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At present has Mike Ashley got your backing?

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You know what Fredbob since this whole "LEEDS" thing blew up we FOOTBALL FANS have been acting like a bunch of cunts from KPMG. I no longer care that much about the money owed or profit, the team on the pitch & the glory is my main concern. I am well aware how everything can go tits due to money but I think us fans  have gone extreme now with worry.

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You know what Fredbob since this whole "LEEDS" thing blew up we FOOTBALL FANS have been acting like a bunch of cunts from KPMG. I no longer care that much about the money owed or profit, the team on the pitch & the glory is my main concern. I am well aware how everything can go tits due to money but I think us fans  have gone extreme now with worry.


You think? With the economic crisis as it is, id say you werent looking at the big picture.


For me, the debt repayment is on the same scale as transfer funds, they both serve a purpose for this club maybe of differing scales but they do and thats all i was pointing out that i was happy with.



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You know what Fredbob since this whole "LEEDS" thing blew up we FOOTBALL FANS have been acting like a bunch of c***s from KPMG. I no longer care that much about the money owed or profit, the team on the pitch & the glory is my main concern. I am well aware how everything can go tits due to money but I think us fans  have gone extreme now with worry.


You think? With the economic crisis as it is, id say you werent looking at the big picture.


For me, the debt repayment is on the same scale as transfer funds, they both serve a purpose for this club maybe of differing scales but they do and thats all i was pointing out that i was happy with.


Yeah I think we as FOOTBALL FANS are drifting away from the 90mins of football into all these other areas. The whole Kaka thing, Man City FOOTBALL FANS worried about his signing, just enjoy him playing football if he signs as he is a top player. Were we worried about signing Shearer for that fee at the time? NO because back then it was pre-Leeds & the picture football fans looked at was not as big back then.


I am off now, take care & speak tomorrow :thup:

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You know what Fredbob since this whole "LEEDS" thing blew up we FOOTBALL FANS have been acting like a bunch of c***s from KPMG. I no longer care that much about the money owed or profit, the team on the pitch & the glory is my main concern. I am well aware how everything can go tits due to money but I think us fans  have gone extreme now with worry.


You think? With the economic crisis as it is, id say you werent looking at the big picture.


For me, the debt repayment is on the same scale as transfer funds, they both serve a purpose for this club maybe of differing scales but they do and thats all i was pointing out that i was happy with.


Yeah I think we as FOOTBALL FANS are drifting away from the 90mins of football into all these other areas. The whole Kaka thing, Man City FOOTBALL FANS worried about his signing, just enjoy him playing football if he signs as he is a top player. Were we worried about signing Shearer for that fee at the time? NO because back then it was pre-Leeds & the picture football fans looked at was not as big back then.


I am off now, take care & speak tomorrow :thup:


Sorry, yeh i know what you mean, Tooj said in another thread how much things of changed and how it was no longer about the person who love the game and followed it weekley but about selling a product to the ones who picked up on it and major times like the major tournaments.


Money has ruined football now, i blame Chelsea for it, they spoiled thehierarchy of English football which Arsenal had proved was possilbe to break by footballing reasons alone, even now they are struggling to compete and thats a sad state for football when the art comes second to the power of finances.


For me the premier league will never be a competition again. Much like the SPL.



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100% yes. Anyone who isn't behind Ashley isn't a true Newcastle fan.


We moaned all the time that FFS should go and Ashley put his money where his mouth is, cleared the debt and any right minded Newcastle fan love him for it. unfortunately there is a poisonous minority at this club who have made him feel unwelcome and made us susceptible to foreign ownership. If we end up with someone like Tom Hicks, I hope you feel proud of yourselves you toxic bastards.


In one of the statements released by the club, they said something like 'club was still hemorrhaging money' or something along those lines, so are all the debts gone?


I think the debt still exists its just owed to Ashley instead of a bank, probably with no interest attached (which is exactly what Roman did at Chelsea). The club may well be haemorrhaging money. We lost £12 million in the year to July 2007 and in that year we had European football and good attendances. Not much has changed to the cost base since then. Same overheads, same high wages etc. But the income is probably down since then so a loss is likely. And the only person who can fund that loss is Ashley.


In answer to the thread - No. He's a chancer who hit the jackpot when he floated a dodgy chain of sports shops and thought it would be the ultimate toy to own a Premiership club. He had no idea what he was buying, didn't understand the importance of the club to the city of Newcastle, underestimated the ability of the fans to see through bullsh1t and he hasn't got a clue how to run it. Our best bet is somehow we survive and he finds a buyer in May.




