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Obi told: Get out of Toon quick

Guest eyeball_tickler

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players like Martins & Luque are a luxury, they need to be playing in a side that can play to their advantages, not a side desperate to score goals to stay up.


On the contrary, I think its players like them who could save us from relegation. They are the ones who can still up their game a notch without too much effort, unlike the players most relegated sides have who work their nads off and give 110%, but are still not good enough.


i agree, they should be capable of turning on their game and getting the goals, but our current tactics are not suited to seeing either at their best...  obviously that thought is also a luxury at the moment ;)

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I don't see why people are getting upset? those comments are fair enough... the signing of souness showed the ambitions of this club, the replacement roeder, salt in the wound. 


the problem with NUFC is that we think we can just chuck money at problems, we have pissed away so much money it is not funny, we have become a disgrace, an embarasement.


We are the footballing version of the NHS...

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Guest Armchair Pundit

It amuses me that the comments about where Obi should be playing have come from the head of an organisation that couldn't even get the player's age right!  bluelaugh.gif

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No use denying the facts - regardless of how Martins turns out(and the Jury is still well-out on that one), NUFC has become a Club to avoid for top players - look at Luque for example. He may be a sulker, or not really have his heart in it , but his treatment by Roeder has been appalling.

Also, the Nigerian guy was merely voicing what most people outside the North East already know.

Until the club is run professionally , with a LONG-TERM plan both on & off the field, the very best players will continue to avoid signing, or want to be away if they DO join.

All the indignant huffing & puffing by so-called Loyal Supporters is just ostrich stuff to be honest.

You ALL know what the answer is.....

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I think its a disgrace that the head of any FA should make such comments :wullie:

Anyone find an e-mail addy for him ?


I don't know why, but when I read this post I imagined the head of the English FA criticising Real Madrid for not playing Beckham!


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It's fair enough if you ask me


imo there's nothing wrong with his opinion, it's just that at this time he should keep it to himself.  We need Martins to be 100% committed, the last thing we need is someone whispering in his ear (or in this case shouting in the press), "Never mind that lot of losers, get the hell out of town while you still can".  I don't care what other people think, it's the effect on Martins that worries me.

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Martins should change his nationality rather than be associated with a country which can't even qualify for the world cup ahead of Angola, a country with a population a tenth the size of Nigeria's. The Nigerian national team is ruining his international career with its constant underachievement, a team which is supposedly the best in Africa but has only qualified for 3 world cups, never getting past the first knockout stage and only won the African Cup of Nations twice in 25 attempts.


Ditch those losers Obi.

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Guest Latrell

Dear Mr Akanni,


With due respect,trust and humanity,I write this message to you seeking your

help and assistance,though its difficult since we have not met before.I got

your address from the NIGERIAN FA regarding

your business profile and sincerity.I believe that you are capable and

reliable in handling this urgent international transaction of this sort.


I am Latrell ,the first and only son of COMRADE.BORDER

D.MUKHENZE,the Zimbabwean former Minister for Youth & Gender Equality who is

also a businessman and politician,in the Zimbabwean political arena.My

father was the famous politician who stood firm against President Mugabes

idea of continuous fight in Democratic Republic of Congo and my father also

stood against the seizure of white owned farms and the distribution of it to

the blacks without Compesiation to the white owners.Before my father's

death, in his "WILL"he specifically drew my attention to this sum of


UNITED STATE DOLLAR)which he deposited in a safe box of a private security



"MY beloved son,I wish to draw your attention to the sum of


STATE DOLLAR),which I deposited in a box with a security company in

Laygate, South Shields. Incase of my absence on earth caused by

death,only you should solicit for reliable foreign partner to assist you to

transfer this money out of South Shields for investment purpose.I deposited

the money in your name and it can be claimed by you alone with the deposit

code.Your mother has all the document.Take good care of your mother and



]From the above,you will understand that the lives and future of my family

depends on this money,I will be very grateful if you can assist us,we are

now living in South Shields as political asylum seekers and the financial

laws of South Tyneside does not allow asylum seeker certain financial rights

to such huge amount of money.In view of this,I cannot invest this money 

here in Shields, hence I am asking you to assist me transfer this money

out for investment purpose.


For your efforts,am prepared to offer you 25%of the total fund, while 5%will

be set aside for local and international expenses and 70%will be kept by my

family and me.All I want you to do is to furnish me with your entire

personal phone and fax numbers for easy communication.

Note that this transaction is 100% Risk free and absolutely confidential.


By the way, we're not interested in your opinions on Obi.


Looking forward hearing from you.



Yours Faithfully




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Guest nyscooby

We are Holly Oaks.


1 notch below Coronation St.......


That puts us on -1


Oba is utter rubbish and should be dumped anyway, good luck in seria B, thats all i have to say.

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I guess I will take the oppurtunity to introduce myself....probaly the only Nigerian Newcastle man on this forum. And just another man in grief over the state of affairs at the club, even from abroad.


To grasp the hilarity of this story..you need to know the state of Nigerian affairs...and journalism in the country. Do you realise that this guy is not even affiliated with the nigerian FA in any way....shame that skysports couldn't have done a quick research before introducing the whole country to a new NFA chairman. The thing that really annoys me is how quickly our fans turn on our players. I think Oba will find success here and the biggest danger for him is losing his place on the Super Eagles to players like Yakubu, Utaka, Odemwingie, and the other thousand or so Nigerian strikers plying their trade in Europe.


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Guest nyscooby

Oba does actually play like a 30 year old has-been...


Maybe the story about his age was bang on.


No wonder his last club never picked him.

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The United boss broke off his preparations for Saturday's first visit to the Emirates Stadium to tell me today: "Who is this guy? I have never even heard of him.


"Like everyone else in football he is entitled to his opinions, but who wants to hear them? He should keep them to himself.




Sock it to 'em Rocky.

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I don't think Martins came here to play. I think he came to sit, "injured", and get paid a lot of money. He is not the only person - indeed not even the only Nigerian - at this club that i suspect came here for that.


I doubt a 21 year old professional footballer is going to leave a club to sit in the treatment room, why not just stay in Milan!!

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His comments are 100% spot on.


Martins Toon career will go exactly the same way as Jon Dahl Tomasson's, another bright young prospect brought here and expected to play as the main man up front when it just isn't his game.


Like Tomasson he'll go on to be a success somewhere else and pick up trophy's, yet we'll still plod on without a clue and win fuck all.

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