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FA rescind Beye red card


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"Habib got the ball but it was a difficult one for the ref to call because it was a tackle from behind. But Rob Styles has agreed to look at it again and I'm hopeful of getting the red card rescinded."


As Paul was saying.


Exactly... can't really blame the ref, at full speed and from behind it was always going to look like a clear foul and therefore red. Hopefully justice will be done regarding a possible ban.

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Ah my bad, Chez referred to that, not Paul.



Exactly... can't really blame the ref, at full speed and from behind it was always going to look like a clear foul and therefore red. Hopefully justice will be done regarding a possible ban.


That's where his assistant should have come in.

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Ah my bad, Chez referred to that, not Paul.



Exactly... can't really blame the ref, at full speed and from behind it was always going to look like a clear foul and therefore red. Hopefully justice will be done regarding a possible ban.


That's where his assistant should have come in.


Those assistants who stood 2 yards away from shola getting hacked down and didn't move a muscle? Cunts.

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What a load of toss, Baggio. The guy is through on goal, he is GOING to score. The natural instinct is to try and stop this from happening, so he makes the tackle. He did nothing wrong whatsoever, i cannot think of many defenders that would not attempt the tackle there, and they'd want lynching if so, for being half-arsed feckers. It's just a plain kick in the nuts that the tackle was absolutely spot on.


This anti-Beye thing you've got going on is pretty bizarre tbh, considering he's the best right-back we've had at the club for as long as i've supported them (which granted, isn't as long as many). That really is picking the bones out of it. Criticising him for making a last ditch attempt at a tackle? Come off it, he's human.


Well done Habib Beye for being better than Carr, Hughes and Griffin.


Picking the bones again, then. Class counter-argument. :thup:


I can't take seriously what you're saying about him tonight, so i'll just ask: what've you got against him like? The fact that he's not a particularly good crosser of the ball? That for me, is his only real weakness.


I've got nothing against him apart from I don't think he's that good.


If Steven Taylor made that tackle in the box then reactions would be completely different, fair enough he got a slight touch on the ball but you can't make tackles from behind anywhere on the pitch so to make one in the penalty box is daft.

wasn't from behind in that sense


Of course it was from behind, unless his leg bends the other way.


a tackle from behind is when you go through the player first, hence why there was a clamp down


baggio: how the f*** can you say it was a penalty when EVERY other newcastle fan say's it wasn't along with 95% of commnentators, unless you are getting personal differences in the way, in which case you are then maybe you shouldn't support the toon then


That's the key phrase here. Perfectly sums up a few posts here ie. justifiable bullshit.

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If there is any justice, Beye SHOULD have his card rescinded - he made an excellent tackle by reaching the ball before colliding with Robinho, AND he tackled from the side, NOT from behind.


Styles has become infamous for this type of decision and this incident merely affirms my view that there should be a Ref in the stands with access to instant TV replays of these events, and who can then radio his confirmation INSTANTLY to the ref via the ref's headphone/ear-piece ; all grounds should have a screen which can then replay the incident  so fans can see that the correct decision has been made.


I totally disagree with those who use the 'it will spoil the game' argument - there is very little time delay,and the game can be seen to be above suspicion.....of course, FIFA etc wouldn't like it - anyone with any reason why....!!!!???

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What a load of toss, Baggio. The guy is through on goal, he is GOING to score. The natural instinct is to try and stop this from happening, so he makes the tackle. He did nothing wrong whatsoever, i cannot think of many defenders that would not attempt the tackle there, and they'd want lynching if so, for being half-arsed feckers. It's just a plain kick in the nuts that the tackle was absolutely spot on.


This anti-Beye thing you've got going on is pretty bizarre tbh, considering he's the best right-back we've had at the club for as long as i've supported them (which granted, isn't as long as many). That really is picking the bones out of it. Criticising him for making a last ditch attempt at a tackle? Come off it, he's human.


Well done Habib Beye for being better than Carr, Hughes and Griffin.


Picking the bones again, then. Class counter-argument. :thup:


I can't take seriously what you're saying about him tonight, so i'll just ask: what've you got against him like? The fact that he's not a particularly good crosser of the ball? That for me, is his only real weakness.