If the debts have been paid off then we won't have the same overheads, considering those debts were costing us around £8 million a year (can't remember the exact amount).  Plus Premiership TV money has gone up by £20 million a season since then.


also worth mentioning that most of the £20m loss was from player trading and amortisation. excluding those thje loss was only £300,000.

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Yeah its great to have those debts paid off so we can compete in the market for players and move forward as a club.. oh hold on we now spend fuck all and we're closer to relegation then ever before.


You make it sound like this is the first season we've been fighting relegation. At the end of the day, id rather fight relegation without the debt then i would with it, if anything im grateful for that.


Ill wait till the 1st of Sept, ive seen enough to suggest he did want the best for the club, who knows if he does now, imagine paying all that dosh and still having shit slung at you, how would that make you feel?


I didn't make it sound like this was the first time we've fought relegation at all, if I'd wanted it to sound like that I'd have said that.  Also I'd certainly rather be doing well in the league with our debt then staring at relegation with the knowledge that if we avoid it this season its almost a certainty next season.  I'd rather live with risk then have no future, which is how it seems under Ashley.

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The ironic thing about this is that he's actually already done a huge amount for this club in paying it off our debts.


When you say pay off are we 100% sure he has? Is it not a case of NUFC owe Mike Ashley?


Maybe, im not sure of the finances and im certainly in no postion to categorically comment on them, but in my opinion the debts we did have to 3rd parties were strangling the club in terms of interest etc, if it is the case, then id rather they were owed to Ashley than to the banks.


Much like Chelsea owe Roman, either way, Chelseas future is much more stable with there form of debts than Liverpool are with theirs.


The only things that i heard that are outstanding are transfer fees, and as far as im aware, they arent classified as debt.


Good points.



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Guest TheKingOfNewcastle


Maybe, im not sure of the finances and im certainly in no postion to categorically comment on them, but in my opinion the debts we did have to 3rd parties were strangling the club in terms of interest etc, if it is the case, then id rather they were owed to Ashley than to the banks.


Much like Chelsea owe Roman, either way, Chelseas future is much more stable with there form of debts than Liverpool are with theirs.


The only things that i heard that are outstanding are transfer fees, and as far as im aware, they arent classified as debt.


You don't know anything about the clubs finances, none of us do. And none of us will now that the club is privately owned.


Oh and back on topic. No, Ashley does not have my backing, nor will he ever have my backing.

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Maybe, im not sure of the finances and im certainly in no postion to categorically comment on them, but in my opinion the debts we did have to 3rd parties were strangling the club in terms of interest etc, if it is the case, then id rather they were owed to Ashley than to the banks.


Much like Chelsea owe Roman, either way, Chelseas future is much more stable with there form of debts than Liverpool are with theirs.


The only things that i heard that are outstanding are transfer fees, and as far as im aware, they arent classified as debt.


You don't know anything about the clubs finances, none of us do. And none of us will now that the club is privately owned.


Oh and back on topic. No, Ashley does not have my backing, nor will he ever have my backing.




Fuck me, did you work that all out on yourself, Watson?


The sad thing, is that you dont even see the pure irony of your own post.

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Why are we still being referred to as a 'minority' when over 50% of the people here are against Ashley?


I think the 10% or so supporting Ashley would roughly correspond to those with IQs under 80, and the 35% stupid enough to reserve judgement until February safely fill out 'below average intelligence but still functional' bracket.


Just goes to prove the old adage. You can't fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool all the stupid ones most of the time. Ashley's been running Sportsdirect on that adage for years, so he should know.


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Yeah its great to have those debts paid off so we can compete in the market for players and move forward as a club.. oh hold on we now spend fuck all and we're closer to relegation then ever before.


You make it sound like this is the first season we've been fighting relegation. At the end of the day, id rather fight relegation without the debt then i would with it, if anything im grateful for that.


Ill wait till the 1st of Sept, ive seen enough to suggest he did want the best for the club, who knows if he does now, imagine paying all that dosh and still having shit slung at you, how would that make you feel?


I didn't make it sound like this was the first time we've fought relegation at all, if I'd wanted it to sound like that I'd have said that. Also I'd certainly rather be doing well in the league with our debt then staring at relegation with the knowledge that if we avoid it this season its almost a certainty next season. I'd rather live with risk then have no future, which is how it seems under Ashley.


