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The other games today - 2009/10


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50/50 ball, Shawcross was late and Ramsey had his leg planted. Awful incident and I hope the lad is okay but this s*** happens in football. It's a contact sport. I've watched it several times and there was no intent. It was wreckless, yes but nowt more.


It could so easily have been Shawcross with a broken leg too. That's what makes Big Tron's comments all the more stupid.

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What would you say if it was Ramsay that f***ed up Shawcross?


I'd say Aaron Ramsay's a quick and skilfull player. I'm surprised he'd be so clumsy to make a leg breaking challenge.


Aye, he should have just stepped out the way and let Ramsey run past him.


He could have kept his tackling foot on the ground, but yes I suppose it's worth breaking someone's leg in order to stop him run past I suppose.

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Thats another thing, whats wrong with Stoke's long throws? I mean if any other team had done it then it would be classed as a great piece of play, we used to do similar things when we had Distin. Sure other times they might play long ball, but you can't complain when a ball you know is going to come into the box, comes in and you don't defend it.


Nothings wrong with them until they go overboard and start using them every fucking minute of the game, then it becomes extremely annoying.  Also the fact that they have towels on the sidelines they use to dry the ball which they then don't allow the other team to use is a bit silly IMO, borderline cheating.

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50/50 ball, Shawcross was late and Ramsey had his leg planted. Awful incident and I hope the lad is okay but this s*** happens in football. It's a contact sport. I've watched it several times and there was no intent. It was wreckless, yes but nowt more.


It could so easily have been Shawcross with a broken leg too. That's what makes Big Tron's comments all the more stupid.


Excactly. It's similar to the Eduardo incident in that the Arsenal player would've been fine if he was just a bit slower. Obviously that's not to say it's their fault, far from it, but it just goes to show it's bad luck and nothing more.


If you can see any intent in that tackle then you're either a mind reader or you're chatting shite (Hi TRon!). You see challenges like that once or twice every match at least and nothing happens. It was just catastrophically bad luck.

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What would you say if it was Ramsay that f***ed up Shawcross?


I'd say Aaron Ramsay's a quick and skilfull player. I'm surprised he'd be so clumsy to make a leg breaking challenge.


Aye, he should have just stepped out the way and let Ramsey run past him.


He could have kept his tackling foot on the ground, but yes I suppose it's worth breaking someone's leg in order to stop him run past I suppose.


So you reckon he was thinking 'Right, I'm gonna fucking break his leg here'? Because his reaction post-incident suggests otherwise. Either that, or he's a brilliant actor. Or maybe he was crying because he was so happy it worked?

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50/50 ball, Shawcross was late and Ramsey had his leg planted. Awful incident and I hope the lad is okay but this s*** happens in football. It's a contact sport. I've watched it several times and there was no intent. It was wreckless, yes but nowt more.


It could so easily have been Shawcross with a broken leg too. That's what makes Big Tron's comments all the more stupid.


Excactly. It's similar to the Eduardo incident in that the Arsenal player would've been fine if he was just a bit slower. Obviously that's not to say it's their fault, far from it, but it just goes to show it's bad luck and nothing more.


If you can see any intent in that tackle then you're either a mind reader or you're chatting shite (Hi TRon!). You see challenges like that once or twice every match at least and nothing happens. It was just catastrophically bad luck.


Why do I bother? It really isn't worth it.

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What would you say if it was Ramsay that f***ed up Shawcross?


I'd say Aaron Ramsay's a quick and skilfull player. I'm surprised he'd be so clumsy to make a leg breaking challenge.


Aye, he should have just stepped out the way and let Ramsey run past him.


He could have kept his tackling foot on the ground, but yes I suppose it's worth breaking someone's leg in order to stop him run past I suppose.


So you reckon he was thinking 'Right, I'm gonna f***ing break his leg here'? Because his reaction post-incident suggests otherwise. Either that, or he's a brilliant actor. Or maybe he was crying because he was so happy it worked?

or maybe the adrenalin got him on the pitch then later he realised what he'd done ?



