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The other games today - 2008/09


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Guest north shields lad

i remember when we were linked with hyppia in the summer and january. Most on here didnt want him.


bluelaugh.gif :idiot2:

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i remember when we were linked with hyppia in the summer and january. Most on here didnt want him.


bluelaugh.gif :idiot2:


Besides would the following players get in our team


Reina - 50/50 with Given

That Insua defender - never heard of him until 2 weeks ago.

Lucas - No, no one rates him

Keane - not in front of martins and owen no.

Benayoun - Useless.

Rieria - was crap at man city, no better for the scousers

Kuyt - wouldnt get near our first 11


That leaves the diver, Alonso, that masherno who wasnt good enough for west ham, agger, and carragher.


Take the diver and torres (who is injured and over rated) out of there team, and there isnt much diffrence between us and them


After the above gem, I have to regretfully inform you I can't take any of your posts seriously. Ever.

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Gotta love posts that trip the poster up. Can't remember who it was who said that signing players relegated from Ligue 1 (Bassong) was a disgrace and that we should be going after the likes of Chimbonda instead without a hint of irony.

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Do we have anyone capable of doing that?



to be fair, charles didnt want to be here, and also didnt exactly set the world a light too often did he?


i dont hink he was sold due to lack of ability, i think he was sold because he was a cunt and wanted out.

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Cunts who can play > nice blokes who can't.


Yes but when did he ever bother to actually play for us like you state?


I didn't actually state anything if you look. My point was we don't even have anyone CAPABLE of what he did today. And that's pathetic.

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Cunts who can play > nice blokes who can't.


Yes but when did he ever bother to actually play for us like you state?


I didn't actually state anything if you look. My point was we don't even have anyone CAPABLE of what he did today. And that's pathetic.


Cool your jets. ;)


Sadly we don't, and we won't for a long time. :(

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c***s who can play > nice blokes who can't.

true, bellamy a prime example.


however, cunts who can play and dont want to be here and force a way out are not much use to us, and cant be helped really.

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c***s who can play > nice blokes who can't.


Yes but when did he ever bother to actually play for us like you state?


I didn't actually state anything if you look. My point was we don't even have anyone CAPABLE of what he did today. And that's pathetic.


i would say jonas is capable personally.

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c***s who can play > nice blokes who can't.

true, bellamy a prime example.


however, cunts who can play and dont want to be here and force a way out are not much use to us, and cant be helped really.


He wanted to be out for a reason though. It goes deeper than "Charles N'Zogbia wants to play for Wigan cos he's a cunt and that." He saw Wigan as a chance to better himself and the disgusting fact is that he's right.

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c***s who can play > nice blokes who can't.

true, bellamy a prime example.


however, cunts who can play and dont want to be here and force a way out are not much use to us, and cant be helped really.


Good managers work with them and convince the best out of them, because their talent is worth the effort. Shit managers let them go and would rather work with Nicky Butt instead.

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c***s who can play > nice blokes who can't.

true, bellamy a prime example.


however, c***s who can play and dont want to be here and force a way out are not much use to us, and cant be helped really.


He wanted to be out for a reason though. It goes deeper than "Charles N'Zogbia wants to play for Wigan cos he's a c*** and that." He saw Wigan as a chance to better himself and the disgusting fact is that he's right.


charles wanted out for a while, and for more than one manager, the fact he ended up at wigan im sure falls as an embarasment to him, after piping about the likes of arsenal, lyon, and villa.


he made his bed and had no choice but to go wherever iyam.

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c***s who can play > nice blokes who can't.

true, bellamy a prime example.


however, c***s who can play and dont want to be here and force a way out are not much use to us, and cant be helped really.


Good managers work with them and convince the best out of them, because their talent is worth the effort. s*** managers let them go and would rather work with Nicky Butt instead.


i think thats a bit harsh tbh, with the way charles wen ton for more than one manager.


i agree with the point generally, just not particulalry in this instance.

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c***s who can play > nice blokes who can't.

true, bellamy a prime example.


however, c***s who can play and dont want to be here and force a way out are not much use to us, and cant be helped really.


He wanted to be out for a reason though. It goes deeper than "Charles N'Zogbia wants to play for Wigan cos he's a c*** and that." He saw Wigan as a chance to better himself and the disgusting fact is that he's right.


charles wanted out for a while, and for more than one manager, the fact he ended up at wigan im sure falls as an embarasment to him, after piping about the likes of arsenal, lyon, and villa.


he made his bed and had no choice but to go wherever iyam.


