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Newcastle 1 - 2 Manchester United - 04/03/09 - post match reaction from page 18


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Guest Chris P

Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart


which is utter nonsense. It's been over 3 years since Owen has taken any defence apart

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Quite decent in the first half, more or less typical Newcastle in the second half. In the final 15 minutes before a few late flurries, Man Utd had accepted 2-1 and started to drop off and deep, yet we were playing casualy as if it were the first 15 minutes.


Their first goal was down to ball watching, from Enrique and Jonas as the ball went to O'Shea then from Colo with Rooney. Had he not been watching the ball, Rooney would never have spun him. As the ball rolled over to Rooney, Colo's eyes were clearly on the ball, as the ball came past him, Rooney was already turning and a sight of goal opened up. Very sloppy defending from all. Ball watching is a cardinal sin and we were guilty of it all game. Other than that Colo played well I thought as did the entire defence in the main.


Taylor's "tackle" on Ronaldo, I've just watched the highlights and Ronaldo sort of digs him with his elbow before Taylor put an arm around him and pushed him. The fall and subsequent rolling about by Ronaldo clutching his face was a disgrace though.


Our opening goal... Man Utd were guilty of ball watching too. Decent ball in by Jonas who was much better today with his passing and while I admire his work ethic, he needs to realise he can't be in all places at once, many a time through his tracking back we had no-one supporting Martins and Lovenkrands which meant that we either had to slow the game down, pass it back, or lose out through numbers.


Harper was dodgy with his kicking again and could have came out for some of the crosses that they sent in. He tipped one cross over too which was going out anyway. Seems to have an issue with his bearings at the moment.


Bassong was very strong and showed some excellent moments of anticipation. Was too rash once or twice which could have cost us but he showed he can deal with both Rooney and Berbatov, two very different but very very good forwards.


S. Taylor had a decent game, got forward well, got stuck in, filled in at CB when Colo or Bassong were out of position. Too rash at times though, gets hot headed.


Enrique for me was superb, my MOTM, didn't put a foot wrong and one ball he whipped in low was brilliant but no-one quite read it. Strong and quick and great pieces of skill. Composed and accurate passing too. I noticed Ronaldo didn't venture to the flank Enrique and Jonas was operating on, and that's because if he did, he'd have had to track back and get stuck in and play in his own half quite a bit, more is the pitty as he was a thorn in our right flank.


R. Taylor, shocking mistake but I thought Harper was at fault too as he wasn't even looking at his own team-mate at the moment the ball was heading his way. Should have shouted for him to hook it clear or should have been off his line much quicker. 9 times out of 10 those chest downs go straight to the 'keeper. Unfortunate in many ways. Played well in the main I thought, decent little player if nothing special.


Smith - s****, absolute s****.


Geremi - neat passing and worked hard but his legs have gone completely, struggled with the pace of the game at times.


Lovenkrands - sharp, hard working, pacey and a threat.


Martins - see above


As a team though we are clueless at times, I mean when Man Utd were stroking the ball about the defence and midfield started to move backwards even though Man Utd were not moving forwards, which meant masses of space opened up. We defend too deep as well and play with backs to goal too often. No communication at times either.


I felt Man Utd were there to be got at and we clearly caused them problems and could rattle them but we gave them too much respect, backing off, dropping deep etc. Also why do Taylor and Colo in particular constantly drop off when say Ronaldo or Rooney started running at them. Just f***ing go to them and put a block in, get stuck in. 9 times out of 10 they will turn around and pass the ball backwards to a team-mate, i.e. rather than actually try to take you on. Keep backing off and off though and what do you expect them to do? They are going to take you one and the more you back off the sooner you're in your own penalty box, defending rule number one, keep yourself out the box and you keep the opposition out. Its dumb.


As for the coaching staff, they stood on the touchline talking for about 10 minutes, constantly looking down to their clipboard, meanwhile their players were in dire need of some instruction and guidance.


