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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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I'm sure there are some p*ssed off players, which is worrying, but fingers crossed it is isolated to the ones who have contract wrangles (Barton, Jose, and Routledge).


What I don't understand is why that should affect them getting on with their jobs. They earn thousands a week, and are under contract. Why the hell do they need to moan about it to everyone (in public)? All he is doing is playing to the masses. Fair enough, we know the owner and chairman aren't well liked and are renowned for being difficult to work with, but how does it help anyone by going on Twitter and riling up a group of already disappointed fans?


All he's succeeding in doing is letting every team and newspaper in the country know that there is a lack of harmony (whether it's isolated to a few players or not), and leaves the door wide open to criticism and speculation. That will obviously make everyone's job harder. It's difficult enough to put together a team to succeed in the premiership, and to buy good quality new players. This will just make it harder.


Just get on with your job FFS.


Sick to the back teeth of this now.



Disclaimer: I don't doubt that there is a deeper issue to be resolved with the way MA and DL deal with the players (seemingly when they're due for new contracts), but this Twitter stuff is becoming a bigger problem IMO. There will be contract disputes at every club up and down the country right now, but we don't hear about them.




Why thank you!  O0


No worries sugar x

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Agreed with the last sentence, but it is 100% wrong for it to be splashed across Twitter from our own players like this.


The players seem to think they need to splash is across twitter and they are the ones who feel hard done by for some reason.  The problems they have with the club should be sorted inside the club and they clearly aren't.  3 of the players are complaining that the club are or have been bullshitting them, they are either saying it or as good as doing so by backing up what others are saying. 


If the club want this to stop then they need to talk to the players and sort things out, banning twitter doesn't solve any problems, it just hides them.  It does nobody any good while we have players who are pissed off. Moving the players on just allows the problems within the squad to remain as they are, at best.  Or allows the problems to grow and grow which will not end well.

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The whole of Twitter needs to be shover up Luke Edward's orifice. Either that or we need to stop listen to his s****.


Used to think he was alright, but since his move back down south he's become a complete utter t***.


He is still based locally = just switched to the Telelgraph.


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Hasn't Steve Wraith already said something that was later to be proven bollocks, if Barton is on twitter I don't see why Simpson wouldn't respond even if they were sitting on each others lap.

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Guest bimpy474

Hasn't Steve Wraith already said something that was later to be proven bollocks, if Barton is on twitter I don't see why Simpson wouldn't respond even if they were sitting on each others lap.


He is a massive attention seeking cock.......i hate when he's rolled out on the TV.

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It plays into the boards hands too. 'We were about to buy Messi for £130m but he saw there was unrest so changed his mind.'  ;)

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Guest neesy111

Hasn't Steve Wraith already said something that was later to be proven bollocks, if Barton is on twitter I don't see why Simpson wouldn't respond even if they were sitting on each others lap.


He is a massive attention seeking cock.......i hate when he's rolled out on the TV.


He always is 2nd guessing people's thoughts and that every player at NUFC is friends with him.

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Why hasn't Pardew put a stop to all this regardless of the reasons? He's the manager and should be managing his players.


Not traveled home on team bus according to Steve Wraith.  (I know, I know, its twitter bollox!)

Barton hasn't either by all accounts. Why would he be tweeting Danny Simpson if they were on the same bus home.

(Doesn't mean that they've fallen out though but it does seem a bit odd!)


I don't think they were tweeting each other till they'd have been back in Newcastle tbf.

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I agree entirely. I just think that we need to have some ground rules in place for Twitter etc. You don't see other clubs players spouting unsavoury stuff about their employers, and I'm sure we aren't the only club in the country to have a few p*ssed off players.


I agree they need rules but the players are clearly not bothered as they must know they'll possibly get fined for tweeting the kind of things which they are tweeting.  I can't see how the club could legally stop them from using twitter, all they can do is fine them and that isn't doing anybody and good.  It's the management at the club trying to surpress bad news instead of putting things right.


Like I said, the only way to stop this is to sort the problems out.  I would much rather that this wasn't happening but I would rather that was the case because we didn't have problems, not because things are getting hidden.

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Guest bimpy474

Hasn't Steve Wraith already said something that was later to be proven bollocks, if Barton is on twitter I don't see why Simpson wouldn't respond even if they were sitting on each others lap.


Also the players who played today get the next day off, as is the way with most clubs, Barton maybe off to see his Mum, could be his girlfriends family, could be any numbers of things, Wraith is just the type of mudslinging rumour munger that the papers love, shithead.

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Agreed with the last sentence, but it is 100% wrong for it to be splashed across Twitter from our own players like this.


The players seem to think they need to splash is across twitter and they are the ones who feel hard done by for some reason.  The problems they have with the club should be sorted inside the club and they clearly aren't.  3 of the players are complaining that the club are or have been bullshitting them, they are either saying it or as good as doing so by backing up what others are saying. 


If the club want this to stop then they need to talk to the players and sort things out, banning twitter doesn't solve any problems, it just hides them.  It does nobody any good while we have players who are p*ssed off. Moving the players on just allows the problems within the squad to remain as they are, at best.  Or allows the problems to grow and grow which will not end well.


