell either Shearer or Ferdinand to balance the books, I'd have been fuming.


He threw it all away becasue of that.


To me thats petulant, to others its noble. If Keegan stayed he could of been of the best managers in the game, he could of had an empire like Fergie, i genuinely believe that but he didnt, he threw it all away for something that most managers have to do in their career.


He consigned himself to the average managers club off the back of that decision, hence the reason i dont see why this club couldnt recover easily from his loss the second time round. Shame the fans didnt see it the logical way either.

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This board just doesn't work if there's not at least one old board argument and one keegan argument going on at the same time in completely unrelated threads.


Yep, and to think I come on here at work to relieve my boredom!

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Joe Kinnear insists he is "proud" of his record at Newcastle - and claims the club can still have a "respectable" season.


The Toon boss is under pressure to deliver after owner Mike Ashley set him a target of finishing in the European qualifying places, saying: "What price a flutter on us reaching the top six?"


And sources in Spain claim that Newcastle are keeping their options open over Kinnear's future beyond this season, with Benfica boss Quique Sanchez Flores sounded out about the job.


The Newcastle boss has been in charge for three months, claiming four wins out of 14 games, and is desperate for an FA Cup run to lift the spirits.


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The Geordies are two points above the drop zone and need January signings to relieve an injury crisis which has seen 10 first teamers struck down ahead of tomorrow's trip to Hull.


But the ex-Wimbledon manager said: "I'm proud of what we have achieved so far and I feel we can build on it.


"I am only looking ahead and only looking upwards, and I think we can get a respectable finish because this division is just so close."


Kinnear is considering a move for young Marseille full-back Taiye Taiwo and Blackburn defender Chris Samba, 24. But he also faces a battle with transfer chief Dennis Wise who will have to be persuaded to go for established players like Papa Bouba Diop on large fees.




So he's proud of having us teetering 2 points off the relegation zone by New Year, with a squad boasting genuine quality like Michael Owen, Martins, Beye, Given, Nicky Butt, Jonas. The guy's a f***ing clown. How anyone can't be thoroughly f***ing sick of this utter muppet taking our team forward is beyond me. Makes me vom, the idea that this is the guy who is our current pioneer. He's a knob. And i know there's no one better and he's better than Hughton, blah blah blah, but i mean someone on here summed it up earlier on. "I think he's done a better job than any of us could." Oh right, that's alright then, thank f*** we didn't appoint a total amateur from an internet message board with no footballing experience whatsoever. We'd really be in the s*** then.


Funny thing is Keegan had a similar record at the end of last season and most seen it as being great.


Spot on baggio.


Can't see why everyone is being so f***ing ungrateful.




So who else would have come to save us? f***ing superman? f*** no.


Fact is kinnear had the bollocks to go for the job, where as many, many c***s turned it down. He was what, 17th choice? What else do you f***ing expect?


So, why exactly should we be grateful?


Because it could have been much worse. A bit of Denis Wise? I'm sure you'd all love that :lol:


'You'd all' refers to who exactly? No, I wouldn't have loved that, for the same reason that I don't love Kinnear. They're both s*** managers.


I'm still not entirely sure how 'it could have been worse' can be seen as a reason to be grateful to a man that has done very little.


Bit like keegan in his second spell then.




Difference is that Keegan brought us into the premiership and kept us up. He also saved us from falling into the 3rd tier of football in his first season. He may not have set many fires in his second spell but for what he's done I'll always respect Keegan much more than Joe Kinnear who will never achieve the kind of league finishes that Keegan did.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasnt that 16 years ago? I respect what Keegan did many years ago, but as a realist i think his achievments for this club are a tad outdated.


16 years ago!


Like it or not, that is the reason why people were more willing to give Keegan time, and happily pin their hopes on him.


Some completely ungrateful people on here, who in some way or another wouldn't even support the club if it wasn't for Kevin Keegan.


You mean Halls and Shepherd, right?


No I don't.


Pretty ungrateful.


Aye you're completely right. I'm so ungrateful that they brought us to the level that we all know the club should be at. I don't appreciate this at all.




I genuinely cant think of what to put - not heard such blinkered rambling since the NE5 vs World thread.