All in all I'm actually disappointed although pleased we never got hammered and that we performed to a certain level. We must beat Hull though we really must and I will be mightly pissed off if we don't turn up for that one in the same manner we did against the best side in Europe.


Fans were disappointing as well. Man Utd fans were not particularly noisy, quiet, but very good song book and their taunting, well, we just sat in silence it seemed. The singings ection has been very good in most games but went missing tonight.


Back to Enrique... we have a rough diamond in him and while Bassong is getting all the plaudits, he's actually performing just as well lately. Really like the lad and cannot believe we were even looking at a LB when he is without doubt a damn good one in the making, as Bassong is at CB.


Regarding R. Taylor.... some of his passing was excellent, that through ball to Lovenkrands which lead to Vidic fouling Martins was excellent and the good thing is he tried many more passes like it, some getting there, some not. Beats f***ing Nicky Butt or Alan Smith who was absymal.

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.


exactly, what the fuck do people think Owen is? a world beater? a great, dynamic player?


fuck off, the lot of you

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.


Owen wouldn't have torn them apart but he would've finished Martins' chances.

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Christ. :lol:


26 goals in 52 Premier League games is enough for me to have a bit of faith in him to nick us a few goals, and potentially a few extra points. No world beater but a decent striker like.


Anyhoo, i'll be off with my fucking now.

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.


exactly, what the f*** do people think Owen is? a world beater? a great, dynamic player?


f*** off, the lot of you


Nah he's no Oba Martins is he?

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Guest Chris P

Quite decent in the first half, more or less typical Newcastle in the second half. In the final 15 minutes before a few late flurries, Man Utd had accepted 2-1 and started to drop off and deep, yet we were playing casualy as if it were the first 15 minutes.


Their first goal was down to ball watching, from Enrique and Jonas as the ball went to O'Shea then from Colo with Rooney. Had he not been watching the ball, Rooney would never have spun him. As the ball rolled over to Rooney, Colo's eyes were clearly on the ball, as the ball came past him, Rooney was already turning and a sight of goal opened up. Very sloppy defending from all. Ball watching is a cardinal sin and we were guilty of it all game. Other than that Colo played well I thought as did the entire defence in the main.


Taylor's "tackle" on Ronaldo, I've just watched the highlights and Ronaldo sort of digs him with his elbow before Taylor put an arm around him and pushed him. The fall and subsequent rolling about by Ronaldo clutching his face was a disgrace though.


Our opening goal... Man Utd were guilty of ball watching too. Decent ball in by Jonas who was much better today with his passing and while I admire his work ethic, he needs to realise he can't be in all places at once, many a time through his tracking back we had no-one supporting Martins and Lovenkrands which meant that we either had to slow the game down, pass it back, or lose out through numbers.


Harper was dodgy with his kicking again and could have came out for some of the crosses that they sent in. He tipped one cross over too which was going out anyway. Seems to have an issue with his bearings at the moment.


Bassong was very strong and showed some excellent moments of anticipation. Was too rash once or twice which could have cost us but he showed he can deal with both Rooney and Berbatov, two very different but very very good forwards.


S. Taylor had a decent game, got forward well, got stuck in, filled in at CB when Colo or Bassong were out of position. Too rash at times though, gets hot headed.


Enrique for me was superb, my MOTM, didn't put a foot wrong and one ball he whipped in low was brilliant but no-one quite read it. Strong and quick and great pieces of skill. Composed and accurate passing too. I noticed Ronaldo didn't venture to the flank Enrique and Jonas was operating on, and that's because if he did, he'd have had to track back and get stuck in and play in his own half quite a bit, more is the pitty as he was a thorn in our right flank.


R. Taylor, shocking mistake but I thought Harper was at fault too as he wasn't even looking at his own team-mate at the moment the ball was heading his way. Should have shouted for him to hook it clear or should have been off his line much quicker. 9 times out of 10 those chest downs go straight to the 'keeper. Unfortunate in many ways. Played well in the main I thought, decent little player if nothing special.


Smith - s****, absolute s****.