(devils advocate here...i've yet to see the incident)

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50/50 ball, Shawcross was late and Ramsey had his leg planted. Awful incident and I hope the lad is okay but this s*** happens in football. It's a contact sport. I've watched it several times and there was no intent. It was wreckless, yes but nowt more.


It could so easily have been Shawcross with a broken leg too. That's what makes Big Tron's comments all the more stupid.


Excactly. It's similar to the Eduardo incident in that the Arsenal player would've been fine if he was just a bit slower. Obviously that's not to say it's their fault, far from it, but it just goes to show it's bad luck and nothing more.


If you can see any intent in that tackle then you're either a mind reader or you're chatting shite (Hi TRon!). You see challenges like that once or twice every match at least and nothing happens. It was just catastrophically bad luck.


Why do I bother? It really isn't worth it.


I'd say you know fuck all about football, but it would be impolite to those who actually know fuck all. I've watched you for a while and I've decided you're either mentally disabled or just a dull contrary fucker.


You've been pretty selective with the bold button there and it's clear as day what I mean - the player who got their foot down first was going to get injured. That's what can happen in 50/50 tackles unfortunately. Eduardo and Ramsey have been injured horrifically in very, very similar incidents. There was no malice, it was an accident. We're not talking about Roy Keane going in knee height on someone. It wasn't calculated, it's just something that happens.

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What the fuck is Wenger on? It wasn't a horrendous tackle at all. The damage it's done is horrendous but it was a 50/50 ball and he got there a fraction of a second late.


Feel desperately sorry for the lad but that wasn't intentional. Just pure bad luck .

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I feel so sorry for Shawcross, he isn't a dirty player, was obviously very upset by the challenge and was just too late. If there wasn't the horrific injury i think it could have just been a yellow. I don't think there was intent at all and i just wish Ramsey the best of luck because he is the best young player we have and i just hope he can make it back to the level he is at.

It was a bad challenge, he shouldn't have left the ground as he did but i don't think he's dirty.


It's easier said than done but Wenger needs to stop reacting and speaking in the heat of the moment.

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Guest toonlass

Really feel sorry for Ryan Shawcross this morning. Apparantly he couldn't drive home after he match because he was so upset and had to have his mam drive him home. Don't see why SSN have to show the incident 3 or 4 times and then the Eduado and Diaby incidents. Turning my stomach.

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Wenger, Fabregas and the rest of the gang could do themselves a favour by stop having faces like dropped pies and most of all, stop fucking whinging. Just, shut up. I don't want to hear the irritating amalgamation of words your moaning trap has to spill.

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Wenger, Fabregas and the rest of the gang could do themselves a favour by stop having faces like dropped pies and most of all, stop f***ing whinging. Just, shut up. I don't want to hear the irritating amalgamation of words your moaning trap has to spill.


I really do feel for Ramsey, but I struggle to feel sorry for the side that has people like Arsene and Fabregas who stand there and go "FEEL SORRY FOR US GODDAMMIT!!" acting as if Shawcross is some sort of Bond villain.

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I hate to say it but if Shawcross was indeed in the state the media says he was, he isn't right for the England squad yet.


Probably missed the point here but doubt I'd have him there regardless (for the WC I mean).


Good player though, and most certainly not dirty.


Edit: just seen he's been called up for the Egypt game. I'd give him a run out in that like (if he's mentally right to play).

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"The tackle was horrendous. It is unacceptable," Wenger said.


"And please spare me the article tomorrow that says Shawcross is not like that - I heard the same when Eduardo was badly injured.


fucking idiot.

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Just seen the tackle, nowt in it. Looks horrible though, feel really sorry for Ramsey, one of my favourite young players out there and this could seriously damage his career.

Also it's a shame it had to be Shawcross who made the tackle, as he's probably the only Stoke player I actually like. The look on his face yesterday said everything really.

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"The tackle was horrendous. It is unacceptable," Wenger said.


"And please spare me the article tomorrow that says Shawcross is not like that - I heard the same when Eduardo was badly injured.


fucking idiot.


It's funny how such a masterful manager and knowledgeable football guru can be so thick.

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