Do you know what the ironic thing in all this is? The reason he left in the first place....


I know why Keegan left in the first place. I also know that the time was up for the Halls & Shepherd and we needed a change. As no matter how good it was at times under them, this doesn't excuse everything since sacking SBR, which started the current mess we're in. Shame we ended up with Ashley though.


Then that makes 2 of us. What do you think of his decision to leave then?


All Im saying is that his major football manangement achievment was 16 years ago, what more perspective do you need?


No other big club would be as sentimental in the exact same situation, certainly wouldnt protest to the extent they did.


I don't blame him for leaving then as well, as things changed completely due to the PLC. Imagine how you would have felt if some no-mark in football came along and told you that you had to sell either Shearer or Ferdinand to balance the books, I'd have been fuming.


He threw it all away becasue of that.


To me thats petulant, to others its noble. If Keegan stayed he could of been of the best managers in the game, he could of had an empire like Fergie, i genuinely believe that but he didnt, he threw it all away for something that most managers have to do in their career.


He consigned himself to the average managers club off the back of that decision, hence the reason i dont see why this club couldnt recover easily from his loss the second time round. Shame the fans didnt see it the logical way either.


He also was burnt out as well I feel btw after 95/96. I think it took it's toll on him mentally. I really do.


As I've said, it's more than recovering from the loss of Keegan, even though I felt confident he would always do us right when in charge, the problems stem deeper than Keegan, it's the owner I have a problem with. I got over the fact Keegan wouldn't be in charge a long time ago, however that doesn't mean I should accept Ashley, as quite frankly until he's proven to me that he wants us to punch our weight again and at least give it a go, I won't.

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Joe Kinnear insists he is "proud" of his record at Newcastle - and claims the club can still have a "respectable" season.


The Toon boss is under pressure to deliver after owner Mike Ashley set him a target of finishing in the European qualifying places, saying: "What price a flutter on us reaching the top six?"


And sources in Spain claim that Newcastle are keeping their options open over Kinnear's future beyond this season, with Benfica boss Quique Sanchez Flores sounded out about the job.


The Newcastle boss has been in charge for three months, claiming four wins out of 14 games, and is desperate for an FA Cup run to lift the spirits.


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The Geordies are two points above the drop zone and need January signings to relieve an injury crisis which has seen 10 first teamers struck down ahead of tomorrow's trip to Hull.


But the ex-Wimbledon manager said: "I'm proud of what we have achieved so far and I feel we can build on it.


"I am only looking ahead and only looking upwards, and I think we can get a respectable finish because this division is just so close."


Kinnear is considering a move for young Marseille full-back Taiye Taiwo and Blackburn defender Chris Samba, 24. But he also faces a battle with transfer chief Dennis Wise who will have to be persuaded to go for established players like Papa Bouba Diop on large fees.




So he's proud of having us teetering 2 points off the relegation zone by New Year, with a squad boasting genuine quality like Michael Owen, Martins, Beye, Given, Nicky Butt, Jonas. The guy's a f***ing clown. How anyone can't be thoroughly f***ing sick of this utter muppet taking our team forward is beyond me. Makes me vom, the idea that this is the guy who is our current pioneer. He's a knob. And i know there's no one better and he's better than Hughton, blah blah blah, but i mean someone on here summed it up earlier on. "I think he's done a better job than any of us could." Oh right, that's alright then, thank f*** we didn't appoint a total amateur from an internet message board with no footballing experience whatsoever. We'd really be in the s*** then.


Funny thing is Keegan had a similar record at the end of last season and most seen it as being great.


Spot on baggio.


Can't see why everyone is being so f***ing ungrateful.




So who else would have come to save us? f***ing superman? f*** no.


Fact is kinnear had the bollocks to go for the job, where as many, many c***s turned it down. He was what, 17th choice? What else do you f***ing expect?


So, why exactly should we be grateful?


Because it could have been much worse. A bit of Denis Wise? I'm sure you'd all love that :lol:


'You'd all' refers to who exactly? No, I wouldn't have loved that, for the same reason that I don't love Kinnear. They're both s*** managers.