Geremi - neat passing and worked hard but his legs have gone completely, struggled with the pace of the game at times.


Lovenkrands - sharp, hard working, pacey and a threat.


Martins - see above


As a team though we are clueless at times, I mean when Man Utd were stroking the ball about the defence and midfield started to move backwards even though Man Utd were not moving forwards, which meant masses of space opened up. We defend too deep as well and play with backs to goal too often. No communication at times either.


I felt Man Utd were there to be got at and we clearly caused them problems and could rattle them but we gave them too much respect, backing off, dropping deep etc. Also why do Taylor and Colo in particular constantly drop off when say Ronaldo or Rooney started running at them. Just f***ing go to them and put a block in, get stuck in. 9 times out of 10 they will turn around and pass the ball backwards to a team-mate, i.e. rather than actually try to take you on. Keep backing off and off though and what do you expect them to do? They are going to take you one and the more you back off the sooner you're in your own penalty box, defending rule number one, keep yourself out the box and you keep the opposition out. Its dumb.


As for the coaching staff, they stood on the touchline talking for about 10 minutes, constantly looking down to their clipboard, meanwhile their players were in dire need of some instruction and guidance.


All in all I'm actually disappointed although pleased we never got hammered and that we performed to a certain level. We must beat Hull though we really must and I will be mightly pissed off if we don't turn up for that one in the same manner we did against the best side in Europe.


Fans were disappointing as well. Man Utd fans were not particularly noisy, quiet, but very good song book and their taunting, well, we just sat in silence it seemed. The singings ection has been very good in most games but went missing tonight.


Back to Enrique... we have a rough diamond in him and while Bassong is getting all the plaudits, he's actually performing just as well lately. Really like the lad and cannot believe we were even looking at a LB when he is without doubt a damn good one in the making, as Bassong is at CB.


Regarding R. Taylor.... some of his passing was excellent, that through ball to Lovenkrands which lead to Vidic fouling Martins was excellent and the good thing is he tried many more passes like it, some getting there, some not. Beats f***ing Nicky Butt or Alan Smith who was absymal.


Could not have put it better myself

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Quite decent in the first half, more or less typical Newcastle in the second half. In the final 15 minutes before a few late flurries, Man Utd had accepted 2-1 and started to drop off and deep, yet we were playing casualy as if it were the first 15 minutes.


Their first goal was down to ball watching, from Enrique and Jonas as the ball went to O'Shea then from Colo with Rooney. Had he not been watching the ball, Rooney would never have spun him. As the ball rolled over to Rooney, Colo's eyes were clearly on the ball, as the ball came past him, Rooney was already turning and a sight of goal opened up. Very sloppy defending from all. Ball watching is a cardinal sin and we were guilty of it all game. Other than that Colo played well I thought as did the entire defence in the main.


Taylor's "tackle" on Ronaldo, I've just watched the highlights and Ronaldo sort of digs him with his elbow before Taylor put an arm around him and pushed him. The fall and subsequent rolling about by Ronaldo clutching his face was a disgrace though.


Our opening goal... Man Utd were guilty of ball watching too. Decent ball in by Jonas who was much better today with his passing and while I admire his work ethic, he needs to realise he can't be in all places at once, many a time through his tracking back we had no-one supporting Martins and Lovenkrands which meant that we either had to slow the game down, pass it back, or lose out through numbers.


Harper was dodgy with his kicking again and could have came out for some of the crosses that they sent in. He tipped one cross over too which was going out anyway. Seems to have an issue with his bearings at the moment.


Bassong was very strong and showed some excellent moments of anticipation. Was too rash once or twice which could have cost us but he showed he can deal with both Rooney and Berbatov, two very different but very very good forwards.


S. Taylor had a decent game, got forward well, got stuck in, filled in at CB when Colo or Bassong were out of position. Too rash at times though, gets hot headed.


