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Mike Williamson (now unemployed)

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Stop being a biased, lying little runt.


Less of the little. I'm 6ft 4.



As is Mike Williamson.  Hmmm....


It's more likely to be Stevie Taylor, trying to squeeze an extra couple of inches on.

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Stop being a biased, lying little runt.


Less of the little. I'm 6ft 4.



As is Mike Williamson.  Hmmm....


It's more likely to be Stevie Taylor, trying to squeeze an extra couple of inches on.


Ronaldo: owned by Steven Taylor...

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Some gypo must have put a curse on us a few years back

Our injury record for as long as I can remember has been fucking abysmal


Next time a stinky old lady comes knocking on the board room door, buy whatever she's selling you set of useless cunts!!

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Shame, but at least maybe Perch will get a chance now which he should've gotten a long time ago since he's a much better footballer than Mike Wiliamson.

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