I'm still not entirely sure how 'it could have been worse' can be seen as a reason to be grateful to a man that has done very little.


Bit like keegan in his second spell then.




Difference is that Keegan brought us into the premiership and kept us up. He also saved us from falling into the 3rd tier of football in his first season. He may not have set many fires in his second spell but for what he's done I'll always respect Keegan much more than Joe Kinnear who will never achieve the kind of league finishes that Keegan did.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasnt that 16 years ago? I respect what Keegan did many years ago, but as a realist i think his achievments for this club are a tad outdated.


16 years ago!


Like it or not, that is the reason why people were more willing to give Keegan time, and happily pin their hopes on him.


Some completely ungrateful people on here, who in some way or another wouldn't even support the club if it wasn't for Kevin Keegan.


You mean Halls and Shepherd, right?


No I don't.


Pretty ungrateful.


Aye you're completely right. I'm so ungrateful that they brought us to the level that we all know the club should be at. I don't appreciate this at all.




I genuinely cant think of what to put - not heard such blinkered rambling since the NE5 vs World thread.


Do you know what the ironic thing in all this is? The reason he left in the first place....


I know why Keegan left in the first place. I also know that the time was up for the Halls & Shepherd and we needed a change. As no matter how good it was at times under them, this doesn't excuse everything since sacking SBR, which started the current mess we're in. Shame we ended up with Ashley though.


Then that makes 2 of us. What do you think of his decision to leave then?


All Im saying is that his major football manangement achievment was 16 years ago, what more perspective do you need?


No other big club would be as sentimental in the exact same situation, certainly wouldnt protest to the extent they did.


Nobody is achieveing anything by backing Keegan, come the end of Januaray I'll know for sure whether I was right to back Ashley, either I 'win' or we both lose.


Btw it's not just about backing Keegan, it's backing what I feel is best for the club. And I feel it would be better for the club if Mike Ashley wasn't it's owner as he's proven to me that he hasn't got what it takes. That's my stance on things.


Thats fair enough  :thup:


I disagree, unless you have Ashley down as a complete Charlatan who had no intention of signing Modric, Woodgate or Aimar then you'll of seen glimpses of his intentions for the club in his 2 season he's made a club record bid, he's spent the most ever for a full back and the most ever for a defender.


He's also imprved the first team no end since Roeder was in charge.

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Joe Kinnear insists he is "proud" of his record at Newcastle - and claims the club can still have a "respectable" season.


The Toon boss is under pressure to deliver after owner Mike Ashley set him a target of finishing in the European qualifying places, saying: "What price a flutter on us reaching the top six?"


And sources in Spain claim that Newcastle are keeping their options open over Kinnear's future beyond this season, with Benfica boss Quique Sanchez Flores sounded out about the job.


The Newcastle boss has been in charge for three months, claiming four wins out of 14 games, and is desperate for an FA Cup run to lift the spirits.


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The Geordies are two points above the drop zone and need January signings to relieve an injury crisis which has seen 10 first teamers struck down ahead of tomorrow's trip to Hull.


But the ex-Wimbledon manager said: "I'm proud of what we have achieved so far and I feel we can build on it.


"I am only looking ahead and only looking upwards, and I think we can get a respectable finish because this division is just so close."


Kinnear is considering a move for young Marseille full-back Taiye Taiwo and Blackburn defender Chris Samba, 24. But he also faces a battle with transfer chief Dennis Wise who will have to be persuaded to go for established players like Papa Bouba Diop on large fees.




So he's proud of having us teetering 2 points off the relegation zone by New Year, with a squad boasting genuine quality like Michael Owen, Martins, Beye, Given, Nicky Butt, Jonas. The guy's a f***ing clown. How anyone can't be thoroughly f***ing sick of this utter muppet taking our team forward is beyond me. Makes me vom, the idea that this is the guy who is our current pioneer. He's a knob. And i know there's no one better and he's better than Hughton, blah blah blah, but i mean someone on here summed it up earlier on. "I think he's done a better job than any of us could." Oh right, that's alright then, thank f*** we didn't appoint a total amateur from an internet message board with no footballing experience whatsoever. We'd really be in the s*** then.