Enrique for me was superb, my MOTM, didn't put a foot wrong and one ball he whipped in low was brilliant but no-one quite read it. Strong and quick and great pieces of skill. Composed and accurate passing too. I noticed Ronaldo didn't venture to the flank Enrique and Jonas was operating on, and that's because if he did, he'd have had to track back and get stuck in and play in his own half quite a bit, more is the pitty as he was a thorn in our right flank.


R. Taylor, shocking mistake but I thought Harper was at fault too as he wasn't even looking at his own team-mate at the moment the ball was heading his way. Should have shouted for him to hook it clear or should have been off his line much quicker. 9 times out of 10 those chest downs go straight to the 'keeper. Unfortunate in many ways. Played well in the main I thought, decent little player if nothing special.


Smith - s****, absolute s****.


Geremi - neat passing and worked hard but his legs have gone completely, struggled with the pace of the game at times.


Lovenkrands - sharp, hard working, pacey and a threat.


Martins - see above


As a team though we are clueless at times, I mean when Man Utd were stroking the ball about the defence and midfield started to move backwards even though Man Utd were not moving forwards, which meant masses of space opened up. We defend too deep as well and play with backs to goal too often. No communication at times either.


I felt Man Utd were there to be got at and we clearly caused them problems and could rattle them but we gave them too much respect, backing off, dropping deep etc. Also why do Taylor and Colo in particular constantly drop off when say Ronaldo or Rooney started running at them. Just f***ing go to them and put a block in, get stuck in. 9 times out of 10 they will turn around and pass the ball backwards to a team-mate, i.e. rather than actually try to take you on. Keep backing off and off though and what do you expect them to do? They are going to take you one and the more you back off the sooner you're in your own penalty box, defending rule number one, keep yourself out the box and you keep the opposition out. Its dumb.


As for the coaching staff, they stood on the touchline talking for about 10 minutes, constantly looking down to their clipboard, meanwhile their players were in dire need of some instruction and guidance.


All in all I'm actually disappointed although pleased we never got hammered and that we performed to a certain level. We must beat Hull though we really must and I will be mightly pissed off if we don't turn up for that one in the same manner we did against the best side in Europe.


Fans were disappointing as well. Man Utd fans were not particularly noisy, quiet, but very good song book and their taunting, well, we just sat in silence it seemed. The singings ection has been very good in most games but went missing tonight.


Back to Enrique... we have a rough diamond in him and while Bassong is getting all the plaudits, he's actually performing just as well lately. Really like the lad and cannot believe we were even looking at a LB when he is without doubt a damn good one in the making, as Bassong is at CB.


Regarding R. Taylor.... some of his passing was excellent, that through ball to Lovenkrands which lead to Vidic fouling Martins was excellent and the good thing is he tried many more passes like it, some getting there, some not. Beats f***ing Nicky Butt or Alan Smith who was absymal.


Agree with all of that HTT.

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.


Owen wouldn't have torn them apart but he would've finished Martins' chances.

:lol: Martins had one decent chance the entire match. I'm all for Michael back in the squad, but I think some are overestimating his effect just slightly.

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.


Owen wouldn't have torn them apart but he would've finished Martins' chances.



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Harper - 7 - Solid.  Did a great job with the Rooney chance, rushing out and then blocking him instead of doing the natural thing to scramble back.  Unlucky with first goal.

S Taylor - 6 - Shaky.  Made to look like the makeshift right-back he is.  Still, against Man United, I guess he did okay.

Coloccini - 8 - One of his stronger performances.  Hope this heralds a return to form.

Bassong - 8.5 - As usual, fantastic, with some great tackles.

Enrique - 9 - What a player.  Had Park in his pocket for most of the game, turning into a great LB.  Just goes to show that it can take 50+ games to really settle.

R Taylor - 6 - Still not impressing me.  Did okay, and his set piece delivery was good.  Not bringing quite enough to the right wing, though.

Smith - 6.5 - Good first half with some excellent tackles (see Berbatov).  Tired in the second half, didn't look match fit.  Still, midfield looked a better unit with him there, and protected the backline well.

