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Are we now the most hated club in England??


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Guest toonlass

I think we have to consider some of the reasons which might be behind the dislike of NUFC. This kind of thing isn't all schadenfreude or ressentiment, it is a thing with obvious causes.


First, take our chairman. A man who made his fortune selling crap to idiots by dubious merchandising methods. With this great fortune he became the figurehead for all that is rotten in our culture, a bloated moron who's only mission is to convert the world into a stage for his low-class drinking sessions.


Our manager (for the moment), the greatest player of his generation who took all his fame and influence and turned it to... absolutely nothing. A man who has the air of not giving a damn about anyone but himself or his golfing buddies. A man who converts our tax money from the licence fee into numbing platitudes and sits there on a sofa in his ever tightening trousers like he was given the god-given right to do so. I will refrain from dredging up the spectres of our previous managers / board membranes, merely eluding to the fact that they were, shall we say, dislikeable since 2004. A man who gave all his testimonial money away to charity and has done loads of other stuff for charity without asking for praise, publicity etc (and I know this because a lad I know asked loads of footballers for some help with a charity and Alan Shearer donated his time for no money and didn't ask for any publicity) so it can hardly be said that he doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself or his golfing buddies can it?


Our midfield, I am sadly compelled to remind everyone, consists of either thugs; despicable little shits like Barton, Nolan, Smith, or people who have pissed it away/gone to seed (delete as appropriate depending on your anger levels) like Duff and Butt.


The only good thing I can say about a Newcastle player is how I have loved Bassong's rise this season, via Lillian Thuram, From being 'maybe the new Gallas' to 'definitely the new Desailly'. I'd love to be able to say a bit more about foreign players like Enrique and Xisco have have the rather unusual quality of being interesting people as well as footballers, but the barely concealed racism we have about the 'lazy foreigner' means they don't raise their heads above the parapet. Slightly harsh on Enrique who has had some good games for us this season tbh


One thing I will say for the Shepherd regime was that stuff like the 'Untied in Black and White' anti-racism campaign and the desire to have the club set a positive example was brilliant. We aren't Barcelona, but we should be: a club which is proud to stand up and say we're from the land of Bede and Cuthbert, Armstrong and Parsons, Iron and coal... hell, no one else is in a position to do so, certainly not the oversized Working Men's Club which passes for a football club in Sunderland. Maybe you have failed to realise that our ground is hosting an event in July against a German XI in aid of the Bobby Robson Foundation which will bring a lot of money to a charity which is close to a lot of fans hearts. Also they now have a learning centre for kids in the area at St James' Park, the players are going and doing lots in the community at school, cubs and scout groups etc and they still visit the hospitals at Christmas time, so its not all take, take, take


Then you have 'the best fans in the world', the lunatics who surround me in the ground who howl like pained baboons as soon as someone – horror of horrors - makes a pass backwards or sidewards  to keep possession, who bay at anyone they suspect of not 'getting stuck in', which seems to be a general description for making bad tackles, conceding free kicks and abandoning any positional sense. Is it too much to have a support which is actually interested in football as a game?


We might as well get relegated, move the football to Kingston Park, and at 1500 on a Saturday at St James' we can have two keepers standing in their boxes playing mindless long balls to each other while there is a cock fight or some other act of petty violence on the centre of the pitch.


Sorry but I think there are flaws in your points tbh.

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We do have a lot of deluded supporters. If we stay up then some people will be on here within a couple of days saying we're going to finish in the top 6 just like every other year.

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I find the subject of NUFC to be quite telling, it shows whether the person in question has their own educated opinion or simply regurgitates media waffle.


in person i find most people have a soft spot for newcastle and the kind of fans who come up here as away fans and have drinks in the city-centre also seem to have fond memories of the fans and the city.


on the internet i find most hate us and this is when you hear the 'fans are deluded' cliches. when prompted to explain what they mean by that, they launch into pavlovian reflex responses like 'they think they're going to win the league every year', 'they've driven out every manager they've ever had', 'they've never won fuck all' and so on.

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Harsh but it's got the ring of truth. I've seen some of our supposedly knowledgeable fans start baiting the team if they pass it sideways, when sometimes you have to do that to retain posession.