So why mention it as though its relevant to the point you're making? If the relegation fights came before Ashley input, then i think its fair to say they arent of Ashleys causing, fair? It's kind of what you're implying.


As I've said before, Ashley maybe guilty of not stopping the rot, but he definitely isnt the one guilty of starting it.

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Why are we still being referred to as a 'minority' when over 50% of the people here are against Ashley?


I think the 10% or so supporting Ashley would roughly correspond to those with IQs under 80, and the 35% stupid enough to reserve judgement until February safely fill out 'below average intelligence but still functional' bracket.


Just goes to prove the old adage. You can't fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool all the stupid ones most of the time. Ashley's been running Sportsdirect on that adage for years, so he should know.



I'm reserving judgement until sept 1st, what does that make my IQ?

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Why are we still being referred to as a 'minority' when over 50% of the people here are against Ashley?


I think the 10% or so supporting Ashley would roughly correspond to those with IQs under 80, and the 35% stupid enough to reserve judgement until February safely fill out 'below average intelligence but still functional' bracket.


Just goes to prove the old adage. You can't fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool all the stupid ones most of the time. Ashley's been running Sportsdirect on that adage for years, so he should know.



That really is the most popular argument on this forum isn't it?


"I am definitely right and anyone who doesn't agree is an idiot. Nobody is allowed their own opinion" :lol:


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I'll support him until he makes his next appointment, if he gets that one wrong then I'll have no time for him.


If Kinnear is his idea of the person to take us forwards then he's barking mad.



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Bassong, Guthrie, Jonas, Coloccini = some of the best additions to our team in a long time. All came under Ashley's regime. Xisco doesn't seem to have worked out, but that's how it goes sometimes.


I don't know what happened with Keegan behind the scenes, so I'm not going to be one of those who assumes that Ashley was 100% wrong. It's irrational to think that, when we really don't know one way or the other.


Bottom line is that as long as Ashley moves this team forward, I'm happy. If, by February 2nd, we haven't strengthened the team and reinvested at least some of what we made on Milner in the summer, then I'll reassess.


But, let me just point out, that very few (if any) Premiership teams this season could hope to survive with the injuries we've had and the competitive nature of the league this year. By all due rights, we should be well knackered by now. If it weren't for the signings that were made over the summer, we would be right f*cked, as a matter of fact.

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Mike Ashley did everything right up until the moment Kevin Keegan walked.


Everything he's done since then, particularly his capitulation after the initial supporter protests, has been an absolute, unmitigated disgrace.


If Ashley had just a bit more strength and stuck with his plans, we'd be sitting pretty at mid-table mediocrity just like West Ham.


Instead he's letting the club rot. That alone is enough for him to lose my support.

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Mike Ashley did everything right up until the moment Kevin Keegan walked.


Everything he's done since then, particularly his capitulation after the initial supporter protests, has been an absolute, unmitigated disgrace.


If Ashley had just a bit more strength and stuck with his plans, we'd be sitting pretty at mid-table mediocrity just like West Ham.


Instead he's letting the club rot. That alone is enough for him to lose my support.


Mike Ashley did everything right until the moment Kevin Keegan walked in.


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Mike Ashley did everything right up until the moment Kevin Keegan walked.


Everything he's done since then, particularly his capitulation after the initial supporter protests, has been an absolute, unmitigated disgrace.


If Ashley had just a bit more strength and stuck with his plans, we'd be sitting pretty at mid-table mediocrity just like West Ham.


Instead he's letting the club rot. That alone is enough for him to lose my support.


Mike Ashley did everything right until the moment Kevin Keegan walked in.



The appointment was probably wrong as well, but then I wouldn't be able to use my catchy opening line, since he did a few things right after appointing Keegan as well.

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Mike Ashley did everything right up until the moment Kevin Keegan walked.


Everything he's done since then, particularly his capitulation after the initial supporter protests, has been an absolute, unmitigated disgrace.


If Ashley had just a bit more strength and stuck with his plans, we'd be sitting pretty at mid-table mediocrity just like West Ham.


Instead he's letting the club rot. That alone is enough for him to lose my support.


Mike Ashley did everything right until the moment Kevin Keegan walked in.



Yeah, rather than backing his manager he undermined in, lied to him and installed a system which caused him walk - you know, that great Aresnal model which Wenger would've bailed on as well...

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