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January - What will Ashley do?


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I cannot relax and feel positive about this season until the January window has closed, he will fuck us up nailed on he will sell the likes on Enrique, Smith, Jonas, Nolan & Taylor the man is an utter cunt. IF by some miracle we get the the close of the window with only getting rid of Geremi I will be overjoyd, fk new signings just keep who we have!

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We can only go off his track record. In a relegation battle he quipped we could reach the top 6, and sold first team players. So I imagine he is feeling pretty complacent with our league position and will look to sell if any half-decent offers come in for his players. Hughton won't complain - how can he? He just feels privileged to have the job and won't ask awkward questions. The gaps in the squad will be filled by more loan signings, in the hope we can limp our way to promotion on the cheap. I'd love to be proven wrong, but he's been at the helm long enough, failed to learn his lesson time and time again, that I think we know what to expect.

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Harwoods loan will get extended if Villa will pay a higher proportion towards the £25K per week wages. Simpsons loan will  be extended. Colo might go if anyone comes in at the price stated in the summer, and Kilgallon will come in if he goes, maybe even if he doesn't depending on how Sheff Utd play it.


Club will be marketed "off market" from about March onwards, assuming we're still well clear of third place.

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When all's said and done, no one else has shown enough desire or cash to buy out fat Mike. It's galling that a fat cockney wanker seems to want the club more than anyone else but there it is.


Mate, at £80m for a potentially top 6 Premier League club free of debt, there is a lot of desire to buy out Fat Mike, its just a lot more difficult raising enough to buy the club and fund it as one might think. The only people who are rich enough to buy and fund it without bank finance are the status buyers, and by that I mean the rich Middle East interest. Rest assured, if we're still up for sale and a Premier Laeague club come May, there will be plenty of buyers.

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When all's said and done, no one else has shown enough desire or cash to buy out fat Mike. It's galling that a fat cockney wanker seems to want the club more than anyone else but there it is.


Mate, at £80m for a potentially top 6 Premier League club free of debt, there is a lot of desire to buy out Fat Mike, its just a lot more difficult raising enough to buy the club and fund it as one might think. The only people who are rich enough to buy and fund it without bank finance are the status buyers, and by that I mean the rich Middle East interest. Rest assured, if we're still up for sale and a Premier Laeague club come May, there will be plenty of buyers.


which is why I said desire or cash. I'm sure we would all love a rich owner to come in and start throwing money at the squad but it hasn't happened, and I don't see any reason why it will happen if we go up either. For Ashley to sell it will take a good price and if that was going to happen it would have by now IMO.

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For all the mistakes that made it necessary, I think the club has actually handled the situation we're in pretty well. We've downsized the wage bill by getting rid of underperforming high-earners who didn't want to be here anyway. We haven't brought anyone in, and probably won't bring in anyone in during the January window, but the £20 million per annum that Ashley is still bunging in has been enough to allow us to keep the players we've got, and there has been no fire sale or general meltdown, despite some melodramatic predictions on here. Instead the set-up we currently have is manifestly good enough to get us back up into the Prem and we're on top of the table with a gap beginning to develop between us and the rest.


There are, in short, some reasons to be cheerful, no matter how much people enjoy entertaining worst-case scenarios and moaning like a bunch of auld wifies.


I'm very happy with how things are going on the pitch at the moment but there are plenty of reasons to be concerned given Ashley's track record of getting pretty much every major decision since he arrived wrong. This is a man who, when faced with a relegation battle last season sold two important players, made a profit on sales and hindered our chances of survival. Logic dictates he'd keep the team together to give us the best shot at going up but history suggests he may well not.


There are plenty of reasons to be happy at the moment but it would be naive in the extreme to not be concerned about what will happen in January. Regardless of what you believe re: finances he's shown himself time and time again to be utterly clueless with regards as to what's going on out on the pitch.


That was nowt in comparison to his disastrous managerial appointments.  Zog wasn't important IMO either, he was impotent if that's what you mean.