Funny thing is Keegan had a similar record at the end of last season and most seen it as being great.


Spot on baggio.


Can't see why everyone is being so f***ing ungrateful.




So who else would have come to save us? f***ing superman? f*** no.


Fact is kinnear had the bollocks to go for the job, where as many, many c***s turned it down. He was what, 17th choice? What else do you f***ing expect?


So, why exactly should we be grateful?


Because it could have been much worse. A bit of Denis Wise? I'm sure you'd all love that :lol:


'You'd all' refers to who exactly? No, I wouldn't have loved that, for the same reason that I don't love Kinnear. They're both s*** managers.


I'm still not entirely sure how 'it could have been worse' can be seen as a reason to be grateful to a man that has done very little.


Bit like keegan in his second spell then.




Difference is that Keegan brought us into the premiership and kept us up. He also saved us from falling into the 3rd tier of football in his first season. He may not have set many fires in his second spell but for what he's done I'll always respect Keegan much more than Joe Kinnear who will never achieve the kind of league finishes that Keegan did.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasnt that 16 years ago? I respect what Keegan did many years ago, but as a realist i think his achievments for this club are a tad outdated.


16 years ago!


Like it or not, that is the reason why people were more willing to give Keegan time, and happily pin their hopes on him.


Some completely ungrateful people on here, who in some way or another wouldn't even support the club if it wasn't for Kevin Keegan.


You mean Halls and Shepherd, right?


No I don't.


Pretty ungrateful.


Aye you're completely right. I'm so ungrateful that they brought us to the level that we all know the club should be at. I don't appreciate this at all.




I genuinely cant think of what to put - not heard such blinkered rambling since the NE5 vs World thread.


Do you know what the ironic thing in all this is? The reason he left in the first place....


I know why Keegan left in the first place. I also know that the time was up for the Halls & Shepherd and we needed a change. As no matter how good it was at times under them, this doesn't excuse everything since sacking SBR, which started the current mess we're in. Shame we ended up with Ashley though.


Then that makes 2 of us. What do you think of his decision to leave then?


All Im saying is that his major football manangement achievment was 16 years ago, what more perspective do you need?


No other big club would be as sentimental in the exact same situation, certainly wouldnt protest to the extent they did.


Nobody is achieveing anything by backing Keegan, come the end of Januaray I'll know for sure whether I was right to back Ashley, either I 'win' or we both lose.


Btw it's not just about backing Keegan, it's backing what I feel is best for the club. And I feel it would be better for the club if Mike Ashley wasn't it's owner as he's proven to me that he hasn't got what it takes. That's my stance on things.


Thats fair enough  :thup:


I disagree, unless you have Ashley down as a complete Charlatan who had no intention of signing Modric, Woodgate or Aimar then you'll of seen glimpses of his intentions for the club in his 2 season he's made a club record bid, he's spent the most ever for a full back and the most ever for a defender.


He's also imprved the first team no end since Roeder was in charge.


All fair points which I can't argue with at all. Llambias needs to go btw, or at least take some ownership of the problem and at least attempt to communicate with fans. He's meant to be the face of the club, yet you don't hear a thing from him.

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Joe Kinnear insists he is "proud" of his record at Newcastle - and claims the club can still have a "respectable" season.


The Toon boss is under pressure to deliver after owner Mike Ashley set him a target of finishing in the European qualifying places, saying: "What price a flutter on us reaching the top six?"


And sources in Spain claim that Newcastle are keeping their options open over Kinnear's future beyond this season, with Benfica boss Quique Sanchez Flores sounded out about the job.


The Newcastle boss has been in charge for three months, claiming four wins out of 14 games, and is desperate for an FA Cup run to lift the spirits.


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The Geordies are two points above the drop zone and need January signings to relieve an injury crisis which has seen 10 first teamers struck down ahead of tomorrow's trip to Hull.


But the ex-Wimbledon manager said: "I'm proud of what we have achieved so far and I feel we can build on it.


"I am only looking ahead and only looking upwards, and I think we can get a respectable finish because this division is just so close."