I've got nothing against him apart from I don't think he's that good.


If Steven Taylor made that tackle in the box then reactions would be completely different, fair enough he got a slight touch on the ball but you can't make tackles from behind anywhere on the pitch so to make one in the penalty box is daft.

wasn't from behind in that sense


Of course it was from behind, unless his leg bends the other way.


a tackle from behind is when you go through the player first, hence why there was a clamp down


baggio: how the f*** can you say it was a penalty when EVERY other newcastle fan say's it wasn't along with 95% of commnentators, unless you are getting personal differences in the way, in which case you are then maybe you shouldn't support the toon then


That's the key phrase here. Perfectly sums up a few posts here ie. justifiable bullshit.


Except I didn't even say it was a penalty, I said it was daft making a tackle from behind in the box, not that I expect you to get your head around that you snide tit.

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It was a fair tackle.


Has he ever though? One incident that sticks out for me was the pen he gave Liverpool against Sheff Utd, and even though there was obviously no contact and Gerrard had jumped over the player to then dive, he still tried to justify his decision. Awful refereeing from an awful referee tbh.


Gerrard jumped the tackle, then hit the keeper in a 1 on 1. It wasn't even like he dived over the leg to make it difficult for Styles. He's just a rubbish ref.

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I said it was daft making a tackle from behind in the box


So instead of making an excellent, fair tackle and stopping an almost certain goal what exactly should he have done?


It wasn't from behind in the sense of the banned 'tackle from behind'.  It was a reach-around.  :shifty:

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Guest Brazilianbob

If there is any justice, Beye SHOULD have his card rescinded - he made an excellent tackle by reaching the ball before colliding with Robinho, AND he tackled from the side, NOT from behind.


Styles has become infamous for this type of decision and this incident merely affirms my view that there should be a Ref in the stands with access to instant TV replays of these events, and who can then radio his confirmation INSTANTLY to the ref via the ref's headphone/ear-piece ; all grounds should have a screen which can then replay the incident  so fans can see that the correct decision has been made.


I totally disagree with those who use the 'it will spoil the game' argument - there is very little time delay,and the game can be seen to be above suspicion.....of course, FIFA etc wouldn't like it - anyone with any reason why....!!!!???


Because they know the refs will be shown up time and time again for getting decisions wrong only to have the 4th official correct them.  It will come to the point of why bother having a ref on the pitch.  Now there's an idea!

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What a load of toss, Baggio. The guy is through on goal, he is GOING to score. The natural instinct is to try and stop this from happening, so he makes the tackle. He did nothing wrong whatsoever, i cannot think of many defenders that would not attempt the tackle there, and they'd want lynching if so, for being half-arsed feckers. It's just a plain kick in the nuts that the tackle was absolutely spot on.


This anti-Beye thing you've got going on is pretty bizarre tbh, considering he's the best right-back we've had at the club for as long as i've supported them (which granted, isn't as long as many). That really is picking the bones out of it. Criticising him for making a last ditch attempt at a tackle? Come off it, he's human.


Well done Habib Beye for being better than Carr, Hughes and Griffin.


Picking the bones again, then. Class counter-argument. :thup:


I can't take seriously what you're saying about him tonight, so i'll just ask: what've you got against him like? The fact that he's not a particularly good crosser of the ball? That for me, is his only real weakness.


I've got nothing against him apart from I don't think he's that good.


If Steven Taylor made that tackle in the box then reactions would be completely different, fair enough he got a slight touch on the ball but you can't make tackles from behind anywhere on the pitch so to make one in the penalty box is daft.

wasn't from behind in that sense


Of course it was from behind, unless his leg bends the other way.


a tackle from behind is when you go through the player first, hence why there was a clamp down


baggio: how the f*** can you say it was a penalty when EVERY other newcastle fan say's it wasn't along with 95% of commnentators, unless you are getting personal differences in the way, in which case you are then maybe you shouldn't support the toon then


That's the key phrase here. Perfectly sums up a few posts here ie. justifiable bullshit.


