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Shay Given signs for Manchester City for £5.9m plus add-ons

Guest Phil K

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I don't blame him at all - its easy for people to say he should have stayed till the summer - he had an offer now, who knows what would have happened by the summer  - could have been injured, City could have looked at Buffon etc - thus circumstances could have been very different and he needs to do what is right for him - bloody hell, he's given us 12 years of great service, he doesn't owe us a thing - its not his fault the hierarchy continue to screw things up.


To be fair, he had every right to go a long time ago, the number of false promises and new dawns at this club over the last 12 years, it is admirable a player of his quality stuck it out.


Totally agree.

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I wish he hadnt left that comment of "the club made me do things I didnt want to do" hanging. I want to know what that is all about


Surely the only thing it can be is that he was made to put in a transfer request, therefore depriving him of money.


Unless they made him scrub the bogs with a toothbrush before he left for Manchester like.

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Guest hobshobs

So he is moaning because it would have suited him if the board just wanted to get shot of him. But they didnt want him to go and so and made him put his request to leave in writing. They have then tried to get as much as poss for him after failing to get him to stay. 

Because that stalled the move and stopped him going in a flash he is bad mouthing the club.

The club should have been stronger and told him to shut the f*** up and keep scraping along on his 35K a week until summer to keep us up.

Postscript: What are Man city going to win this season.

Answer, f*** all.


One of the most honest and forthright posts I've seen on here in a long time Doug.

The club wanted him to stay, he didn't want to stay.

He's twisting the facts now.


We are slowly getting there in terms of a squad of players who have passion and want to play for NUFC.

Bassong, Guthrie, Collicini, Nolan, Jonas - they'll do me.

Time for everyone to get together, it really is. I honestly believe we are moving in the right direction.

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Guest Darth Toon

Time for everyone to get together, it really is. I honestly believe we are moving in the right direction.


If you believe that direction is down, then you're spot on.

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So he is moaning because it would have suited him if the board just wanted to get shot of him. But they didnt want him to go and so and made him put his request to leave in writing. They have then tried to get as much as poss for him after failing to get him to stay. 

Because that stalled the move and stopped him going in a flash he is bad mouthing the club.

The club should have been stronger and told him to shut the f*** up and keep scraping along on his 35K a week until summer to keep us up.

Postscript: What are Man city going to win this season.

Answer, f*** all.


One of the most honest and forthright posts I've seen on here in a long time Doug.

The club wanted him to stay, he didn't want to stay.

He's twisting the facts now.


We are slowly getting there in terms of a squad of players who have passion and want to play for NUFC.

Bassong, Guthrie, Collicini, Nolan, Jonas - they'll do me.

Time for everyone to get together, it really is. I honestly believe we are moving in the right direction.


What a bunch of crap. There was a statement from his lawyer after the Liverpool game. Given left for football reasons, not for the money.

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Given wanted out because he wanted to join a club going places which I can understand, but he should have some class and keep his mouth shut. It's not like he was second choice like N'Zogbia was, he was idolised and respected. The club didn't have to agree to sell him, he was on a long contract and well paid.

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Given wanted out because he wanted to join a club going places which I can understand, but he should have some class and keep his mouth shut. It's not like he was second choice like N'Zogbia was, he was idolised and respected. The club didn't have to agree to sell him, he was on a long contract and well paid.


His answers were vague seems pretty pissed off about something.  The bit where he says 'I think the club wanted the money in the end' speaks volumes imo.

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Given wanted out because he wanted to join a club going places which I can understand, but he should have some class and keep his mouth shut. It's not like he was second choice like N'Zogbia was, he was idolised and respected. The club didn't have to agree to sell him, he was on a long contract and well paid.


His answers were vague seems pretty pissed off about something.  The bit where he says 'I think the club wanted the money in the end' speaks volumes imo.


I wanted the money as well once I knew he wanted out. It's never great losing good players but if they don't want to be here it's unhealthy for squad morale.

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Given wanted out because he wanted to join a club going places which I can understand, but he should have some class and keep his mouth shut. It's not like he was second choice like N'Zogbia was, he was idolised and respected. The club didn't have to agree to sell him, he was on a long contract and well paid.





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Given wanted out because he wanted to join a club going places which I can understand, but he should have some class and keep his mouth shut. It's not like he was second choice like N'Zogbia was, he was idolised and respected. The club didn't have to agree to sell him, he was on a long contract and well paid.






At the end of the day he's like any other greedy b*stard footballer, he happily signed a long and very lucrative contract to play for a club he claimed to love, the moment a bigger offer came along HE chose to break that contract and f@ck off !

Easiest thing for him to do is take a swipe at an unpopular regime to deflect from his own actions, and try to pretend he was forced out and didn't really want to leave.  He couldn't wait to get out once bigger money was on the table.

Cheap shot Shay. Good luck at City.

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Given wanted out because he wanted to join a club going places which I can understand, but he should have some class and keep his mouth shut. It's not like he was second choice like N'Zogbia was, he was idolised and respected. The club didn't have to agree to sell him, he was on a long contract and well paid.







At the end of the day he's like any other greedy b*stard footballer, he happily signed a long and very lucrative contract to play for a club he claimed to love, the moment a bigger offer came along HE chose to break that contract and f@ck off !

Easiest thing for him to do is take a swipe at an unpopular regime to deflect from his own actions, and try to pretend he was forced out and didn't really want to leave.  He couldn't wait to get out once bigger money was on the table.

Cheap shot Shay. Good luck at City.