Kinnear is considering a move for young Marseille full-back Taiye Taiwo and Blackburn defender Chris Samba, 24. But he also faces a battle with transfer chief Dennis Wise who will have to be persuaded to go for established players like Papa Bouba Diop on large fees.




So he's proud of having us teetering 2 points off the relegation zone by New Year, with a squad boasting genuine quality like Michael Owen, Martins, Beye, Given, Nicky Butt, Jonas. The guy's a f***ing clown. How anyone can't be thoroughly f***ing sick of this utter muppet taking our team forward is beyond me. Makes me vom, the idea that this is the guy who is our current pioneer. He's a knob. And i know there's no one better and he's better than Hughton, blah blah blah, but i mean someone on here summed it up earlier on. "I think he's done a better job than any of us could." Oh right, that's alright then, thank f*** we didn't appoint a total amateur from an internet message board with no footballing experience whatsoever. We'd really be in the s*** then.


Funny thing is Keegan had a similar record at the end of last season and most seen it as being great.


Spot on baggio.


Can't see why everyone is being so f***ing ungrateful.




So who else would have come to save us? f***ing superman? f*** no.


Fact is kinnear had the bollocks to go for the job, where as many, many c***s turned it down. He was what, 17th choice? What else do you f***ing expect?


So, why exactly should we be grateful?


Because it could have been much worse. A bit of Denis Wise? I'm sure you'd all love that :lol:


'You'd all' refers to who exactly? No, I wouldn't have loved that, for the same reason that I don't love Kinnear. They're both s*** managers.


I'm still not entirely sure how 'it could have been worse' can be seen as a reason to be grateful to a man that has done very little.


Bit like keegan in his second spell then.




Difference is that Keegan brought us into the premiership and kept us up. He also saved us from falling into the 3rd tier of football in his first season. He may not have set many fires in his second spell but for what he's done I'll always respect Keegan much more than Joe Kinnear who will never achieve the kind of league finishes that Keegan did.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasnt that 16 years ago? I respect what Keegan did many years ago, but as a realist i think his achievments for this club are a tad outdated.


16 years ago!


Like it or not, that is the reason why people were more willing to give Keegan time, and happily pin their hopes on him.


Some completely ungrateful people on here, who in some way or another wouldn't even support the club if it wasn't for Kevin Keegan.


You mean Halls and Shepherd, right?


No I don't.


Pretty ungrateful.


Aye you're completely right. I'm so ungrateful that they brought us to the level that we all know the club should be at. I don't appreciate this at all.




I genuinely cant think of what to put - not heard such blinkered rambling since the NE5 vs World thread.


Do you know what the ironic thing in all this is? The reason he left in the first place....


I know why Keegan left in the first place. I also know that the time was up for the Halls & Shepherd and we needed a change. As no matter how good it was at times under them, this doesn't excuse everything since sacking SBR, which started the current mess we're in. Shame we ended up with Ashley though.


Then that makes 2 of us. What do you think of his decision to leave then?


All Im saying is that his major football manangement achievment was 16 years ago, what more perspective do you need?


No other big club would be as sentimental in the exact same situation, certainly wouldnt protest to the extent they did.


Nobody is achieveing anything by backing Keegan, come the end of Januaray I'll know for sure whether I was right to back Ashley, either I 'win' or we both lose.


Btw it's not just about backing Keegan, it's backing what I feel is best for the club. And I feel it would be better for the club if Mike Ashley wasn't it's owner as he's proven to me that he hasn't got what it takes. That's my stance on things.


Thats fair enough  :thup:


I disagree, unless you have Ashley down as a complete Charlatan who had no intention of signing Modric, Woodgate or Aimar then you'll of seen glimpses of his intentions for the club in his 2 season he's made a club record bid, he's spent the most ever for a full back and the most ever for a defender.


He's also imprved the first team no end since Roeder was in charge.


All fair points which I can't argue with at all. Llambias needs to go btw, or at least take some ownership of the problem and at least attempt to communicate with fans. He's meant to be the face of the club, yet you don't hear a thing from him.



Agreed, Im not sure what his role is in all this and ive defended him in the past but with the likes of Mort sniffing around i'll happily have DL lose his place so Mort can come back.


If it was him who released the FACT statement, he needs stoning not sacking.