That is something that REALLY fucks me off. I'd rather see us knock the ball about at the back for 90mins than launch aimless balls up to the opposition time and time again. The better teams keep the ball and move it about until there's an opening, they don't pass it to each other twice then twat it in the general direction of the midget who's not scored in months. The players should never feel under pressure to pass it forward if it means gifting possession back.

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I think we have to consider some of the reasons which might be behind the dislike of NUFC. This kind of thing isn't all schadenfreude or ressentiment, it is a thing with obvious causes.


First, take our chairman. A man who made his fortune selling crap to idiots by dubious merchandising methods. With this great fortune he became the figurehead for all that is rotten in our culture, a bloated moron who's only mission is to convert the world into a stage for his low-class drinking sessions.


Our manager (for the moment), the greatest player of his generation who took all his fame and influence and turned it to... absolutely nothing. A man who has the air of not giving a damn about anyone but himself or his golfing buddies. A man who converts our tax money from the licence fee into numbing platitudes and sits there on a sofa in his ever tightening trousers like he was given the god-given right to do so. I will refrain from dredging up the spectres of our previous managers / board membranes, merely eluding to the fact that they were, shall we say, dislikeable since 2004. A man who gave all his testimonial money away to charity and has done loads of other stuff for charity without asking for praise, publicity etc (and I know this because a lad I know asked loads of footballers for some help with a charity and Alan Shearer donated his time for no money and didn't ask for any publicity) so it can hardly be said that he doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself or his golfing buddies can it?

The problem is that we're talking about a story here, the story of why other fans don't like the club. If you do charity work and keep it quiet that makes you a good person, but it doesn't really dis-spell the aura of, as I said, “A man who has the air of not giving a damn”. The only way you change the narrative is by making the symbolic gestures, not quietly working in the background.


Our midfield, I am sadly compelled to remind everyone, consists of either thugs; despicable little shits like Barton, Nolan, Smith, or people who have pissed it away/gone to seed (delete as appropriate depending on your anger levels) like Duff and Butt.


The only good thing I can say about a Newcastle player is how I have loved Bassong's rise this season, via Lillian Thuram, From being 'maybe the new Gallas' to 'definitely the new Desailly'. I'd love to be able to say a bit more about foreign players like Enrique and Xisco have have the rather unusual quality of being interesting people as well as footballers, but the barely concealed racism we have about the 'lazy foreigner' means they don't raise their heads above the parapet. Slightly harsh on Enrique who has had some good games for us this season tbh



I think my double 'haves' have confounded grammatical decency here; the point is that we moved away from the happy cosmopolitanism of the Robson years when you could find something like Dabizas and Ketsbaia sitting having coffee in the Cafe Neon, or Nobby playing at the Jazz club. Now we have players who I like on and off the pitch – like the two I mentioned, who never seem to have a profile beyond the usual 'saw x in club y' . The footballers might put something back into the area economically, if only to jack up property prices in Darras Hall and keep a few boutiques / stables ticking over, but what do they put in culturally?


To put it another way, who is likeable at the club? The situation seems to be that we hear from the jerks – say, Barton – and not the good guys.


One thing I will say for the Shepherd regime was that stuff like the 'Untied in Black and White' anti-racism campaign and the desire to have the club set a positive example was brilliant. We aren't Barcelona, but we should be: a club which is proud to stand up and say we're from the land of Bede and Cuthbert, Armstrong and Parsons, Iron and coal... hell, no one else is in a position to do so, certainly not the oversized Working Men's Club which passes for a football club in Sunderland. Maybe you have failed to realise that our ground is hosting an event in July against a German XI in aid of the Bobby Robson Foundation which will bring a lot of money to a charity which is close to a lot of fans hearts. Also they now have a learning centre for kids in the area at St James' Park, the players are going and doing lots in the community at school, cubs and scout groups etc and they still visit the hospitals at Christmas time, so its not all take, take, take



See the first comment I made. I'm not talking about doing the minimum expected quietly, I'm talking about changing the perception of the team. And I reiterate, I think we are regarded as fairly dastardly. To see a switch in the Zeitgeist so dramatic you go from #1 to last place in the popularity stakes is extraordinary and even if things are going on as before, they're not working any more.


There are only so many futures for Newcastle United which can be written at the moment, and due to the circumstances and the cast; not to mention the tone of the last few chapters, I'm not looking forward to seeing which ones play out. It'll take something epochal to get things back to where they were.

