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Sunderland appoint Steve 'I bleed black and white' Bruce as new manager


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Guest Jawesome

Shit craic from the mackem on ssn talking about getting O'Neill.... I mean, come on, they aren't all that fucking retarded are they?

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Shit craic from the mackem on ssn talking about getting O'Neill.... I mean, come on, they aren't all that fucking retarded are they?


A mackem I told about that said that guy was an idiot and then mused what Martin Jol is up to nowadays

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Guest michaelfoster



Local dogs over the moon with Keano leaving.


That pic looks like Keano is givng the dog a quick wank

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Guest Jawesome

Shit craic from the mackem on ssn talking about getting O'Neill.... I mean, come on, they aren't all that fucking retarded are they?


A mackem I told about that said that guy was an idiot and then mused what Martin Jol is up to nowadays


Aye, he's going to walk away from his great start at Hamburg straight into hell.  Great rationale there from the mongs.

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they should go for o'neill. he'd do well for them imho.


Aye they should and we should go for Fergie or Wenger, they'll do well with us.




Don't forget that O'Neill has the Sunderland badge tattooed on his arse.

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Guest diddimz

they should go for o'neill. he'd do well for them imho.


Why stop there, i think SAF could do a cracking job for them.



Seriously who could they get? Curbishley, Allardyce? I'd love it, just love it if they got Allardyce, and he got them relegated.

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Guest The Libertine

they should go for o'neill. he'd do well for them imho.


Aye they should and we should go for Fergie or Wenger, they'll do well with us.


whoosh  :frantic:

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Guest johnson293

Did Niall Quinn not make a similar statement to Bob Murray (said at the time about Peyter Reyd), something along the lines of "the day he (Roy/Peyter) leaves this club is the day I leave"?


Sure I remember that, but can't find the quote.



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Although it was obvious over the last fortnight that something was brewing, overall I'm surprised about this. They're going through a difficult time at the moment, but overall I don't think Keane has done a bad job.


My feeling is that there's something in his character - a lack of willingness to accept the ups and downs and hassles - that in the end has made him unsuited to management. It looks like the minute the upward momentum has stalled, he loses motivation.

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Guest firetotheworks

Some, in fact most of the comments on their board are priceless.


'Thanks Roy. Probably my favourite manager in 30 years plus of supporting Sunderland. Just a little too young for Stokoe'


'Gutted. Fuck knows what Cisse, Diouf, Chimbo etc will make of this. I just hope the board get someone in of an equal "prowess"'




Van Basten Sold best player this week?'  ;D ;D



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