IMO we'll sell nobody and bring in another loan or two.  If we're very very lucky we'll sell Barton and some club will be desperate enough to take Geremi on a free, but unfortunately thats just not going to happen.

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Hands off our stars warns boss Chris Hughton


Dec 14 2009 by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle



Disastrous, that's nothing more than a backhanded invitation for bids...about as good as sticking up the CLEARANCE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! signs in the shop windows...something Ashley's all too good at doing.

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Hands off our stars warns boss Chris Hughton


Dec 14 2009 by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle



Disastrous, that's nothing more than a backhanded invitation for bids...about as good as sticking up the CLEARANCE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! signs in the shop windows...something Ashley's all too good at doing.


You just HAVE to be taking the piss, surely? :lol:

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For all the mistakes that made it necessary, I think the club has actually handled the situation we're in pretty well. We've downsized the wage bill by getting rid of underperforming high-earners who didn't want to be here anyway. We haven't brought anyone in, and probably won't bring in anyone in during the January window, but the £20 million per annum that Ashley is still bunging in has been enough to allow us to keep the players we've got, and there has been no fire sale or general meltdown, despite some melodramatic predictions on here. Instead the set-up we currently have is manifestly good enough to get us back up into the Prem and we're on top of the table with a gap beginning to develop between us and the rest.


There are, in short, some reasons to be cheerful, no matter how much people enjoy entertaining worst-case scenarios and moaning like a bunch of auld wifies.


I'm very happy with how things are going on the pitch at the moment but there are plenty of reasons to be concerned given Ashley's track record of getting pretty much every major decision since he arrived wrong. This is a man who, when faced with a relegation battle last season sold two important players, made a profit on sales and hindered our chances of survival. Logic dictates he'd keep the team together to give us the best shot at going up but history suggests he may well not.


There are plenty of reasons to be happy at the moment but it would be naive in the extreme to not be concerned about what will happen in January. Regardless of what you believe re: finances he's shown himself time and time again to be utterly clueless with regards as to what's going on out on the pitch.


That was nowt in comparison to his disastrous managerial appointments.  Zog wasn't important IMO either, he was impotent if that's what you mean.


IMO we'll sell nobody and bring in another loan or two.  If we're very very lucky we'll sell Barton and some club will be desperate enough to take Geremi on a free, but unfortunately thats just not going to happen.


Zog would probably have scored a goal, possibly 2 if he'd stayed. That may well have been enough to keep us up. I'd like to lose the wages of Geremi and Barton, but if nobody's going to come in to replace them I'd rather we kept the bodies, the squad is thin and shit enough as it is.

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For all the mistakes that made it necessary, I think the club has actually handled the situation we're in pretty well. We've downsized the wage bill by getting rid of underperforming high-earners who didn't want to be here anyway. We haven't brought anyone in, and probably won't bring in anyone in during the January window, but the £20 million per annum that Ashley is still bunging in has been enough to allow us to keep the players we've got, and there has been no fire sale or general meltdown, despite some melodramatic predictions on here. Instead the set-up we currently have is manifestly good enough to get us back up into the Prem and we're on top of the table with a gap beginning to develop between us and the rest.


There are, in short, some reasons to be cheerful, no matter how much people enjoy entertaining worst-case scenarios and moaning like a bunch of auld wifies.


I'm very happy with how things are going on the pitch at the moment but there are plenty of reasons to be concerned given Ashley's track record of getting pretty much every major decision since he arrived wrong. This is a man who, when faced with a relegation battle last season sold two important players, made a profit on sales and hindered our chances of survival. Logic dictates he'd keep the team together to give us the best shot at going up but history suggests he may well not.


There are plenty of reasons to be happy at the moment but it would be naive in the extreme to not be concerned about what will happen in January. Regardless of what you believe re: finances he's shown himself time and time again to be utterly clueless with regards as to what's going on out on the pitch.


