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So what's Plan B for Ashley's return?


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The futures of the owner and manager are shrouded in doubt, so why should the captain be any different?


However we can't help but wonder whether this statement deals a blow to the roadmap that seems to have been drawn up for Mike Ashley to return - if delivering Owen for three more years was his peace offering, what's Plan B?


A good question I thought.


I know there are a good few on here that don't feel Ashley has done much wrong but I have to say I'm still far from convinced. So assuming he can't find a buyer and has decided to stay, and his attempt to tie down Owen has failed (for now at least), where does he go now?

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He's offered him a very good contract. If Owen doesn't want to sign it then that's his decision but it doesn't make the contract a token gesture.


If Owen walks he'll have to spend quite a bit of cash to replace him. That's the only Plan B I can think of as regards sorting out the Owen situation.  ???

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I (and .com I think) mean with regards to Ashley winning back the fans and convincing them he's fit to stay as our owner, not just resolving the Owen thing.


Seriously, if he backed his man, invested in the squad and we moved in the right direction I can't see how anyone could have issues. :|

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I (and .com I think) mean with regards to Ashley winning back the fans and convincing them he's fit to stay as our owner, not just resolving the Owen thing.


Seriously, if he backed his man, invested in the squad and we moved in the right direction I can't see how anyone could have issues. :|


Just some good-old spending of cash in January then?


Because the (un)willingness to back his man in whatever way is exactly what caused the problems with Keegan, or so it seems.

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I don't understand?

Plan B with regards to owen? Or with regards to ashley?

Sorry mate. I am being flippant.


I dont think Owen leaving would create the furore like when KK left. Ashley just has to give Joe the money to replace him with as close a quality striker as possible. So long as he/they show that they have been working in the background to replace him with quality, I think that would please most fans.

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I (and .com I think) mean with regards to Ashley winning back the fans and convincing them he's fit to stay as our owner, not just resolving the Owen thing.


Seriously, if he backed his man, invested in the squad and we moved in the right direction I can't see how anyone could have issues. :|


Just some good-old spending of cash in January then?


We all want the same thing, success for the club. Acquiring what we need (players) will go a long way into rebuilding the bridges IMO. For the most part what we have signed has had a very positive impact. Keep that up, the defence is fine, a center mid would be immense. I really not sure where else we are weak, maybe a backup leftback/rightback would be nice. First time in years I am happy with most aspects of the squad. At a push we could do with a right winger, youngster.

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He won't win all of the fans back and him sitting in with the away fans was never going to last forever, time is a great healer though and a lot of people are more mellow about the situation now than they were 3 months ago.


If he was to come out with a statement saying he can't sell and thinks the best thing for the club is to get back to moving the club forward followed by one or two signings in January I think people would settle for that.

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kinnear said he still wants to sell so im not sure ashley is going to make any huge or substantial gestures, rather try to maintain the club as it is without too much upheaval or expenditure, let's say 2 or 3 money signings, a couple of loanees, and one or two players sold to balance the books in Jan.


if he was to come out and say he is staying indefinitely and doesnt want to sell, then i'd want him to go out and look for a top class manager at the end of the season, keep investing in a scouting network but let the manager have the final say on deals and back his judgement with sizeable funds, matching the kind of money lerner has spent.

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Guest The Libertine

would you all trust kinnear with £20 million in january? or would you rather trust wise and whichever one didnt leave with £20 million?

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He won't win all of the fans back and him sitting in with the away fans was never going to last forever, time is a great healer though and a lot of people are more mellow about the situation now than they were 3 months ago.


If he was to come out with a statement saying he can't sell and thinks the best thing for the club is to get back to moving the club forward followed by one or two signings in January I think people would settle for that.


I agree. Football fans are very fickle; if that happened and we finished in the top half I can see many people being much more upbeat.


I still worry about Kinnear being the man in charge of spending the club's money though (if he is in charge... ;)).

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I (and .com I think) mean with regards to Ashley winning back the fans and convincing them he's fit to stay as our owner, not just resolving the Owen thing.


Seriously, if he backed his man, invested in the squad and we moved in the right direction I can't see how anyone could have issues. :|


Just some good-old spending of cash in January then?


Because the (un)willingness to back his man in whatever way is exactly what caused the problems with Keegan, or so it seems.


You say it like its a regular occurrence.



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They should hold auditions to find Owen's replacement. Give them the ball 8 yards from goal and see if they can get it over the bar.


The trouble with that is if one of them does manage to get it over the bar, they'll insist on having a clause in their contract that states scoring a brace against Stoke at home will automatically require all the club's fans to instantly declare them to be the best striker in the land since sliced bread.

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Guest firetotheworks

Personally for me he would just have to appoint a full time manager that is either willing to work within the current system, or change the system. Thats his decision. After that something to show he has ambition. People can talk about big signings and things like that, and that would be what would appease me had we not signed some cracking players for not that much money. Im happy with the transfers carrying on as they are but with depth added. For some nothing will be enough, for the majority I reckon probably a big signing would appease them to show his ambition for the club.

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I (and .com I think) mean with regards to Ashley winning back the fans and convincing them he's fit to stay as our owner, not just resolving the Owen thing.


Seriously, if he backed his man, invested in the squad and we moved in the right direction I can't see how anyone could have issues. :|


Just some good-old spending of cash in January then?


Because the (un)willingness to back his man in whatever way is exactly what caused the problems with Keegan, or so it seems.


You say it like its a regular occurrence.




Hey, it's only four years since the glorious January window of Boumsong and Amdy Faye.

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would you all trust kinnear with £20 million in january? or would you rather trust wise and whichever one didnt leave with £20 million?


Apparently Wenger was impressed withhis eye for talent, so much so that he was going to offer him a scouting role, and also he's been doing alot of scouting whilst out the job.


"Apparently" being the key word here, i can actually see Wise and Kinnear having a good scouting relationship, unlike Keegan.

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