Geremi - 6.5 - About the same as Smith.  Didn't get rushed off the ball.  Showed composure against classy opposition.  An ok performance.  Shame he has no drive.

Jonas - 8 - Magnificent on the ball, just STILL no final ball.  Getting rather frustrating.  

Lovenkrands - 7 - Got a goal, fair play.  Heckled the backline and used his pace.  Potential for a decent partnership with Martins.  Looked good.

Martins - 8 - As usual, his pace troubled United.  Some nice shots.  Getting back to form.


Carroll - 6 - Didn't really do that much, but he did okay.

LuaLua - 5.5 - Pretty anonymous.  I know he wasn't on for long, but there wasn't really any sense of creative drive either.  He did okay, and spread the play alright.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Martins was good tonight, more disciplined. Its weird how both he and Jonas played - pretty much how they played at OT on open day. He held the ball up, made some dare I say it intelligent runs, passed it well, showed some real flashes of skill, was a goal threat and worked hard for the side. Not much more to ask for other than a goal. Remember he was up top alone at many points in the game.


We could go back to Shola like...

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Guest michaelfoster

good game and thought we played well.


Harper 6 - needs to learn to catch the ball more

Enrique 8 - solid

Colo 6.5 -did alright

Bassong 8 - played well

S.Taylor 6 - lucky not to have saw red

Jonas 8 - looks like a dog, worked like a dog

Smith 5 - invisible man

Geremi 6 - better than usual

R.Taylor 5 - day to forget

Martins 8 - dangerous

Lovenkrands 7 - quiet after his lucky goal


Lua Lua - 6

Carroll - 6


anyone see or hear about the fire after the game?

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What exactly makes people think Owen will come in and start scoring goals? Say he plays the last 10 games, he might just nick 3 goals, does that justify him being in the team ahead of Lovenkrands, who'll at least give us geniune commitment, pace and workrate


does it fuck

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Our line-up and positional tactics were perfect today and imo should be used for the next 10 games, regardless of Owen.


Harper - 6.5 - He certainly ain't no Shay but is solid enough. I'm sure he'll be fine after a couple more games but he looks a little lethargic and his kicking leaves much to be desired.

S. Taylor - 6.5 - Dealt with Ronaldo well enough imo he's still pretty rash though and his positioning can be a bit crap to say the least.

Colo - 7 - Had a great first half imo and for the first time in a while he looked better than Bassong, some great interceptions and good strength against Rooney. Reminded me of Colo we saw earlier this season, a classy defender.

Bassong - 7 - Was good but looked dodgy to me in first half, looked edgy as he gave away some easy passes. Improved a lot in the second half though.

Enrique - 8 - Was a joy to watch today, and i think it's a testament to his recent performances that Fergie put Ronaldo against Taylor instead. My MOTM.

R. Taylor - 6 - Would have been higher if it weren't for the mistake but i think he's a good player and he should be in our side still when injuries are sorted.

Smith - 6.5 - Had a decent game, some good tackles but some stupid tackles, just a younger Nicky Butt but i thought he looked promising.

Geremi - 7 - Was excellent in ball distribution, shame he moves slower than anything in the universe.

Jonas - 7.5 - People say he 'looks' a good player, but he is so much more. Anyone with that dribbling ability, that gave a team like Man U so many problems is a good player, some good passing and a couple of decent crosses.

Lovenkrands - 7 - Loved the way we played him 'in the hole'. Was perfect as when we defended he dropped into midfield and made it harder for them to score but as soon as we got the ball he used that pace to support Martins. This is the way we should play away from home imo.

Martins - 7 - In the first half was fantastic displayed great touch, technique, vision and skill and gave the best defenders in the Prem a real run for their money, faded a lot after an hour though.


Caroll - 6 - Didn't do much.

Lua Lua - Not enough time.

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What exactly makes people think Owen will come in and start scoring goals? Say he plays the last 10 games, he might just nick 3 goals, does that justify him being in the team ahead of Lovenkrands, who'll at least give us geniune commitment, pace and workrate


does it fuck


Wahoo, commitment over ability. Always works that.