Then you have 'the best fans in the world', the lunatics who surround me in the ground who howl like pained baboons as soon as someone – horror of horrors - makes a pass backwards or sidewards  to keep possession, who bay at anyone they suspect of not 'getting stuck in', which seems to be a general description for making bad tackles, conceding free kicks and abandoning any positional sense. Is it too much to have a support which is actually interested in football as a game?


We might as well get relegated, move the football to Kingston Park, and at 1500 on a Saturday at St James' we can have two keepers standing in their boxes playing mindless long balls to each other while there is a cock fight or some other act of petty violence on the centre of the pitch.


Sorry but I think there are flaws in your points tbh.


and i appologise for the monstrosity i have probably made of the html in this reply.


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Harsh but it's got the ring of truth. I've seen some of our supposedly knowledgeable fans start baiting the team if they pass it sideways, when sometimes you have to do that to retain posession.


That is something that REALLY fucks me off. I'd rather see us knock the ball about at the back for 90mins than launch aimless balls up to the opposition time and time again. The better teams keep the ball and move it about until there's an opening, they don't pass it to each other twice then twat it in the general direction of the midget who's not scored in months. The players should never feel under pressure to pass it forward if it means gifting possession back.


The classic one for me is when someone pulled the ball back to another player from the byline –  accurately – the guy next to me was raving about how it wasn't crossed in. The player it was passed back to (I recall it was Ameobi) kicked it into the net. The guy was left complaining as everyone else was celebrating the goal.


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Guest toonlass

I think we have to consider some of the reasons which might be behind the dislike of NUFC. This kind of thing isn't all schadenfreude or ressentiment, it is a thing with obvious causes.


First, take our chairman. A man who made his fortune selling crap to idiots by dubious merchandising methods. With this great fortune he became the figurehead for all that is rotten in our culture, a bloated moron who's only mission is to convert the world into a stage for his low-class drinking sessions.


Our manager (for the moment), the greatest player of his generation who took all his fame and influence and turned it to... absolutely nothing. A man who has the air of not giving a damn about anyone but himself or his golfing buddies. A man who converts our tax money from the licence fee into numbing platitudes and sits there on a sofa in his ever tightening trousers like he was given the god-given right to do so. I will refrain from dredging up the spectres of our previous managers / board membranes, merely eluding to the fact that they were, shall we say, dislikeable since 2004. A man who gave all his testimonial money away to charity and has done loads of other stuff for charity without asking for praise, publicity etc (and I know this because a lad I know asked loads of footballers for some help with a charity and Alan Shearer donated his time for no money and didn't ask for any publicity) so it can hardly be said that he doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself or his golfing buddies can it?

The problem is that we're talking about a story here, the story of why other fans don't like the club. If you do charity work and keep it quiet that makes you a good person, but it doesn't really dis-spell the aura of, as I said, “A man who has the air of not giving a damn”. The only way you change the narrative is by making the symbolic gestures, not quietly working in the background.


Our midfield, I am sadly compelled to remind everyone, consists of either thugs; despicable little shits like Barton, Nolan, Smith, or people who have pissed it away/gone to seed (delete as appropriate depending on your anger levels) like Duff and Butt.


The only good thing I can say about a Newcastle player is how I have loved Bassong's rise this season, via Lillian Thuram, From being 'maybe the new Gallas' to 'definitely the new Desailly'. I'd love to be able to say a bit more about foreign players like Enrique and Xisco have have the rather unusual quality of being interesting people as well as footballers, but the barely concealed racism we have about the 'lazy foreigner' means they don't raise their heads above the parapet. Slightly harsh on Enrique who has had some good games for us this season tbh



I think my double 'haves' have confounded grammatical decency here; the point is that we moved away from the happy cosmopolitanism of the Robson years when you could find something like Dabizas and Ketsbaia sitting having coffee in the Cafe Neon, or Nobby playing at the Jazz club. Now we have players who I like on and off the pitch – like the two I mentioned, who never seem to have a profile beyond the usual 'saw x in club y' . The footballers might put something back into the area economically, if only to jack up property prices in Darras Hall and keep a few boutiques / stables ticking over, but what do they put in culturally?


To put it another way, who is likeable at the club? The situation seems to be that we hear from the jerks – say, Barton – and not the good guys.


