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Owen and Viduka


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viduka is possibly my most hated player to play for this club.


always injured, fat, lazy and doesn't give a toss about the club, if he gets a new contract then the club can kiss goodbye to my support




Kluivert? Ferguson?


I loved Big Dunc like. Mainly just because of the story of him kicking down Ruud Gullit's door. :lol:



The burglar story after he left is a better one. :lol:


I didn't dislike him either, but if you're judging players on fitness & being lazy then him & Kluivert are right up there as well.


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viduka is possibly my most hated player to play for this club.


always injured, fat, lazy and doesn't give a toss about the club, if he gets a new contract then the club can kiss goodbye to my support




Kluivert? Ferguson?


I loved Big Dunc like. Mainly just because of the story of him kicking down Ruud Gullit's door. :lol:



The burglar story after he left is a better one. :lol:


I didn't dislike him either, but if you're judging players on fitness & being lazy then him & Kluivert are right up there as well.





When he was fit like he was a pretty good player was Dunc, I know it's an old footballing cliche but he did have a fantastic touch for a big man. And that goal against Man Utd was wanktastic. I bet defenders hated playing against him and Shearer in tandom. Especially soft shites like Leboeuf.

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viduka is possibly my most hated player to play for this club.


always injured, fat, lazy and doesn't give a toss about the club, if he gets a new contract then the club can kiss goodbye to my support




Kluivert? Ferguson?


I loved Big Dunc like. Mainly just because of the story of him kicking down Ruud Gullit's door. :lol:



The burglar story after he left is a better one. :lol:


I didn't dislike him either, but if you're judging players on fitness & being lazy then him & Kluivert are right up there as well.





When he was fit like he was a pretty good player was Dunc, I know it's an old footballing cliche but he did have a fantastic touch for a big man. And that goal against Man Utd was wanktastic. I bet defenders hated playing against him and Shearer in tandom. Especially soft shites like Leboeuf.




And I'd add Luque to the list with Viduka, Ferguson & Kluivert.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

I can't say I'm that satisfied with any of our strikers. Carroll and Shola lack pace. Owen and Martins lack skill.


That implies Carroll and Shola have some form of skill. Other than interior decorating (see cribs) and saying the rosary (see church group) I fail to see what skill Shola has. Carroll is skilfull at being a knobhead from what I've heard from people.

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Viduka did well for us at the back end of last season when Martins was doing the running, Owen was taking up deeper positions and the two of them were pulling defenders all over the place. Couple that resultant time and space with our better passing game and it's easy to see why Viduka fitted in then and doesn't now. He was fucking wank yesterday but the system didn't give him much of a chance.

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Viduka did well for us at the back end of last season when Martins was doing the running, Owen was taking up deeper positions and the two of them were pulling defenders all over the place. Couple that resultant time and space with our better passing game and it's easy to see why Viduka fitted in then and doesn't now. He was fucking wank yesterday but the system didn't give him a chance.


Pretty spot on David.

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Those two times Owen was free in the early minutes of the first half were disgraceful btw, I put that down to his mentality btw, he's extremely weak mentally, and always has been ever since he started getting those injuries at Liverpool.

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Thing is man, he was the same last season with a lot of chances he missed. I don't rate him as a clinical finisher at all in those situations, he gets most of his goals by reacting to things now, whereas before in his Liverpool days he'd have buried those chances, buried them. Yes he's lost a lot of his pace, but why has his shot become so piss poor as well? Keepers and defenders know it is on his mind as well though, as I know he thinks it when he gets into those positions, so obviously the opposition will as well.

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Thing is man, he was the same last season with a lot of chances he missed. I don't rate him as a clinical finisher at all in those situations, he gets most of his goals by reacting to things now, whereas before in his Liverpool days he'd have buried those chances, buried them. Yes he's lost a lot of his pace, but why has his shot become so piss poor as well? Keepers and defenders know it is on his mind as well though, as I know he thinks it when he gets into those positions, so obviously the opposition will as well.


Spot on again.

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Shearer's probably the most mentally tough striker I've possibly seen. When he was in positions, you knew he was going to score, you just knew it. There was no doubt in his mind, which put no doubt in your own mind. The opposition knew this as well. It's all well and good having the actual ability, but up in your head is what seperates a lot of players.


A lot of people have a pop at the club for buying Shearer when we did at that time saying we should have concentrated on the defence, we definitely could have done with a new keeper, but our defensive record wasn't that bad at all despite what the media would have you believe. And if we'd have had Shearer in the 95/96 season we'd have won the league no doubt, as Ferdinand's arse fell out completely. A lot of the chances he missed whereby he had too much time to think, Shearer would have buried them. Not just because of his ability, because Sir Les was also an excellent striker, but mainly due to how mentally tough he was. If he did miss a chance (which was rare) he never let it get to him.

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The shot power thing is really weird, he just never seems to strike a ball in anger any more. Might he be shitting it that he'll pull something so holds back?


perhaps his heart isnt in it . I know ive had jobs before, where id lost interest, wanted away, was still willing to do my bit while i was there, but the motivation just wasnt there,.. going through the motions.


when that extra bit of effort is needed, your heart just isnt in it.

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That goal at Portsmouth is Owen's game now.


One on one running through, he's average at best.


Would he have scored that goal if his first touch had been better and allowed him to set himself properly? I'm not convinced. I think the need to make it such an instinctive finish helped him (that's agreeing with you btw).

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Hoddle was right when he said Owen wasnt a natural finisher but an instinctual one.


Always thought that he didnt seem to be as composed as Shearer or Henry in front of goal, he's a fox in the box now, the only problem is getting the ball in the box.

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