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The most important part of football?

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The difference is that attacking can be done with improvisation, flair and individual ability. Defending requires discipline, training and a lot of organisation. That's why we're right to concentrate on working on the defence at the moment, the rest will look after itself with the players we have.


Exactly. You build attacks from the back, and defend from the front. I have noticed our forwards doing a very good job of defending from the front, and dropping back to help. And with Martins' pace he can afford to do that.


We're not going to win the title or get into the CL this season or next. We might as well establish a solid and stable back 4, to go with good organisation that will last beyond Kinnear, and hopefully spill over into the new manager's reign. I see no reason why the current back 4 along with Taylor shouldn't serve us for a good few years yet.

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Most great teams are built on a solid defence so I'd agree with him on that.


Agreed - even Clough and Fergie, who were both CFs, built their teams from the back.

The true essence of a team that is successful, however, is one that attacks AND defends AS A TEAM ; something NUFC have often failed to do throughout the years.

In the 70s, we had some really good players in forward/midfield areas, but NEVER a top stopper after Moncur past his best in 74 ; paradoxically, the Fairs Cup winners were built on a strong defence, with good competition at full-back and Centre-back positions ; John Craggs would have walked into most Prem teams today at RB, but was kept out by the excellence of David Craig, who used to put George Best into his pocket most times we played Man U..


If you watch the current(and past ten years')Man U sides, they attack as a team and defend as one - Jonas is a good example of how forwards should help out their defence and I rate this as one of the major qualities he brings to the side.

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most important part of football, is to put the ball in the opponents net, more times than they put the ball in your net.



changed my mind, its shouting abuse at the oppositions fans and players.

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I remember Mourinho describing a week's training as follows:


The first day they practiced attack.

The second day they practiced defence.

The third day they practiced the transition from attack to defence.

The fourth day they practiced the transition from defence to attack.

The fifth day they practiced set pieces.


It's all important.

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Guest firetotheworks

My philosophy has always been that you can attack much more effectively knowing that you can defend. Ie you can take more chances with the risk of losing the ball whilst attacking, if youre confident the defence is capable of getting the ball back.

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I think it really depends what sort of team you are.


My philosophy has always been  - if you don't concede you can't lose.


I mean, you'd hope that you would also score some goals, but at the end of the day I think if you make yourself solid at the back and hard to beat, that those goals will come and you'll win more games than you lose.

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If you have a great defense and a shit attack, you won't win many games.


If you have a great defense and a great attack, you'll win a lot of games.


Under Keegan and Bobby it was pretty much the other way round, we had a fairly average defense and a superb attacking formula. The nature of the game is to score more goals than the other team; definitely 'attack' imo.

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If you have a great defense and a shit attack, you won't win many games.


If you have a great defense and a great attack, you'll win a lot of games.


Under Keegan and Bobby it was pretty much the other way round, we had a fairly average defense and a superb attacking formula. The nature of the game is to score more goals than the other team; definitely 'attack' imo.


Whre's the shit defence and great attack option?


Then you probably wouldn't win many games either.


They're equally as important as each other. I don't think you can say one is more important than the other really.

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If you have a great defense and a shit attack, you won't win many games.


If you have a great defense and a great attack, you'll win a lot of games.


Under Keegan and Bobby it was pretty much the other way round, we had a fairly average defense and a superb attacking formula. The nature of the game is to score more goals than the other team; definitely 'attack' imo.


Whre's the shit defence and great attack option?


Then you probably wouldn't win many games either.


They're equally as important as each other. I don't think you can say one is more important than the other really.


Our defense was pretty shit for a lot of the time under Bobby. I agree with you though, i just felt like picking one. :razz:

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Guest ryunufc

I agree that making us difficult to score against was the right thing for Kinnear to focus at. A solid defence builds up the confidence to attack and when we have players who can individually create havoc in the opposition's area it would certainly help for them to have a bit of extra breathing space (less need to worry about tracking back). I think this is an area that need to work on the most because a team have to defend as a unit, whereas having 2 or 3 brilliant attacking players can often win a balanced game.


However, to me, the most important position is the central midfield. I pick players (based on imporatance)  those who play in the centre, at the back then only upfront. Whether one believes that defence or attack is more important, the players in the middle are those who bridge/ link the play therefore have the most control over dictating the team's gameplan.

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Guest Jawesome

I think it's a balance of both.  You obviously need to score goals, but you need to shut them out anarl.  Then again, how many attackers do you see making last ditch tackles or blocking shots, whereas you'll always see defenders scoring goals from set pieces, and full backs smashing the odd one into the top corner.  Without a decent back line you'll have Titus Bramble playing 60 million yard 'Hollywood balls' which fly all over the shop.  You need defenders who can defend, but who can also play a little, and defenders who can distribute the ball well.  Whereas do you really need attackers who can defend?

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I actually believe that the most important part of the team/which will eventually rule the style of playing for a team is midfield and especially the central midfield!


When going forward midfield creates a chances and deliver the ball for stikers to score the goals...and when defending midfield should be trying to close down the opponent's playmaking and stop balls being played at their own half. Provide the required cover to the back4 that they are not put under too much pressure by the opponent's forwards and have enough time to clear the danger and give it back to own playmakers again.


So...it's all about the preferred mentality of the midfielders you have and of course the opponent you play against

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