One thing I will say for the Shepherd regime was that stuff like the 'Untied in Black and White' anti-racism campaign and the desire to have the club set a positive example was brilliant. We aren't Barcelona, but we should be: a club which is proud to stand up and say we're from the land of Bede and Cuthbert, Armstrong and Parsons, Iron and coal... hell, no one else is in a position to do so, certainly not the oversized Working Men's Club which passes for a football club in Sunderland. Maybe you have failed to realise that our ground is hosting an event in July against a German XI in aid of the Bobby Robson Foundation which will bring a lot of money to a charity which is close to a lot of fans hearts. Also they now have a learning centre for kids in the area at St James' Park, the players are going and doing lots in the community at school, cubs and scout groups etc and they still visit the hospitals at Christmas time, so its not all take, take, take



See the first comment I made. I'm not talking about doing the minimum expected quietly, I'm talking about changing the perception of the team. And I reiterate, I think we are regarded as fairly dastardly. To see a switch in the Zeitgeist so dramatic you go from #1 to last place in the popularity stakes is extraordinary and even if things are going on as before, they're not working any more.


There are only so many futures for Newcastle United which can be written at the moment, and due to the circumstances and the cast; not to mention the tone of the last few chapters, I'm not looking forward to seeing which ones play out. It'll take something epochal to get things back to where they were.

Then you have 'the best fans in the world', the lunatics who surround me in the ground who howl like pained baboons as soon as someone – horror of horrors - makes a pass backwards or sidewards  to keep possession, who bay at anyone they suspect of not 'getting stuck in', which seems to be a general description for making bad tackles, conceding free kicks and abandoning any positional sense. Is it too much to have a support which is actually interested in football as a game?


We might as well get relegated, move the football to Kingston Park, and at 1500 on a Saturday at St James' we can have two keepers standing in their boxes playing mindless long balls to each other while there is a cock fight or some other act of petty violence on the centre of the pitch.


Sorry but I think there are flaws in your points tbh.


and i appologise for the monstrosity i have probably made of the html in this reply.



The problem, though, about the charity work, community works thing is that if it was trumpeted all over the media then it would be a case of "smug, self-promoting bastards". No matter what they cannot win.

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It is just schadenfreude, it doesn't matter that it is Newcastle.


I remember when we last got relegated, five years after winning the European Cup, people were queuing up to take the piss. Nowadays the interest in football is much wider and more intense, so the piss gets taken even more.


It would be absolutely no different if it were Villa, Everton, Spurs etc etc.


The time to worry would be when nobody batted an eyelid.

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Definitely not the most hated club. Just imagine how much more virulent it would be if Liverpool, Man U or Chelsea were struggling. The motive is broadly the same just that in the case of Newcastle there is currently the opportunity as well. As others have said, if we (Spurs) were in the same position the general feeling would be the same, maybe worse with an anti-London/southern media mafia slant tacked on.


I think you can look at any inter-club hatred coming from various angles - 1) local rivalry 2) tall poppy syndrome 3) rivalry between peers 4) personal resentments/jealousies. At the moment, Newcastle ticks a lot of the boxes. 1) Boro & Sunderland 2) smaller clubs 3) Man City/Spurs/Villa/Everton and I'd actually say some residual Big 4 rivalry (it wasn't that long ago) 4) any club with smaller attendances, less media spotlight, smaller wage bill - or who've got mates who are Newcastle fans and enjoy a bit of a laugh.


When I was growing up in N London in the 70s/80s I hated Arsenal (1, 2, 3 & 4) and Liverpool (1, 3, 4 - so many bloody glory-hunters). I only knew one Man U fan and Chelsea weren't a threat so I've never hated them.


It's schadenfreude. Most fans have the same delusions just some teams can live up to them more often than others.

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It is just schadenfreude, it doesn't matter that it is Newcastle.


I remember when we last got relegated, five years after winning the European Cup, people were queuing up to take the piss. Nowadays the interest in football is much wider and more intense, so the piss gets taken even more.


It would be absolutely no different if it were Villa, Everton, Spurs etc etc.


The time to worry would be when nobody batted an eyelid.


once again, nailed

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I think we have to consider some of the reasons which might be behind the dislike of NUFC. This kind of thing isn't all schadenfreude or ressentiment, it is a thing with obvious causes.