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Guest hobshobs

So he is moaning because it would have suited him if the board just wanted to get shot of him. But they didnt want him to go and so and made him put his request to leave in writing. They have then tried to get as much as poss for him after failing to get him to stay. 

Because that stalled the move and stopped him going in a flash he is bad mouthing the club.

The club should have been stronger and told him to shut the f*** up and keep scraping along on his 35K a week until summer to keep us up.

Postscript: What are Man city going to win this season.

Answer, f*** all.


One of the most honest and forthright posts I've seen on here in a long time Doug.

The club wanted him to stay, he didn't want to stay.

He's twisting the facts now.


We are slowly getting there in terms of a squad of players who have passion and want to play for NUFC.

Bassong, Guthrie, Collicini, Nolan, Jonas - they'll do me.

Time for everyone to get together, it really is. I honestly believe we are moving in the right direction.


What a bunch of crap. There was a statement from his lawyer after the Liverpool game. Given left for football reasons, not for the money.


Aye right. Lawyer my backside. Agent more like.

This is what has been wrong at The Toon for years - diluded fans have blind faith in players who really don't care as much as they should.

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Given wanted out because he wanted to join a club going places which I can understand, but he should have some class and keep his mouth shut. It's not like he was second choice like N'Zogbia was, he was idolised and respected. The club didn't have to agree to sell him, he was on a long contract and well paid.






At the end of the day he's like any other greedy b*stard footballer, he happily signed a long and very lucrative contract to play for a club he claimed to love, the moment a bigger offer came along HE chose to break that contract and f@ck off !

Easiest thing for him to do is take a swipe at an unpopular regime to deflect from his own actions, and try to pretend he was forced out and didn't really want to leave.  He couldn't wait to get out once bigger money was on the table.

Cheap shot Shay. Good luck at City.


He's been with us for nearly 12 years. Always been a great pro and done whatever he can for the club! Quality goalkeeper and a fantastic person. What more can we expect from Shay? Of course he's sick of bad leadership and management. He's had 8 managers in 11 1/2 years! I fully understand Shay, because we've been going nowhere since Ashley came in, and we've had three different managers in 1 1/2 year!


Honestly, the people who are talking shit about Shay Given should be ashamed! Shay Given is a true legend, and fuck those people(I suppose there is a few) who will booo at him when he returns too St.James Park next season with City.

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Given says "the club made me do something I didn't want to do" in that press conference on the BBC website. By that I guess he means hand in an official transfer request meaning he wouldn't get a loyalty bonus. He gets no sympathy from me for that but he is right in telling us what we already know: - The Owner, the people in charge of running the club, etc are a load of shite and we'll never win anything while they are here.

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Aye right. Lawyer my backside. Agent more like.

This is what has been wrong at The Toon for years - diluded fans have blind faith in players who really don't care as much as they should.


Or rather, he cared so much that he left. A player isn't a fan, he's an employee of the club. Do you expect blind loyalty from other employees? Fact is, the club isn't a great place to work anymore. The football is poor, and the players have no idea what the plans for the club are, if there's any kind of improvement in sight, and their "boss" obviously makes things up on the spot whenever he's asked a question. Of course Given was fed up and wanted to leave: he was among the few who knew he could do much, much better.

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Aye right. Lawyer my backside. Agent more like.

This is what has been wrong at The Toon for years - diluded fans have blind faith in players who really don't care as much as they should.


Or rather, he cared so much that he left. A player isn't a fan, he's an employee of the club. Do you expect blind loyalty from other employees? Fact is, the club isn't a great place to work anymore. The football is poor, and the players have no idea what the plans for the club are, if there's any kind of improvement in sight, and their "boss" obviously makes things up on the spot whenever he's asked a question. Of course Given was fed up and wanted to leave: he was among the few who knew he could do much, much better.


No one's blaming him for wanting to leave but he hasn't got anything to complain about because he was allowed to go. If the club wanted to be proper cunts they could easily have said you signed a lucrative contract now honour it. Shay's always looked out for himself above the club regardless of who the owner was. He demanded to be no 1 keeper or he was off under Bobby Robson when Harper was doing well remember? Yet people say Zog was a moaner when he wasn't first choice left winger.

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Just been saying at his pre match press conference how much of a step up in class the training is at city,


Wish he would shut up to be honest seems to be trying to put the boot in at every oppurtunity


The cunts were training in a tent when it was snowing. How is that a step up?

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Just been saying at his pre match press conference how much of a step up in class the training is at city,


Wish he would shut up to be honest seems to be trying to put the boot in at every oppurtunity


The c***s were training in a tent when it was snowing. How is that a step up?


Soft as shite then TBH

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Just been saying at his pre match press conference how much of a step up in class the training is at city,


Wish he would shut up to be honest seems to be trying to put the boot in at every oppurtunity


The c***s were training in a tent when it was snowing. How is that a step up?


Soft as s**** then TBH


Ours were in doors. That is facilities for you.

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Just been saying at his pre match press conference how much of a step up in class the training is at city,


Wish he would shut up to be honest seems to be trying to put the boot in at every oppurtunity


let him tell it like it is, someone (MA) might listen if he keeps at it and we might get shot of :kinnear:


i'd imagine he's not lying either

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Not a chance he will just see it as a bitter ex player running his mouth off and all it does to the fans is unsettle them more like Keegan, Given now has nothing to do with NUFC, If he wanted to make a difference he should of stayed and opened his mouth.


Its easy to stick the boot in when you have jumped ship.


He Should just concentrate on citeh and help them put there tents up  :doh:

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