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.


Owen wouldn't have torn them apart but he would've finished Martins' chances.




You honestly don't think Owen would've finished Martins' header? Which was basically a sitter.


Owen is probably the best header-er of the ball we have (see how many headed goals he scores) and the reason he hardly scored before his injury is because we hardly created any chances, when he gets chances more often than not he scores, hence his better goal scoring record.


I'd ******* hate it if some of the people on here picked the team.  ;D

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Why is this idiot talking about Viduka and Owen saving us.


Two of the two biggest bottlers at the club.


f*** em both.





If Owen is fit, he will be a major help to us. Can score goals, and that's something we could always use.


I hate him.


If we are relying on Owen to keep us up then we will definitely be relegated.


He's our top scorer at the moment and before tonight had scored about 1/3 of our league goals.


I for one will be glad when he's back to be honest.


He's also a want away who couldn't care less about what happens to this club as he'll be happily off in the summer.


Started to be a complete passenger for a while before his injury. Obviously no longer gives a s***.


I wouldn't drop Lovenkrands or Martins for him.


Owen guarantees goals man. It's a shame there isn't a feasable way to incorperate the four of Jonas/Lovenkrands/Owen/Martins... we'd have a lot of pace to work with then.


he certainly guarentees 1 goal in 8, if his record before injury is owt to go by


And yet he's still our top scorer and has been for ages.


hardly difficult when:

a)he's our penalty taker

b) we have one other premiership striker in the squad, who's been out for 3 months



Like i said the other night ,If owen was fit we would have taken Bolton apart

That's ridiculous by the way. Owen is good, but no striker would have done well vs. Bolton. We didn't have one moment of coherent attacking play throughout the entire match. We would have barely seen Owen if he played vs. Bolton.


Owen wouldn't have torn them apart but he would've finished Martins' chances.




You honestly don't think Owen would've finished Martins' header? Which was basically a sitter.


Owen is probably the best header-er of the ball we have (see how many headed goals he scores) and the reason he hardly scored before his injury is because we hardly created any chances, when he gets chances more often than not he scores, hence his better goal scoring record.


I'd ******* hate it if some of the people on here picked the team.  ;D


Owen was missing sitters like it was going out of fashion in the winter

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Guest Howaythetoon

What exactly makes people think Owen will come in and start scoring goals? Say he plays the last 10 games, he might just nick 3 goals, does that justify him being in the team ahead of Lovenkrands, who'll at least give us geniune commitment, pace and workrate


does it f***


Its Lovenkrands' shirt to lose, Owen or no Owen. He hasn't played spectacularly well since he joined but in all the games, he's had chances and been a goal threat, scoring 2 now. His work rate, versatility and pace are also good things to have in the side, least of all his commitment. Tonight he went missing at times and tired towards the end but his pace and direct running worried Man Utd. He's an extra outlet for us basically.


Having said that there is no-one at the club who I'd trust more to score a goal or two than Michael Owen. Thing is with owen though, it takes him about 5 games to get sharp enough to score goals, and by the time he returns, we may not have enough games to count on him in that sense.


So once again, its Lovenkrands' shirt to lose. Him and Martins caused the best defence in Europe problems throughout and both had their chances, the Dane actually scoring. Stick with them and try and play to their strengths like we did tonight and we will create chances and score goals.

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Martins looked a lot sharper and fitter and that made a big difference. He and Lovenkrands looked a decent combination because you have one striker who likes the advanced position and another who plays back a bit. It would be a mistake to break them up to accommodate Owen - unfortunately it's one I can see us making.


It also helped that in Smith and Geremi you had two CM's who were comfortable on the ball. We were able to get the ball forward quickly, on the deck, and so our strikers were able to get the ball in a bit of space.


If we play with that spirit and confidence, we'll be safe. My only concern is that we weren't under any pressure, being expected to lose, and it might be a different story against the less fancied sides. We've got to approach each game in that frame of mind.

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