First, take our chairman. A man who made his fortune selling crap to idiots by dubious merchandising methods. With this great fortune he became the figurehead for all that is rotten in our culture, a bloated moron who's only mission is to convert the world into a stage for his low-class drinking sessions.


Our manager (for the moment), the greatest player of his generation who took all his fame and influence and turned it to... absolutely nothing. A man who has the air of not giving a damn about anyone but himself or his golfing buddies. A man who converts our tax money from the licence fee into numbing platitudes and sits there on a sofa in his ever tightening trousers like he was given the god-given right to do so. I will refrain from dredging up the spectres of our previous managers / board membranes, merely eluding to the fact that they were, shall we say, dislikeable since 2004.


Our midfield, I am sadly compelled to remind everyone, consists of either thugs; despicable little shits like Barton, Nolan, Smith, or people who have pissed it away/gone to seed (delete as appropriate depending on your anger levels) like Duff and Butt.


The only good thing I can say about a Newcastle player is how I have loved Bassong's rise this season, via Lillian Thuram, From being 'maybe the new Gallas' to 'definitely the new Desailly'. I'd love to be able to say a bit more about foreign players like Enrique and Xisco have have the rather unusual quality of being interesting people as well as footballers, but the barely concealed racism we have about the 'lazy foreigner' means they don't raise their heads above the parapet.


One thing I will say for the Shepherd regime was that stuff like the 'Untied in Black and White' anti-racism campaign and the desire to have the club set a positive example was brilliant. We aren't Barcelona, but we should be: a club which is proud to stand up and say we're from the land of Bede and Cuthbert, Armstrong and Parsons, Iron and coal... hell, no one else is in a position to do so, certainly not the oversized Working Men's Club which passes for a football club in Sunderland.


Then you have 'the best fans in the world', the lunatics who surround me in the ground who howl like pained baboons as soon as someone – horror of horrors - makes a pass backwards or sidewards  to keep possession, who bay at anyone they suspect of not 'getting stuck in', which seems to be a general description for making bad tackles, conceding free kicks and abandoning any positional sense. Is it too much to have a support which is actually interested in football as a game?


We might as well get relegated, move the football to Kingston Park, and at 1500 on a Saturday at St James' we can have two keepers standing in their boxes playing mindless long balls to each other while there is a cock fight or some other act of petty violence on the centre of the pitch.


i don't know whether to laugh or cry at this post, i really don't

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Definitely not the most hated club. Just imagine how much more virulent it would be if Liverpool, Man U or Chelsea were struggling. The motive is broadly the same just that in the case of Newcastle there is currently the opportunity as well. As others have said, if we (Spurs) were in the same position the general feeling would be the same, maybe worse with an anti-London/southern media mafia slant tacked on.


I think you can look at any inter-club hatred coming from various angles - 1) local rivalry 2) tall poppy syndrome 3) rivalry between peers 4) personal resentments/jealousies. At the moment, Newcastle ticks a lot of the boxes. 1) Boro & Sunderland 2) smaller clubs 3) Man City/Spurs/Villa/Everton and I'd actually say some residual Big 4 rivalry (it wasn't that long ago) 4) any club with smaller attendances, less media spotlight, smaller wage bill - or who've got mates who are Newcastle fans and enjoy a bit of a laugh.


When I was growing up in N London in the 70s/80s I hated Arsenal (1, 2, 3 & 4) and Liverpool (1, 3, 4 - so many bloody glory-hunters). I only knew one Man U fan and Chelsea weren't a threat so I've never hated them.


It's schadenfreude. Most fans have the same delusions just some teams can live up to them more often than others.


Very good post. I made the point about Spurs earlier in the thread and was just coming back to do the same about the feeling if a current 'big 4' club were to find themselves in our position in a couple of years, but you've already done it.

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Guest Hodgey

I hate half of our fans. Mainly the ones who have latched on since 1992. No wonder the rest of the country have realised what a bunch of cretins are support has turned into.


Seems you’re looking for a scapegoat there tbh ; firstly the whole thing about people latching on circa ’92, yeah there were a fair few at the time but the majority of them have more than likely jumped off that bandwagon several years ago to ‘support’ one of the ‘big 4’.  Genuine Man U fans can quite rightly be somewhat annoyed at gloryhunters with no connection to Manchester latching on to them as there’s literally millions of them but I think its slightly overegged in our case.