EDIT: not the good kind.

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Joe Kinnear insists he is "proud" of his record at Newcastle - and claims the club can still have a "respectable" season.


The Toon boss is under pressure to deliver after owner Mike Ashley set him a target of finishing in the European qualifying places, saying: "What price a flutter on us reaching the top six?"


And sources in Spain claim that Newcastle are keeping their options open over Kinnear's future beyond this season, with Benfica boss Quique Sanchez Flores sounded out about the job.


The Newcastle boss has been in charge for three months, claiming four wins out of 14 games, and is desperate for an FA Cup run to lift the spirits.


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The Geordies are two points above the drop zone and need January signings to relieve an injury crisis which has seen 10 first teamers struck down ahead of tomorrow's trip to Hull.


But the ex-Wimbledon manager said: "I'm proud of what we have achieved so far and I feel we can build on it.


"I am only looking ahead and only looking upwards, and I think we can get a respectable finish because this division is just so close."


Kinnear is considering a move for young Marseille full-back Taiye Taiwo and Blackburn defender Chris Samba, 24. But he also faces a battle with transfer chief Dennis Wise who will have to be persuaded to go for established players like Papa Bouba Diop on large fees.




So he's proud of having us teetering 2 points off the relegation zone by New Year, with a squad boasting genuine quality like Michael Owen, Martins, Beye, Given, Nicky Butt, Jonas. The guy's a f***ing clown. How anyone can't be thoroughly f***ing sick of this utter muppet taking our team forward is beyond me. Makes me vom, the idea that this is the guy who is our current pioneer. He's a knob. And i know there's no one better and he's better than Hughton, blah blah blah, but i mean someone on here summed it up earlier on. "I think he's done a better job than any of us could." Oh right, that's alright then, thank f*** we didn't appoint a total amateur from an internet message board with no footballing experience whatsoever. We'd really be in the s*** then.


Funny thing is Keegan had a similar record at the end of last season and most seen it as being great.


Spot on baggio.


Can't see why everyone is being so f***ing ungrateful.




So who else would have come to save us? f***ing superman? f*** no.


Fact is kinnear had the bollocks to go for the job, where as many, many c***s turned it down. He was what, 17th choice? What else do you f***ing expect?


So, why exactly should we be grateful?


Because it could have been much worse. A bit of Denis Wise? I'm sure you'd all love that :lol:


'You'd all' refers to who exactly? No, I wouldn't have loved that, for the same reason that I don't love Kinnear. They're both s*** managers.


I'm still not entirely sure how 'it could have been worse' can be seen as a reason to be grateful to a man that has done very little.


Bit like keegan in his second spell then.




Difference is that Keegan brought us into the premiership and kept us up. He also saved us from falling into the 3rd tier of football in his first season. He may not have set many fires in his second spell but for what he's done I'll always respect Keegan much more than Joe Kinnear who will never achieve the kind of league finishes that Keegan did.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasnt that 16 years ago? I respect what Keegan did many years ago, but as a realist i think his achievments for this club are a tad outdated.


16 years ago!


Like it or not, that is the reason why people were more willing to give Keegan time, and happily pin their hopes on him.


Some completely ungrateful people on here, who in some way or another wouldn't even support the club if it wasn't for Kevin Keegan.


You mean Halls and Shepherd, right?


No I don't.


Pretty ungrateful.


Aye you're completely right. I'm so ungrateful that they brought us to the level that we all know the club should be at. I don't appreciate this at all.




I genuinely cant think of what to put - not heard such blinkered rambling since the NE5 vs World thread.


Do you know what the ironic thing in all this is? The reason he left in the first place....


I know why Keegan left in the first place. I also know that the time was up for the Halls & Shepherd and we needed a change. As no matter how good it was at times under them, this doesn't excuse everything since sacking SBR, which started the current mess we're in. Shame we ended up with Ashley though.


Then that makes 2 of us. What do you think of his decision to leave then?


All Im saying is that his major football manangement achievment was 16 years ago, what more perspective do you need?


No other big club would be as sentimental in the exact same situation, certainly wouldnt protest to the extent they did.