Except I didn't even say it was a penalty, I said it was daft making a tackle from behind in the box, not that I expect you to get your head around that you snide tit.


Can't get my head around the notion of deciding as to whether i should resort to one of your cliched & often used laughter emoticons Sunshine.


To put it simply. If that tackle had been made inside the box, in Italy by P.Maldini he would have been universally praised for backing his ability to time a challenge. That tackle would've been added to a lengthy compilation list, of the 'best of' tackles.

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All the officials had shockers last night. For the first 20 minutes Robinho was awarded free kicks for simply being on the pitch. Martins, in the same period, got clattered; no yellow card; shoved off the ball; no foul (the linesman was 2 yards away).


If Styles had consulted his linesman, who had his flag down by his side; not across his chest, he might have redeemed himself. However, as usual, his whistle was in his mouth & hand to his pocket almost as soon as he took up a position where he couldn't see what was happening. Tosser.

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That baldy lineman had a shocker an all, gave an offside against Shola when the ball was played by a Man City player and stood there staring into space after one of our lot got clattered about 2 inches in front of his eyes until Styles eventually had to give the free kick.

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Guest lebowski

The card won't be rescinded because according to gobshite hughes the sending off gave us an unfair advantage. WHAT A COCK.

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For those that are saying that you can not tackle from behind; how are you supposed to take the ball from someone in front of you? You can't go through someone but it is possible to make a clean tackle from behind. As I was at the match I haven't heard Poll's comments but if he did say that it is possible to win the ball but commit a foul he is an utter imbecile. Other than a two footed lunge on the ball I simply can't see how this can be.

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Firstly, it WASN'T a tackle from behind. Beyes right leg made no contact with the player until they were already falling. If they'd been racehorses crossing the finish line there would have been a photo-call on that one, though granted the race would have been awarded to Robinho.


Secondly, as soon as Beye launched the tackle he was in trouble because Robinho just leaned into his leg guaranteeing he'd go down. Robinho has just shot up the ranks too second place behind Cronaldo for being a cheat in my mind.


Lastly, why is there so much resistance to technology being utilised in football. An ariel camera on a wire that could record the incident and be replayed to an official in the stand within 30 seconds, who promptly tells the ref on the pitch. Game was stopped for over a minute before the penalty was taken so it shouldn't make too much difference to the ebb and flow of a football game to allow tech-support for refs. Plus the bonuses of correct decisions where an error could literally cost a club millions of pounds...



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It should be but it won't be!!


Its us so you can bet he will say no, its a fkn disgrace take tackles like that out of the game and you will kill it. Beye did outstanding awesome timing to get the ball.


We can hope the ref see's sense but I am not holding my breath.

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Just seen a video on BBC where Joe says he's asked Styles to look at the incident again.


Just imagining.. "Styles, you're a c***. Call yourself a referee, you're a f***ing w***er. Never a red card, I don't care what I say you're a f***ing disgrace. Get it sorted, stop being a c***."

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A great photo of the tackle top of the page - http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/


Clean as a whistle.


JOE KINNEAR is confident cock-up ref Rob Styles will own up to his latest penalty clanger by weekend.

The hapless whistler, who gave a shocking penalty decision at Manchester United last month, was at it again last night.


Styles wrongly sent off Habib Beye and gave a penalty against him for a tackle on Robinho in the 14th minutes.


That cheered me up to see the rags having a go at Styles, was concerned it would just be a footnote in the match report that the penalty was "controversial" or "seemed rather harsh"

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I can accept the pen being given. Things like that are always going to happen, from where the ref was it looked a nailed on pen.

What gets me is the idiotic automatic sending off for a last man foul rule. The reason for bringing in the rule was sound - ie to stop defenders cynically fouling the attacker outside the penalty area when the player was through on goal. If you stop a near certain goal by cynically bringing down the man but it only results in a free kick, it's not enough punishment for the fouling team and a red card is justified. However, when it's obviously a genuine attempt to win the ball, and it's inside the penalty area - so a pen is a fair punishment for the foul anyway - it's just a ludicrously overly harsh punishment even if a foul was committed.

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