Secondly you assume that the muppets / rent-a-mob that the media trip over themselves to film outside SJP are the very same people that have supposedly latched on, where’s your evidence for that, anyone without a geordie accent?  The spurious notion that gloryhunters from outside the area are at the heart of the clubs woes and somehow responsible for them, needs consigning to the narrow minds that keep bringing it up.


Moving on, I agree that its more schadenfraude than genuine hatred although I think one of the main reasons for the recent ratcheting up of anti-Newcastle chatter on other forums and in general is the appointment of Shearer.  Speak to any other fans and invariably they trot out the same lazy tedious clichés about him being a dirty player who got away with loads, only got so many goals cos of the number of pens he won by cheating, of him turning his back on England etc etc.  Sadly there’s a massive anti-Shearer bandwagon out there ; the ‘cheer up Alan Shearer’ song is ringing out in stadia where we’re not even playing ffs.   


‘The bigger they are the harder they fall’ and most people want to see the ship go down with big Al at the helm, Sky cameras panning round Villa Park for blokes in tears and the commentators milking the predictable clichés of loyal fans, fallen giants etc.  Gotta face facts, the revolution or rather dissolution will be televised and relished by many !


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I hate half of our fans. Mainly the ones who have latched on since 1992. No wonder the rest of the country have realised what a bunch of cretins are support has turned into.




this cracked me up - what a moronic thing to come out with, retarded on so many levels

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I hate half of our fans. Mainly the ones who have latched on since 1992. No wonder the rest of the country have realised what a bunch of cretins are support has turned into.


Seems you’re looking for a scapegoat there tbh ; firstly the whole thing about people latching on circa ’92, yeah there were a fair few at the time but the majority of them have more than likely jumped off that bandwagon several years ago to ‘support’ one of the ‘big 4’.  Genuine Man U fans can quite rightly be somewhat annoyed at gloryhunters with no connection to Manchester latching on to them as there’s literally millions of them but I think its slightly overegged in our case.

Secondly you assume that the muppets / rent-a-mob that the media trip over themselves to film outside SJP are the very same people that have supposedly latched on, where’s your evidence for that, anyone without a geordie accent?  The spurious notion that gloryhunters from outside the area are at the heart of the clubs woes and somehow responsible for them, needs consigning to the narrow minds that keep bringing it up.


Moving on, I agree that its more schadenfraude than genuine hatred although I think one of the main reasons for the recent ratcheting up of anti-Newcastle chatter on other forums and in general is the appointment of Shearer.  Speak to any other fans and invariably they trot out the same lazy tedious clichés about him being a dirty player who got away with loads, only got so many goals cos of the number of pens he won by cheating, of him turning his back on England etc etc.  Sadly there’s a massive anti-Shearer bandwagon out there ; the ‘cheer up Alan Shearer’ song is ringing out in stadia where we’re not even playing ffs.   


‘The bigger they are the harder they fall’ and most people want to see the ship go down with big Al at the helm, Sky cameras panning round Villa Park for blokes in tears and the commentators milking the predictable clichés of loyal fans, fallen giants etc.  Gotta face facts, the revolution or rather dissolution will be televised and relished by many !


i even find that unlikely. my experience is that most were NUFC fans all along but couldn't be arsed to go and watch crap and plenty have gone back to that since robson left, they are still NUFC fans, albeit halfheartedly.


agree with most of the rest,including,what came as a surprise to me, that anti-shearer stuff.

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Guest aoliversaknob

Its quite simple


1) Smaller clubs fans love to see larger clubs failing

2) Media potray us all as a bunch of dimwit, severly obese, shoes off if u you love the toon fuckwits.  A picture speaks a thousand words and all that.

3) It is not only our own fans who hate seeing supporters own money pissed up the wall on stupid transfers who then produce nowt. It creates resentment and a "they deserve everything they get mentally", all that money and look what they have done with it. Fuck em.

4) We are a football club that has become rotten from the top down and as such we feel the pain they see it as good riddance.


5) Other fans hate the medai coverage we recieve.

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Its quite simple


1) Smaller clubs fans love to see larger clubs failing

2) Media potray us all as a bunch of dimwit, severly obese, shoes off if u you love the toon fuckwits.  A picture speaks a thousand words and all that.