That was nowt in comparison to his disastrous managerial appointments.  Zog wasn't important IMO either, he was impotent if that's what you mean.


IMO we'll sell nobody and bring in another loan or two.  If we're very very lucky we'll sell Barton and some club will be desperate enough to take Geremi on a free, but unfortunately thats just not going to happen.


I agree. Everyone was basically saying the same thing before the close of the summer transfer window with Taylor, Jonas and Coloccini expected to leave but it didn't happen. I think it will be a fairly quiet window this time and we won't sell or buy anyone.

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Hands off our stars warns boss Chris Hughton


Dec 14 2009 by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle



Disastrous, that's nothing more than a backhanded invitation for bids...about as good as sticking up the CLEARANCE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! signs in the shop windows...something Ashley's all too good at doing.


You just HAVE to be taking the piss, surely? :lol:


Many a true word spoken in jest. :pow:

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I actually think we will avoid any major disasters this January.


We might not make any waves, but I think Kilgallon will come in, simpson will stay on and we might nab a couple of loan signings aswell.


I am more worried about the summer, if we do go up.  Thats when im expecting his annual disruptive sale nonsense, which will wreck another pre-season, probably see hughton still in charge and limited incomings and out goings then fighting relegation next season.

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I just don't think Zog was interested in the slightest anymore, he might have scored a goal or he might not but I certainly wouldn't call him important.


Geremi can fuck off even if nobody was replacing him, he's our 6th choice central midfielder and doesn't even get near the pitch while he picks up his £60k+ a week, unfortunately nobody's going to come in for him.  At least he'll be gone next season.


Barton is a difficult one, he certainly had talent and should still have it but he's not showing it, even in this shit league.  When he's not in prison or being shit he's injured and again on £60k+ a week.  I'd rather bring through the likes of LuaLua and Vuckic if neccesary then keep him.

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I just don't think Zog was interested in the slightest anymore, he might have scored a goal or he might not but I certainly wouldn't call him important.


Snipped as I'm only replying to this part - I agree about Zog not being interested but he was one of the few we had who could make something happen out of nothing. Think how close we were to staying up, to lose someone like that, interested or not, could have made all of the difference. One piece of magic that led to a goal against any one of a number of teams would have been enough. It's infuriating really.

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Ashley has pretty much let us down consistently throughout his whole time of owning the club, why expect anything less in January.


Other than failing to sell up to sombody with more money and nous, I don't think Ashley let us down in the summer particularly. He managed to hold onto a far stronger core of players than most were expecting, didn't bow to pressure again by re-hiring Shearer, and has a manager who has with one or two astute loan signings and a good deal of one to one communication, forged a team that despite being just as diverse as ever is clearly more together than they have been in years, something that it would be unfair to put down to winning games alone.


I'm not expecting any decent signings in Jan (nobody worth getting excited about is going to move to a club stuck in the championship), but hopefully we can keep the current squad together and some replacement loan signings to top us up and take us over the line.



/if we don't escape the ccc then summer really will scare me shitless though. :frantic:

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speaking to a couple of Evertonians this morning, reckon Nolan is never away from the North West and the word on the block down

there is he wants to go back to the North West.


At the moment we need him, his goals might make the difference between staying in this division and getting promotion, but next season we should sell him as he'll be over run in the premier. There will probably be some long ball team like Bolton who will gladly have him back assuming they can afford him.

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I just don't think Zog was interested in the slightest anymore, he might have scored a goal or he might not but I certainly wouldn't call him important.


Snipped as I'm only replying to this part - I agree about Zog not being interested but he was one of the few we had who could make something happen out of nothing. Think how close we were to staying up, to lose someone like that, interested or not, could have made all of the difference. One piece of magic that led to a goal against any one of a number of teams would have been enough. It's infuriating really.


I know what you mean, but we could equally say that he might have done even less then his replacement and made us even worse, he was just too shit that season to fret over IMO.

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