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That second half performance


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Was an absolute disgrace.


West Brom easily deserved a draw; we sat off them for the entire half and let them basically do what they wanted. Any side with a final ball (ie most in this league) would have stopped us getting the three points and probably gone on to win. They were there for the taking and after creating LOADS of chances first half we just surrendered all momentum.


I'm delighted with the three points, but the tactics and performances after the break tonight ought to be seriously questioned IMO.

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Fcking terrible, JK will soon leanr that NUFC can not kill games off especially with our fragile team.


Surrending the midfield and possetion and hoofing long balls to Ameobie.


Shocking, just plain shocking.


I thought we should have took Shola off left Martins on and banged an extra midfeilder on to shore it up.



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Oh come on, who actually seriously thought it was over at half time? I knew they'd come back into it, but in my head I had it down as a 2-2 draw, we did well to hold them out (just!).


Not so sure it was the tactics either at the beginning of the half, until they scored we were playing like we did first half.


After they scored everyone sat back though.

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A few stats from the game:


Corners: 7 to us, 8 to them

Shots: 9 to us, 13 to them

Posession: 49% us, 51% WBA


OK we won, but it could so easily have been the other way. And I don't buy the "Lacking confidence" thing. They're in the mire as much as us, but we're at home and 2-0 up. Where did they find confidence from to play so well in the second half when we could not?

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When we try to hold a lead it always goes tits up because there's absolutely fuck all organisation throughout the spine of the team, no fucker has a clue where to be, who to pick up anything. How many times did one ball cut out our whole midfield in that second half? Either the midfield needs to organise who will drop and cover that space or one of the centre backs needs to step up immediately and stop them from turning. Ideally the whole team should have stepped up ten yards and kept the pressure on them inside their own half.


It completely kills me to see this scenario that happens time after time where we give the ball away up front and every fucker in sight just runs 15 yards backwards. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?! It invites pressure and means when we get the ball there is no outlet, disgraceful, school boy stuff.

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Don't think it was really Kinnears fault. Players looked tired. Everything bounced off Ameobi back to their midfield too. Once Jonas and Barton are fit and Owen is back we will be much better in the second half. Need to try and keep the same defence together too.

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Oh come on, who actually seriously thought it was over at half time? I knew they'd come back into it, but in my head I had it down as a 2-2 draw, we did well to hold them out (just!).


Not so sure it was the tactics either at the beginning of the half, until they scored we were playing like we did first half.


After they scored everyone sat back though.


No we totally backed off and allowed them to pass the ball about.  We looked happy to let them have it, we cant do that with our team. 

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Not so sure it was the tactics either at the beginning of the half, until they scored we were playing like we did first half.



Don't agree at all. They were all over us, and the goal wasn't a shock at all. Kinnear though has just said we shouldn't have sat back and defended a 2-0 lead, we should have gone out and caused our own problems. So it seems that it wasn't on his instructions that we were playing so deep.

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Don't think it was really Kinnears fault. Players looked tired.


Subs were shocking again. We got lucky today. That's the most annoying thing about following this club, we seem to always rely on the other team fucking up.

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Oh come on, who actually seriously thought it was over at half time? I knew they'd come back into it, but in my head I had it down as a 2-2 draw, we did well to hold them out (just!).


Not so sure it was the tactics either at the beginning of the half, until they scored we were playing like we did first half.


After they scored everyone sat back though.


No we totally backed off and allowed them to pass the ball about.  We looked happy to let them have it, we cant do that with our team. 


After they scored we did, yes.


Beforehand we didn't, why do you think they scored their goal so easily?


And as painful as it was to watch, they didn't really create anything meaningful when we did it and at the end of the day, we got the 3 points.

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Kinnear may be a good motivator, but tactics wise he's just like Big Sam without all the fancy Prozone s***.


What? Do you expect JK to be a step up from Keegan or something? He is a caretaker manager. He's not here to turn us into the next barca.

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Don't think it was really Kinnears fault. Players looked tired. Everything bounced off Ameobi back to their midfield too. Once Jonas and Barton are fit and Owen is back we will be much better in the second half. Need to try and keep the same defence together too.



NO everyone knows you cant lash balls up to Ameobi, everyone in the game knows that.  It hasn't stuck for 8 years FFS!

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Was the bad second half a case of bad tactics from the manager or poor/gutless player performances?  A bit of both?  I didn't see the match, but some of our players have made a habit of disappearing in difficult situations.


Manager advisng the team to sit back and hold the lead.  A better team would have torn us a new back 4.


Taylor scares the shit out of me. 

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Are people here aware that we hadn't won in 7 games?


You're never going to beat someone 3 or 4 nil when that's the case.


The players were nervous, not sure how that's a fault of Kinnear.


I've seen us play worse under Keegan, and I'll get slated for that but it's a fact.


We weren't in the relegation zone for no reason.

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