He wanted out to play football in his own position. He wanted out even more when we became utter wank rather than just mediocre. Nowt wrong with that.

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Guest north shields lad

i remember when we were linked with hyppia in the summer and january. Most on here didnt want him.


bluelaugh.gif :idiot2:


Besides would the following players get in our team


Reina - 50/50 with Given

That Insua defender - never heard of him until 2 weeks ago.

Lucas - No, no one rates him

Keane - not in front of martins and owen no.

Benayoun - Useless.

Rieria - was crap at man city, no better for the scousers

Kuyt - wouldnt get near our first 11


That leaves the diver, Alonso, that masherno who wasnt good enough for west ham, agger, and carragher.


Take the diver and torres (who is injured and over rated) out of there team, and there isnt much diffrence between us and them


After the above gem, I have to regretfully inform you I can't take any of your posts seriously. Ever.


And out of all them players mentioned i was right, reina is a good keeper but no better than given, the rest of them players are the reason why liverpool wont win the league.

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i remember when we were linked with hyppia in the summer and january. Most on here didnt want him.


bluelaugh.gif :idiot2:


Besides would the following players get in our team


Reina - 50/50 with Given

That Insua defender - never heard of him until 2 weeks ago.

Lucas - No, no one rates him

Keane - not in front of martins and owen no.

Benayoun - Useless.

Rieria - was crap at man city, no better for the scousers

Kuyt - wouldnt get near our first 11


That leaves the diver, Alonso, that masherno who wasnt good enough for west ham, agger, and carragher.


Take the diver and torres (who is injured and over rated) out of there team, and there isnt much diffrence between us and them


After the above gem, I have to regretfully inform you I can't take any of your posts seriously. Ever.


And out of all them players mentioned i was right, reina is a good keeper but no better than given, the rest of them players are the reason why liverpool wont win the league.


Oh so you're talking about Liverpool's title challenge now? In that case I tend to agree that their squad isn't strong enough to win the title.


It was your laughable comparisons with the Newcastle team that I was talking about.

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Guest north shields lad

Yer see where your coming from.


Looking what happened after that post and since it was a pathetic thread, but i did actually have a feeling we would get somthing that day.  :laugh:

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Yer see where your coming from.


Looking what happened after that post and since it was a pathetic thread, but i did actually have a feeling we would get somthing that day.  :laugh:


Everyone's allowed to be optimistic, particularly in today's climate.


I'm afraid though I just can't agree with you when you say Kuyt wouldn't get near your first 11, Keane wouldn't get in before Owen or Martins, etc. It's the logic of your original comparisons that bamboozled me.


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Guest quklaani

I was arguing with a scouser (well, a fake one) I know after he made the usual tedious "amazing that somebody got a penalty at Old Trafford" comment.  Anyway, I was bored enough to check this, but the last time penalty was given against Liverpool at Anfield (which was converted, there's no real way to check if anyone missed one) was in August 2007, and they got a public apology from the Football Association.


Just thought that was an interesting stat.


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I was arguing with a scouser (well, a fake one) I know after he made the usual tedious "amazing that somebody got a penalty at Old Trafford" comment.  Anyway, I was bored enough to check this, but the last time penalty was given against Liverpool at Anfield (which was converted, there's no real way to check if anyone missed one) was in August 2007, and they got a public apology from the Football Association.


Just thought that was an interesting stat.



Them plastic, glory-hunting Liverpool fans. They're a fucking breed, aren't they. :nope:

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Guest quklaani

Well I'm not going to pretend my utter contempt for their fake fans and my mere mild discomfort at ours is logical.  That's just football isn't it, everytime you hear fans singing "we support our local team" you know there's a fair few who don't but I doubt the people next to them complain about the hypocrisy.

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Aye, you're right. :razz:


Tbh, i've just got a chip when it comes to Man Utd fans in general. It's a bit irrational i suppose, but it comes from growing up in an area that's 'neutral' when it comes to football teams. I mean, the local sides are (well, were) York and Scarborough. The Leeds Utd shirts frittered out at around 2003. The occassional Boro one here and there. Aye there's a few fake Scousers, but it's mainly Manu shirts around my area. My best mate's a Manu fan. He's been to Old Trafford once; born and bred in Yorkshire. Yet claims not to be a glory-supporter. It just grates on me really.

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