Agree.  The regime needs to sort out the issues because as you say moving players out won't solve the problem - the remaining players will probably end up even more dissatisfied. 


This was where Nolan came into his own - holding it all together - not sure who will be doing that now.




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Guest bimpy474

Hasn't Steve Wraith already said something that was later to be proven bollocks, if Barton is on twitter I don't see why Simpson wouldn't respond even if they were sitting on each others lap.


He is a massive attention seeking cock.......i hate when he's rolled out on the TV.


He always is 2nd guessing people's thoughts and that every player at NUFC is friends with him.


I have never seen him say anything positive about us either, doomsayer that bloke.

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Agree.  The regime needs to sort out the issues because as you say moving players out won't solve the problem - the remaining players will probably end up even more dissatisfied. 


This was where Nolan came into his own - holding it all together - not sure who will be doing that now.





We shouldn't need a player to sort this out, that should be the managers job but he's possibly part of the problem if Nolan is telling the truth.  It's no good Pardew telling players one thing to keep them happy and then having something different happen.  Having your hopes built up only to then have them knocked back down only makes matters worse, it's easier to not make promises that you can't keep.

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There was always going to be a problem when Joey, a powerful figure in the dressing room, was refused a contract. He's been marginalised, and if he can't exercise influence in a positive manner, he's going to find some other way. He only started tweeting after he was refused a contract.


What he's effectively saying is 'there's a major problem at the club but I'm not allowed to talk about it'. Sorry, Joey, but that's a bullshit statement. If you choose to talk, you have to say exactly what the problems are and give people the chance to respond or make their own minds up. Being vague like that only leads to speculation and worry - which was perhaps his objective.


It was always a concern of mine that he wouldn't be able to handle the position that he's found himself in with the club. It looks like he can't and will have to go.

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Joseph Barton

@TheFurlz do u want the truth? Or something beautiful? If I didn't I say f**k all and pick my money up #helmet


The thing is though (while TheFurlz was being a dick), it's not as if he is even giving us 'the truth', just vague hints at problems which just frustrates the fuck out of everyone.


I hold Joey in high regard, but just can't see this opening volley ending up helping anyone.

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Barton really fancies himself as some sort of revolutionary hero of the people.


Complete moron. Talk about an inflated opinion of ones self.


Then again the way the way some of you have been fawning over him on twitter it's no surprise.


The whole twitter thing is just a disaster. Giving these undeserved idiots a forum to utter any thought that comes into their thick heads is just tragic.

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Barton really fancies himself as some sort of revolutionary hero of the people.


Complete moron. Talk about an inflated opinion of ones self.


Then again the way the way some of you have been fawning over him on twitter it's no surprise.


The whole twitter thing is just a disaster. Giving these undeserved idiots a forum to utter any thought that comes into their thick heads is just tragic.


Spot on. If there's anyone that shouldn't be on twitter, it's Joey Barton. The guy combines the IQ of a sprout with the feeling that he's Che Guevara or something.

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I have never understood how a football club could ban players from using twitter, from a purely legal standpoint surely it's ludicrous?


It's like when they ban them from nights out before a match I guess. Nothing legal but I guess if it gets bad then common sense should show.

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Barton really fancies himself as some sort of revolutionary hero of the people.


Complete moron. Talk about an inflated opinion of ones self.


Then again the way the way some of you have been fawning over him on twitter it's no surprise.


The whole twitter thing is just a disaster. Giving these undeserved idiots a forum to utter any thought that comes into their thick heads is just tragic.


Spot on. If there's anyone that shouldn't be on twitter, it's Joey Barton. The guy combines the IQ of a sprout with the feeling that he's Che Guevara or something.


I reckon he is very intelligent but either has no common sense or his heart completely overpowers his brain.

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Guest neesy111

I have never understood how a football club could ban players from using twitter, from a purely legal standpoint surely it's ludicrous?


Footballers have it written into their contracts their obligations to the club and what they can / can't do with media etc, would be easy to get it banned tbh and more clubs are starting to do it without much fuss.  Also slagging off your employers is a sackable offence with many stories recently about such incidents recently in the news.

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I have never understood how a football club could ban players from using twitter, from a purely legal standpoint surely it's ludicrous?


I don't think the club could ban them easily, they might have to add something to contracts.  They can still discipline them and go far beyond the 2 week fine, I would think they could sack a player if it got too bad.  That's unlikely because of the value of the players but it is possible for them to do it.

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Guest neesy111

Barton really fancies himself as some sort of revolutionary hero of the people.


Complete moron. Talk about an inflated opinion of ones self.


Then again the way the way some of you have been fawning over him on twitter it's no surprise.


The whole twitter thing is just a disaster. Giving these undeserved idiots a forum to utter any thought that comes into their thick heads is just tragic.


Spot on. If there's anyone that shouldn't be on twitter, it's Joey Barton. The guy combines the IQ of a sprout with the feeling that he's Che Guevara or something.


I reckon he is very intelligent but either has no common sense or his heart completely overpowers his brain.


He's a very selfish person when you look at his incidents in the past.

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