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At present has Mike Ashley got your backing?

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Ashley won £178,640 at Casino in Manchester after the Man City game.


I really, really, really hope your not serious.


I hope he is. Could do with our owner being a strong position financially to make sure the £20m a year loss is covered.


I'd rather he puts money into OUR club rather than casinos (in Manchester of all places).


Does all of your money go into YOUR club, or do you spend some at different pubs? (out of interest?)


I spend some at different pubs. I know what you mean, but its just funny how he cant invest money for players yet he can go gambling (even if the gap in money amounts is noticable).

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Ashley won £178,640 at Casino in Manchester after the Man City game.


I really, really, really hope your not serious.


I hope he is. Could do with our owner being a strong position financially to make sure the £20m a year loss is covered.


I'd rather he puts money into OUR club rather than casinos (in Manchester of all places).


Does all of your money go into YOUR club, or do you spend some at different pubs? (out of interest?)


I spend some at different pubs. I know what you mean, but its just funny how he cant invest money for players yet he can go gambling (even if the gap in money amounts is noticable).


Think you answered your own point tbh :D

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If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


like you kicked up a fuss when people protested about the board who gave you regular european football for the only time in your life.


Morons  mackems.gif

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If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


like you kicked up a fuss when people protested about the board who gave you regular european football for the only time in your life.


Morons  mackems.gif


Do you know who put us in the current financial state we're in, NE5?

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100% yes. Anyone who isn't behind Ashley isn't a true Newcastle fan.


We moaned all the time that FFS should go and Ashley put his money where his mouth is, cleared the debt and any right minded Newcastle fan love him for it. unfortunately there is a poisonous minority at this club who have made him feel unwelcome and made us susceptible to foreign ownership. If we end up with someone like Tom Hicks, I hope you feel proud of yourselves you toxic bastards.





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If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


like you kicked up a fuss when people protested about the board who gave you regular european football for the only time in your life.


Morons  mackems.gif


Do you know who put us in the current financial state we're in, NE5?


Now you've done it.

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If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


like you kicked up a fuss when people protested about the board who gave you regular european football for the only time in your life.


Morons  mackems.gif


Do you know who put us in the current financial state we're in, NE5?


Although people going on about high wages, weren't Viduka, Geremi, Barton etc all signed under Ashley? Not saying at all Shepherd is blameless btw as he's far from it.

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You know what Fredbob since this whole "LEEDS" thing blew up we FOOTBALL FANS have been acting like a bunch of c***s from KPMG. I no longer care that much about the money owed or profit, the team on the pitch & the glory is my main concern. I am well aware how everything can go tits due to money but I think us fans  have gone extreme now with worry.


You think? With the economic crisis as it is, id say you werent looking at the big picture.


For me, the debt repayment is on the same scale as transfer funds, they both serve a purpose for this club maybe of differing scales but they do and thats all i was pointing out that i was happy with.


Yeah I think we as FOOTBALL FANS are drifting away from the 90mins of football into all these other areas. The whole Kaka thing, Man City FOOTBALL FANS worried about his signing, just enjoy him playing football if he signs as he is a top player. Were we worried about signing Shearer for that fee at the time? NO because back then it was pre-Leeds & the picture football fans looked at was not as big back then.


I am off now, take care & speak tomorrow :thup:


aye, what a shame that us FOOTBALL FANS should regret those days of champions league football, Barcelona, San Siro etc if only we had known what a mess the club was getting into and fighting relegation with no debts, no trophy players, and good looking accounts instead, would be far better for us .



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If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


like you kicked up a fuss when people protested about the board who gave you regular european football for the only time in your life.


Morons  mackems.gif


Do you know who put us in the current financial state we're in, NE5?


Although people going on about high wages, weren't Viduka, Geremi, Barton etc all signed under Ashley? Not saying at all Shepherd is blameless btw as he's far from it.


I'm quite sure he replaced Parker when he left at the end of Shepherds time. Correct me if Im wrong but I think thats what happened.

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Guest Darth Toon

2 points off the bottom, no wins in 8 matches, an already pitifully thin squad decimated by injuries and we wander out of the transfer window minus 2 decent players, but never mind there's a couple of lads from Wigan and Bolton and a nice fat 10 million quid profit.


We're fucked. Royally fucked.


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I said I would support Ashley and then reassess after the window closed. There can be no doubt now that Ashley has no intention of bringing this club forward. We're in the worst state that we've ever been in. We're in real danger of dropping. And he made a profit on the window. Bringing in Lovenkrads, Raylor, and Nolan was literally the least he could do to even give us a chance at not going down. I'm gutted.

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2 points off the bottom, no wins in 8 matches, an already pitifully thin squad decimated by injuries and we wander out of the transfer window minus 2 decent players, but never mind there's a couple of lads from Wigan and Bolton and a nice fat 10 million quid profit.


We're f***ed. Royally f***ed.


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