Nobody is achieveing anything by backing Keegan, come the end of Januaray I'll know for sure whether I was right to back Ashley, either I 'win' or we both lose.


Btw it's not just about backing Keegan, it's backing what I feel is best for the club. And I feel it would be better for the club if Mike Ashley wasn't it's owner as he's proven to me that he hasn't got what it takes. That's my stance on things.


Thats fair enough  :thup:


I disagree, unless you have Ashley down as a complete Charlatan who had no intention of signing Modric, Woodgate or Aimar then you'll of seen glimpses of his intentions for the club in his 2 season he's made a club record bid, he's spent the most ever for a full back and the most ever for a defender.


He's also imprved the first team no end since Roeder was in charge.


All fair points which I can't argue with at all. Llambias needs to go btw, or at least take some ownership of the problem and at least attempt to communicate with fans. He's meant to be the face of the club, yet you don't hear a thing from him.



Agreed, Im not sure what his role is in all this and ive defended him in the past but with the likes of Mort sniffing around i'll happily have DL lose his place so Mort can come back.


If it was him who released the FACT statement, he needs stoning not sacking.


EDIT: not the good kind.


If that was the case I wouldn't even give him Cowgate Council tack.

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I'd certainly take a prospect like Naughton over a 'money-grabber' like Neill. Even if Claridge has given him the kiss of death with this report - http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2008/oct/28/championship-sheffieldunited

Linked with a double deal for him and Stephen Quinn (LW) on the Ceefax 338 page.


The ginger haired chap? Och.


Well (if there's any truth in that), atleast Kinnear has identified that we're short at left-wing. It doesn't matter if you've only got one right-back, so long as you've got four left-wingers - you tend to get by. So it's a big hearty 'phew' from me on this one. :thup:


We have more left wingers than New Labour.

none ?



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I'd certainly take a prospect like Naughton over a 'money-grabber' like Neill. Even if Claridge has given him the kiss of death with this report - http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/2008/oct/28/championship-sheffieldunited

Linked with a double deal for him and Stephen Quinn (LW) on the Ceefax 338 page.


The ginger haired chap? Och.


Well (if there's any truth in that), atleast Kinnear has identified that we're short at left-wing. It doesn't matter if you've only got one right-back, so long as you've got four left-wingers - you tend to get by. So it's a big hearty 'phew' from me on this one. :thup:


We have more left wingers than New Labour.

none ?




The answer would be at least 1 :pow:

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Aimar has been shite for Benfica apparently, struggling to get in the team.


Looks like we had a lucky escape with that one.


It's weird at times how players who are top class just fade away.

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Aimar has been shite for Benfica apparently, struggling to get in the team.


Looks like we had a lucky escape with that one.


It's weird at times how players who are top class just fade away.


He's been on his way down for a while I think, quality at Valencia but didn't really do it at Zaragoza so he was always a risk.

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Aimar has been shite for Benfica apparently, struggling to get in the team.


Looks like we had a lucky escape with that one.


It's weird at times how players who are top class just fade away.


He's been on his way down for a while I think, quality at Valencia but didn't really do it at Zaragoza so he was always a risk.

Perhaps the disppointment of the move to NUFC falling down crushed him mentally  :laugh:

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Aimar has been s**** for Benfica apparently, struggling to get in the team.


Looks like we had a lucky escape with that one.


It's weird at times how players who are top class just fade away.


He's been on his way down for a while I think, quality at Valencia but didn't really do it at Zaragoza so he was always a risk.

Perhaps the disppointment of the move to NUFC falling down crushed him mentally  :laugh:


Apparently it had the same effect on every player in a newcastle shirt too.

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15.05  David Weir has urged fellow defender Madjid Bougherra to remain at Rangers after his fellow defender was linked with a move to the Premier League.


Hopefully he listens to him


I don't remember seeing him play so I couldn't comment whether I'd want him here or not.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

i reckon its 100 % pure bullshit, but michael owen is reported to be seen at anfield..


Freddie Shepherd apparantly drove him there

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What the fuck are you talking about Benayoun for ffs?


Were there not articles about a month back linking him with a move from Liverpool? Don't know how much there was in it. Would be perfect for us.

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