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The other games today - 2008/09


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Guest quklaani

Heh, honestly I'd be pretty laid back about the whole thing but for the simple fact that it's Liverpool chasing us.  Failing to win a third league title in a row would hardly be the end of the world, losing it to the scouse would be devestating.


Rio Ferdinand remains the best defender in the world, and last season I think it's pretty easy to claim he was the best player on the planet.  This season he's been missing a bit with his dodgy back, and Vidic has really stepped up.  That combined with none of the usual suspects standing out means he's likely to win player of the year (nationally, we all know where the international awards are going) despite the fact that Rio is and always has been the better player.  Of course it's pretty ridiculous to be fussing over which of them is the best, when the partnership getting to the same level as Baresi/Costacurta.  A bold claim I know but I feel its more and more a legitimate suggestion.

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Guest kingdawson

Our game starts in 20 minutes. Can't say i'm that bothered about the result and i doubt Redknapp is too.


Injured players = Hutton, defoe and King


ineligible players = Keane, Pavlychenko, corluka


Rested players = Cudicini, Woodgate, bale, ekotto, Modric, lennon, palacios, and o'hara




8 youth team players have travelled.

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Guest kingdawson

Ok that's Bents spurs career officially over. Despite 3 strikers out of the game, Redknapp has gone for Campbell ahead of him.

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Tottenham: Gomes, Gunter, Huddlestone, Dawson, Chimbonda, Jenas, Zokora, Parrett, Bentley, Giovani, Campbell. Subs: Jansson, Gilberto, Smith, Bostock, Mason, Obika, Bent.


Feel sorry for Darren Bent, being treat like a leper for no reason from everyones favourite manager.

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Guest kingdawson

Spurs bench having "a player who will no longer be considered for selection", 5 youth randoms, and Darren Bent :lol:


Who the f*** is "Parrett"?


Everyone raves about him. Signed him from qpr for a £1M.

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Guest kingdawson

Who is this Parrett. DOn't Spurs have a bunch of young midfielders that could play before him?


He's only 16 and he's meant to be the best of the lot (him and Bostock anyway). The way we've treated this competition is a disgrace.

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Who is this Parrett. DOn't Spurs have a bunch of young midfielders that could play before him?


He's only 16 and he's meant to be the best of the lot (him and Bostock anyway). The way we've treated this competition is a disgrace.


Not only Spurs but why do teams bother trying to get in Europe if they're not going to try win every game possible when they're in it.


Full strength available team and you'd have a decent chance against an out of season Shakhtar. Fair enough if you were playing a Faroe team or something but i hope you now get hammered (not that i didn't anyway like)

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Who is this Parrett. DOn't Spurs have a bunch of young midfielders that could play before him?


He's only 16 and he's meant to be the best of the lot (him and Bostock anyway). The way we've treated this competition is a disgrace.


Not only Spurs but why do teams bother trying to get in Europe if they're not going to try win every game possible when they're in it.


Full strength available team and you'd have a decent chance against an out of season Shakhtar. Fair enough if you were playing a Faroe team or something but i hope you now get hammered (not that i didn't anyway like)


Ive been thinking about that today, teams go on all season about getting into europe and then as soon as they are in they whinge about fixtures.

Its all about being able to tell new signings they're in europe, but then never actually playing them cos they dont want them to get injured!

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Guest kingdawson

Cue KD whining about how s**** Bentley is at everything, especially freekicks


Yep he's the worst set piece taker i've seen at spurs. Gio should have taken it.


Dawson has been immense (so far).

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