3) It is not only our own fans who hate seeing supporters own money pissed up the wall on stupid transfers who then produce nowt. It creates resentment and a "they deserve everything they get mentally", all that money and look what they have done with it. f*** em.

4) We are a football club that has become rotten from the top down and as such we feel the pain they see it as good riddance.


5) Other fans hate the medai coverage we recieve.

very succinctly and well put. (i especially like the madrasisms in the last sentence)
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Guest Roger Kint

After those idiots allowed SSN to issue them prewritten statements on Tuesday afternoon its little wonder the rest of the country want us to suffer. What a bunch of morons they were. Cringingly embarassing.

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After those idiots allowed SSN to issue them prewritten statements on Tuesday afternoon its little wonder the rest of the country want us to suffer. What a bunch of morons they were. Cringingly embarassing.

eh ? whats that about ?
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I hate half of our fans. Mainly the ones who have latched on since 1992. No wonder the rest of the country have realised what a bunch of cretins are support has turned into.




this cracked me up - what a moronic thing to come out with, retarded on so many levels


To be fair it's coming from the same fella who thinks our team is as good as Liverpool's.

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I think a lot of this has do with the excitement and interest a so called 'big club' going down brings.


For example, a few years ago, when West Ham went down I didn't give a shit about them as a club but I would be talking to people about 'how much do you think we'd get Defoe for?' or 'Do you reckon Carrick etc will stay?'


There's a lot to do with the impact and fall out a big club going down has and that piques people's interests. It would mine if I hadn't spend the last 20 years giving this club my heart and bastard soul.


If we were home and dry sitting where say Fulham or Wigan are now, we'd have threads called 'Players you fancy from the relegated clubs' etc


I'd love to be having discussions about whether Tuncay or Downing were worth bids.


I think that element, coupled with the media coverage we get as a club contributes to the feelings other clubs fans have.


We can't take it too personnally though, as for every thread saying how much we deserve it there are people on the streets, building sites and in offices all over the country saying how we are a genuine big club, a loyal set of fans and that we belong in the top league.


Arguably in the same way Leeds, Sheff Wed etc do.


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Guest Roger Kint

After those idiots allowed SSN to issue them prewritten statements on Tuesday afternoon its little wonder the rest of the country want us to suffer. What a bunch of morons they were. Cringingly embarassing.

eh ? whats that about ?


Was forced to watch freeview thanks to the tyne tunnel workers killing virgin media. There was about 6 'newcastle fans' reading from scripts saying Newcastle will stay up because........


Reasons included 'we have Shearer' 'the messiah is back' 'We have the most potent strikeforce in the bottom half' etc

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After those idiots allowed SSN to issue them prewritten statements on Tuesday afternoon its little wonder the rest of the country want us to suffer. What a bunch of morons they were. Cringingly embarassing.

eh ? whats that about ?


Was forced to watch freeview thanks to the tyne tunnel workers killing virgin media. There was about 6 'newcastle fans' reading from scripts saying Newcastle will stay up because........


Reasons included 'we have Shearer' 'the messiah is back' 'We have the most potent strikeforce in the bottom half' etc


I heard that. My toes and milk curled.

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Guest toonlass

After those idiots allowed SSN to issue them prewritten statements on Tuesday afternoon its little wonder the rest of the country want us to suffer. What a bunch of morons they were. Cringingly embarassing.

eh ? whats that about ?


Was forced to watch freeview thanks to the tyne tunnel workers killing virgin media. There was about 6 'newcastle fans' reading from scripts saying Newcastle will stay up because........


Reasons included 'we have Shearer' 'the messiah is back' 'We have the most potent strikeforce in the bottom half' etc


I heard that. My toes and milk curled.


Oh for fucks sake. Where do they find them?

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After those idiots allowed SSN to issue them prewritten statements on Tuesday afternoon its little wonder the rest of the country want us to suffer. What a bunch of morons they were. Cringingly embarassing.

eh ? whats that about ?


Was forced to watch freeview thanks to the tyne tunnel workers killing virgin media. There was about 6 'newcastle fans' reading from scripts saying Newcastle will stay up because........


Reasons included 'we have Shearer' 'the messiah is back' 'We have the most potent strikeforce in the bottom half' etc


I heard that. My toes and milk curled.


Oh for f***s sake. Where do they find them?

blyth probably
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